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Village Board Minutes
Oct 02, 2013
PDF Version: 32804_2013-Oct-02_Village Board Minutes.pdf

Village of Dorchester Finance Committee Meeting


Date:  October 2, 2013 (Wednesday)


Time:  6:30 pm


Venue:  Clerk’s office

228 W. Washington Ave., Dorchester




  1. Call meeting to order.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Schwoch at 6:34 PM.


  1. Roll Call


Schwoch, Dunlap and Koncel.


  1. Discussion and action on the bills and vouchers.

A motion was made by Schwoch, seconded by Koncel to approval bills and vouchers as presented.  Motion carried.


  1. Motion to Adjourn.

A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Schwoch to adjourn.  Meeting was adjourned at 6:45 PM


Val Heins








  1. New Water Rate Information will be included with your water bill being mailed out Friday, October 18, 2013.
  2. Trick or Treating – Thursday, October 31, 2013 from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM.  Drive slow! Watch for Children!




Clerk’s Office, 228 W. Washington Ave., Dorchester WI

October 2, 2013 (Wednesday)    7:00 PM




  1. Call meeting to order.

The meeting was called to order at around 7:02 PM.


  1. Pledge of Allegiance.

Pledge of Allegiance was said.


  1. Roll Call.


President Wayne Rau                     Darin Kussrow            Kurt Schwoch

Mike Seubert                                   Karen Dunlap             Deb Koncel    

Daniella Schauer


Dean Faude                                    Justin Sornsin, MSA                           Dan Krause

Rick Golz                                          Jeremy Haas, MSA                              Val Heins - as Secretary

Police Chief Gary Leichtman          Kevin O’Brien – TP Printing                Sue Hanson


Renee Staab                       

  1. Review and approve minutes of September 4, 2013 Board Meeting, and September 18, 2013 Special Board Meeting.

Trustee Koncel stated a motion needs to be corrected on the September 18, 2013 minutes as Trustee names were transposed.  Motion will read as follows:  Trustee Koncel made a motion to approve the 14 month Security Health Insurance proposal from Hedlund Insurance.  Trustee Dunlap seconded.  6/1, motion approved.

A motion was made by Schauer, seconded by Koncel to approve the minutes of September 4, 2013, and corrected September 18, 2013 minutes.  Motion carried.

  1. Review and approve September 2013 Audit Report and Receive October 2013 Audit Report from Village Clerk-Treasurer.

A motion was made by Dunlap, seconded by Schwoch to approve the September 2013 Audit Report.  Motion carried.

  1. Public Input.

No Public input.

  1. Mr. Justin Sornsin of MSA to discuss 2014 Budget.

Mr. Justin Sornsin of MSA discussed the proposed 2014 Budget and Tax Levy Schedule stating has completed 2013 Reconciliation of Revenues and Expenses for about 8 months of data, met with staff, has a current Budget vs. Actual Report, and today is question and answer portion with the Village Board to prepare for Draft Budget presentation at November 6, 2013 board meeting.

Mr. Sornsin feels Village, Water, and Sewer accounts are in fairly good condition, and after numerous years of being heavily subsidized Water and Sewer will be able to stand on their own in 2014.

TIF value has improved, and TIF#1 expires in 2014.  Mr. Sornsin made a recommendation to the Village Board to “physically put aside” funds two(2) times a year when largest revenue increases occur due to tax collection and aids for future capital replacement and/or building upgrades.  This process has funds protected as well as Board then has to make decision of re-prioritization due to emergency use of funds.

Mr. Sornsin stated no Large Capital purchases by any employees requests this year; Chief Leichtman worked with Mr. Sornsin on the request and need for part-time assistance.  24 hours a week additional coverage for week for the rest of 2013 the Village can fund.

Current financial situation of the Village could provide the employees a 3-4.50% wage increase, which is factoring in the 2% increase to full-time insurance eligible employees already approved by the Board.

  1. Discuss and possible action on 2014 Budget.

Real time changes can be made at the November 6, 2013 Draft Budget Presentation.  The Employee Committee will meet to discuss wage increases and make a recommendation to the Village Board at the November 6, 2013 meeting.



  1. Mr. Jeremy Haas of MSA to present Grant Application for Linden Street project.

Mr. Jeremy Haas of MSA presented a Project funding schedule for South Linden Street.  Village Board approves proceeding with MSIN October 30, 2013 application.  MSIN Grant will fund 50% of the project at total of $275,000 grant funds for Linden Roadway Reconstruction CTH-A, 2nd Ave. and 2nd Ave. upgraded for semi and turns.

  1. Discuss and approve Grant Application for Linden Street project.

A motion was made by Kussrow, seconded by Schwoch to approve MSA Grant application for Linden Street Project.  Motion carried.

  1. Discuss and approve Pay Application for Steen Construction regarding Third Ave/Washington Ave. Project.

Mr. Haas provided the Village Board a project update on Third Avenue/Washington Utility Project.  Water and Sewer have been installed along Washington Ave.; all houses and businesses except Clerk’s Office have been reconnected to the new water main.  Clerk’s Office is to be reconnected by end of the week.  Contractor’s Application for Payment No. 1 is for $63,743.85 with 10% Retainage. 

A motion was made by Dunlap, seconded by Schwoch to approve Application for Payment to Steen Construction for $63,743.85.  Motion carried.

