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Selected Meeting Minutes
Special Board Meeting
Jun 27, 2013
PDF Version: 30663_2013-Jun-27_Special Board Meeting.pdf



1. Wednesday and Thursday Nights ICE CREAM is for sale down at the Park Ball Diamond Concession Stand for the summer.

2. All CASH PAYMENTS to the Clerk’s Office- please pay exact amount.

Village of Dorchester Board Meeting

Thursday, June 27, 2013 7:00 pm Clerk’s Office, 228 W. Washington Ave, Dorchester WI

President Rau called meeting to order at 7:07 PM. Pledge of Allegiance was said. Present were Trustees Kussrow, Schwoch, and Koncel. Clerk-Treasurer Heins was also present.

Discuss and approve Sidewalk bids for 2nd Street:

Discussion was held on sidewalk bids from Kevin Boyer Concrete LLC and Up North Concrete for repairs of sidewalks on east side of 2nd Street. Lower bid was for sidewalk for 2nd Street starting Center Ave to 1st Ave. Higher bid was for all of 2nd Street, East side of the street only. A motion was made by Kussrow, seconded by Koncel to approve Kevin Boyer Concrete LLC $5, 925.00 for sidewalk repairs entire East side of S. 2nd Street. Motion carried.

Discuss and approve oil station:

More information and options need to be obtained; this item will be discussed at a future board meeting.

Discuss and approve Class B Retail License for the Sale of Fermented Malt Beverages and Intoxicating Liquors by the Memorial Community Hall, LLC- Rick Rinehart, Agent. A motion was made by Kussrow, seconded by Koncel to approve Class B Retail License for the Sale of Fermented Malt Beverages and Intoxicating Liquors by the Memorial Community Hall, LLC- Rick Rinehard, Agent. Motion carried.

Discuss and approve applications for Operator’s Licenses for: Fuzz’s Tavern: Julie Grahmann; Dorchester Park Corp: Janice Block; Memorial Hall: Rick Rinehart, Maggie Geiger, Adam Geiger and Kelly Uhlig. A motion was made by Schwoch, seconded by Kussrow to approve Operator Licenses for: Fuzzy’s Tavern: Julie Grahmann; Dorchester Park Corp: Janice Block; Memorial Hall: Rick Rinehart, Maggie Geiger, Adam Geiger and Kelly Uhlig. Motion carried.

Discuss and approve building permit application by Dennis Bach, address: 225 S. 2nd Street, Dorchester, as approved by Zoning Administrator, Mr. Jim Jantsch Purpose: Tear off existing porch and replace with 8X14 enclosed porch. A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Schwoch to approve building permit application by Dennis Bach, address: 225 S. 2nd Street, Dorchester, as approved by Zoning Administrator, Mr. Jim Jantsch Purpose: Tear off existing porch and replace with 8X14 enclosed porch. Motion carried.

Discuss and possible action on Purchase of Sensus 5005 Master Charging Stand. Discussion was held on the purchase of the master charging stand for the new water reading equipment. DPW Rick Golz has also secured a verbal agreement with the Municipalities of Stetsonville, Abbotsford, and Medford to borrow their Master Stand in case of emergency. A motion was made by Kussrow, seconded by Koncel to approve purchase of Sensus 5005 Master Charging Stand for $750.00. Motion carried.


A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Schwoch to adjourn. Motion carried. Adjournment 7:38 pm.

Val Heins

Village Clerk-Treasurer

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