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Selected Meeting Minutes
Village Board Meeting
Sep 04, 2013
PDF Version: 32492_2013-Sep-04_Village Board Meeting.pdf



1. New water rates will take effect September 27, 2013 and APPEAR ON THE FEBRUARY 2014 water bill.

2. Postings of information are in process as PSC Requirements are being completed; your patience is appreciated while the Village/Clerk’s Office completes this process.

3. Please visit www.dorchesterwi.com for updates; as well as www.psc.wi.gov : Docket 1660-WR-102.

Village of Dorchester Finance Committee Meeting

Wednesday, September 4, 2013 6:30 pm Clerk’s Office, 228 W. Washington Ave, Dorchester WI

Chairman Dunlap called meeting to order at 6:37 pm. Present were Chairman Dunlap, Trustees Schwoch and Koncel. Also present were Clerk-Treasurer Heins and President Rau. Bills and vouchers were reviewed; a motion was made by Schwoch, seconded by Koncel to approve bills and vouchers. Motion carried. A motion was made by Schwoch, seconded by Koncel to adjourn. Motion carried. Adjourned 6:50 pm.

Village of Dorchester Board Meeting

Wednesday, September 4, 2013 7:00 pm Clerk’s Office, 228 W. Washington Ave, Dorchester WI

President Rau called meeting to order at 7:01 PM. Pledge of Allegiance was said. Present were Trustees Seubert, Schauer, Kussrow, Dunlap, Schwoch, and Koncel. Also present were Clerk-Treasurer Heins, Chief Gary Leichtman, Rick Golz, Jesse Rieck, Jeremy Haas of MSA, Brian Hedlund of Hedlund Insurance, Tonya Gebert and Kevin O’Brien of the TP.

Review and approve minutes of August 7, 2013 meeting

A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Schauer to approve minutes of the August 7, 2013 meeting. Motion carried.

Review and approve August 2013 Audit Report

A motion was made by Schwoch, seconded by Dunlap to approve August 2013 Audit report.

Public Input

No public input

Mr. Jeremy Haas of MSA to discuss Proposal for Village of Dorchester 2014 Budget and Tax Levy

Jeremy Haas of MSA explained the Professional Services Agreement for $10,000.00 to the village board. The services covered would be 2014 budget including presentations at board meeting, Tax Levy, and TIF re-evaluation. Both TIFs and their financial situation need to be evaluated due to recent projects that have utilized TIF funds and TID #1 is nearing the final year for completion.

Discuss and possible action on MSA Proposal for Village of Dorchester 2014 Budget and Tax Levy

President Rau stated the current budget has $7,000 for budget services with Justin Sornsin. A motion was made by Schauer, seconded by Schwoch to approve MSA Proposal for Village of Dorchester 2014 Budget and Tax Levy for $10,000. Motion carried.

Brian Hedlund of Hedlund Agency, Inc. to present quotes on Employee Health Insurance

Brian Hedlund, Hedlund Agency, Inc. came before the village board to present insurance renewal for Security Health which is the current insurance carrier for the full-time village employee health insurance. Currently the Village pays 80% and full-time employees pay 20%. A 12 month renewal at 3% increase and 14 month renewals with 6.5% increase were presented. Renewing with 14 month renewal will lock in 2 months of premiums at 6.5% increase and postpone the 30% increase due to Affordable Care Act until December 2014. Mr. Hedlund also discussed the manual he developed to assist his clients in an event of an audit which is now a requirement of all companies regardless of size to make sure they are in compliance with Affordable Care Act requirements. He discussed the reporting requirements and employer paperwork requirements now placed upon Clerk-Treasurer Heins. HR Workplace is also a benefit Hedlund Agency, Inc. offers to assist HR duties, hiring dos and don’ts as well as terminations and Employee Manual Handbook reviews.

Discuss and possible action on Employee Health Insurance

No action was taken on this matter. Central States could not attend this scheduled meeting; a special board meeting will be held for Central States to attend and present their insurance proposal to the Village Board sometime in September 2013.

Discuss and approve PSC Rate

The village board reviewed Docket 1660-WR-102 Final Decision received from the PSC (Public Service Commission) in regards to Application of the Village of Dorchester Water Utility, Clark and marathon Counties, Wisconsin, for Authority to Increase Water Rates. This document is found on the Public Service Commission website: www.psc.wi.gov. A motion was made by Kussrow, seconded by Dunlap to accept PSC Final Decision and water rate increase. Motion carried.

Discuss and approve PSC Rate effective date

Discussion was held on effective date of new water rates. Meters will be read on September 24-26, 2013 for bills due November 1 to November 20, 2013. The new water rate will take effect September 27, 2013 and will appear on the FEBRUARY 2014 WATER BILLING.

A motion was made by Schwoch, seconded by Schauer for September 27, 2013 to be effective date of new water rate increase. Motion carried.