  1. Planning Commission Chairman, Dan Krause to discuss Planning Commission recommendations on land transfers and/or easements on Third Avenue between the Village of Dorchester and Park Properties, Inc.

The Village of Dorchester must own the property that work will be completed on.  There is a proposal to swap land parcels between Park Properties and the Village of Dorchester.  The Planning Commission recommends the following land transfers:

         From Park Properties, Inc. to the Village of Dorchester –       Parcel “B”

         From Village of Dorchester, Inc.  to Park Properties -            Parcel “A”

A copy of S-1451 map will appear at the conclusion of the minutes.                   

  1. Discuss and possible action on land transfers and/or easements on Third Avenue between the Village of Dorchester and Park Properties, Inc.

A motion was made by Kussrow, seconded by Schauer to approve recommendations of the Planning Commission on land transfers and/or easements on Third Avenue between the Village of Dorchester and Park Properties, Inc.

  1. Planning Commission Chairman, Dan Krause to discuss State of Wisconsin mandated Joint Powers Agreement between the Village of Dorchester and Marathon County E-911 System.

Planning Commission Chairman Krause asked Chief Leichtman to place provide more information on the State of Wisconsin mandated Joint Powers Agreement between the Village of Dorchester and Marathon County E-911 System.  Chief Leichtman explained this document provides the power to “call them over the line”.  Emergency Service vehicles dispatched in response to a request through the E-911 shall render its services regardless of whether the vehicle is operating outside normal jurisdictional boundaries.

  1. Discuss and possible action on State of Wisconsin mandated Joint Powers Agreement between the Village of Dorchester and Marathon County E-911 System.

A motion was made by Schauer, seconded by Schwoch to approve the State of Wisconsin mandated Joint Powers Agreement between the Village of Dorchester and Marathon County E-911 System.  Motion carried.

  1. Discuss and approve Application for Operator’s License by Lindsey Nicole Hochmuth at Heartland C-Store.

A motion was made by Schauer, seconded by Koncel to approve Operator’s License application by Lindsey Nicole Hochmuth at Heartland C-Store.   Motion carried.

  1. Discuss and approve Building Permit application by Lance Ludwig-address: 315 W Viking Ave. Purpose: Build new garage, approx. size 28x38, approved by Jim Jantsch.

A motion was made by Seubert, seconded by Kussrow to approve Building Permit application by Lance Ludwig – address: 315 W Viking Ave. Purpose: Build new garage approx. size 28x38.  Motion carried.

  1. Discuss and approve Building Permit application by Steve and Sharon Mergen-address: 107 W Apollo Ave. Purpose: build new cupboards, approved by Jim Jantsch.

A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Schwoch to approve Building Permit application by Steve and Sharon Mergen-address: 107 W Apollo Ave. Purpose: Build new cupboards.  Motion carried.

  1. Dean Faude and Jesse Rieck’s monthly reports.

Dean Faude gave a description of current work/projects in process; he stated sealing manholes and tree cutting.  Pres. Rau asked about the recent services of RR Ways System Cleaning within the Village.  Mr. Faude stated sewer lines were cleaned removing roots, gravel and rock.  Mr. Faude also mentioned in discussion with County for possible grant $ for road improvements on County A.

  1. Rick Golz’s monthly report.

Rick Golz stated meter readings are going well.  A report on the recent variable Speed Drive Failure at the WWTF should be received soon.

  1. Discuss and possible action on replacement meters for businesses in Industrial Park.

Brief discussion was held on meter replacement.  Rick Golz stated costs are being factored into 2014 budget.  Meters can be purchased in November and pain for in January 2014.  New meters are about the same as repair/replacement, however, new meters have current new technology and perform better. 

  1. Discuss and possible action on purchase of new water meters.

Further discussion will be held on the subject at future budget presentation board meeting.


  1. Chief Gary Leichtman’s monthly report.

Chief Leichtman stated he has had discussions with a few agencies regarding “sharing” of additional Police Coverage.  Trustee Seubert asked if Chief Leichtman felt Part-Time assistance was enough help or did he feel a full-time employee would be beneficial.  Chief Leichtman stated national average is 1 police for 500 people.  Need is there, however financially looking at options to best fit Village of Dorchester needs and will present options to the Village Board at a future meeting.

  1. Discuss and possible action on truck route.

Brief discussion was held on a draft Truck Route Map.  There are questions of short-term route options as pertain to Dorchester Days.  This matter has been given to the Public Works, Village Buildings & Utilities Committee for further discussion and recommendations to the Village Board.

  1. Discuss updates on 127 S Front Street.

Pres. Rau stated he has spoken with Terry Recore and reminded him of demolition deferment to November 7, 2013.   Deb Koncel, Chairman of Board of Health will contact Bob Christensen, Building Inspector, to further discuss razing order/process.

  1. Discuss and possible action on Hwy 13 signs.

Trustee Dunlap stated she was asked if the Village has ever considered Hwy 13 sign that advertises our local businesses.  Brief discussion was held on Billboards and what approval may be needed at the State level.  Public Works, Village Buildings & Utilities Committee will meet to further discuss and make recommendations to the Village Board.

  1. Discuss and possible action on date of next Board meeting.

No discussion or action taken.


  1. Adjournment.     

A motion was made by Dunlap, seconded by Schauer to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Meeting was adjourned at

8:46 PM.





Val Heins





/uploads/ckfiles/files/Land Easements between Park Properties and Village of Dorchester.pdf


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