Update on Wisconsin’s New Municipal Utility Customer Privacy Law, 2013, Act. 25

President Rau stated the Village of Dorchester is mailing out Water Billing cards in envelopes as required by Act 25 after review by Village Attorney Wachsmuth. Different types of billings may be discussed in the future due to cost of postage and envelopes.

Discuss and approve Building Permit application by Domine Automotive Center, Inc.-address: W166 Cty. Rd. A, Dorchester. Purpose: Put in new driveway and new parking lot area, approved by Jim Jantsch

A motion was made by Kussrow seconded by Seubert to approve building permit application by Domine Automotive Center, Inc. Motion carried.

Discuss and approve Building Permit application by Paulette Meyer-address: 171 S. 4th St., Dorchester. Purpose: Replace old porch, approved by Jim Jantsch

A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Schauer to approve building permit application by Paulette Meyer. Motion carried.

Discuss and approve Building Permit application by Terry Recore-address: 127 S. Front St., Dorchester. Purpose: Move in pre-built steel garage from Meyer Manufacturing lot, approved by Jim Jantsch

President Rau stated replacement of rotted boards near top of building and repainting of building were conditions added to the building permit. The Village Board is requesting review and report of building from Building Inspector Bob Christensen as concerns of safety of the building in regards to anchoring of the structure. Further discussion will take place at a future board meeting.

Ms. Tonya Gebert to discuss a possible Ordinance regarding noises in town

Tonya Gebert appeared before the Village Board to discuss "numerous disturbances" within the Village and request the village board discuss hiring an Assistant or Deputy to patrol when Chief Leichtman is not on duty.

Discuss and possible action on Ordinance regarding noises in town

President Rau stated current budget will be reviewed as well as 2014 budget process will begin shortly. He thanked Ms. Gebert for her concerns and indicated the board will look into options and discuss this matter further at future board meetings.

Dean Faude and Jesse Rieck’s monthly reports

Jesse Rieck stated a new door has been purchased and installed on east side of the shop and currently in process of ordering another door for $2,900 including installation and door openers which the village approved in the current 2013 budget. Jesse also stated lots of projects to complete by end of fall and maintaining current work load. President Rau asked for summery of the Summer Rec Program; it was stated that it "was a success" over 30 children participated and many parents asked if will hold again next summer.

Rick Golz’s monthly report

Rick Golz stated he is waiting for information from Tri State on recent Variable Speed Drive failure at the WWTF. Lightning may have been a factor; testing is being done to determine the cause. A back up or bypass switch is being considered.

Chief Gary Leichtman’s monthly report

Chief Leichtman stated several investigations are in final stages; he will be attending several court dates within the month of September. Village residents will begin to notice patrols will be picking up once again within the village.

Trustee Schwoch to discuss livestock in town

Trustee Schwoch stated a village resident living on 4th Street has chickens and a rooster that is causing disturbances within the village. Chief Leichtman stated he has also received complaints regarding a rooster crowing and confirmed the residence is on 4th Street.

Discuss and possible action on livestock in town

Currently there is not a hard copy of an Ordinance regarding Roosters, Chickens or Livestock in the Village on file at the Clerk’s Office. The Board of Health will review Ordinances from other municipalities and present to the Village Board recommendations for a new Ordinance regarding Livestock within the Village at a future board meeting.

Trustee Schwoch to discuss truck route

Trustee Schwoch discussed the recent purchase of the Bach Property located near the Water Tower in the Village and a possible need for Truck Route due to Semi Truck travel in this area and concerns over possible street/road damage due to semi traffic.

Discuss and possible action on truck route

Chief Leichtman stated he has been in contact with the property owner and recommended the opportunity for this individual to come before the Village Board to discuss their plans and suggestions to work with the Village Board for a positive solution to any possible concerns or conflicts. Chief Leichtman will let the Village Board know what options for a meeting are available after further discussion with the resident.

Trustee Koncel to discuss 250 S. 4th Street property; discuss updates on 127 S Front Street, 356 W Center Ave. and 250 S 4th Street

Trustee Koncel asked if there had been any updates or letters from Building Inspector, Bob Christensen regarding mailings and/or contact from property owners of these properties. Currently the Clerk’s Office has limited correspondence regarding contacts made by Mr. Christensen and the property owners. Trustee Koncel, Chairman of the Board of Health will contact Mr. Christensen for more information. Updates will be provided at a future board meeting.

Discuss and possible action on Bowling Insurance

The Village Board is in process of finding a Manager/New Lessee for the Memorial Hall. Currently LWMMI insurance coverage will cover all bowling incidents for the Village of Dorchester under the current policy for no extra fee as Senior Citizen and League bowling will be starting next week. Once a new manager/lessee is found they will need to secure bowling insurance.

Discuss and possible action on date of next Board meeting

A Special Board meeting may be held within the next few weeks of September regarding insurance information and any other items which the Village Board may need to resolve; no specific date is determined at this time. The next regular monthly board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 2, 2013 at 7:00 pm.


A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Schwoch to adjourn. Motion carried. Adjournment 9:53 pm.

Val Heins

Village Clerk-Treasurer

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