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Selected Meeting Minutes
Village Board Meetig
Sep 05, 2012
PDF Version: 23540_2012-Sep-05_Village Board Meetig.pdf



  1.  COMING SOON:  CLERK’S OFFICE HOURS – Watch for Announcement
  2. When paying bills with CASH, please pay with exact change, no large bills.
  3. We’re working hard on updating our website.  Please visit us at www.dorchesterwi.com





Chairman Karen Dunlap called the meeting to order at 6:45 PM.  Present were Chairman Dunlap, Trustees Kurt Schwoch and Debra Koncel.  Also present were Trustee Mike Seubert, Val Heins as Secretary, and Deputy Clerk Sue Hanson.  Submitted bills and vouchers were reviewed, discussed, and approved for payment.  Motion was made by Trustee Koncel, seconded by Trustee Schwoch to adjourn the meeting.  Meeting was adjourned at 6:50PM





Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  The meeting was called to order by President Dan Krause at 7:05 PM. 


            President Dan Krause                         Kurt Schwoch                          Debra Koncel

            Karen Dunlap                                      Mike Seubert                          Wayne Rau     

            Daniella Schauer


            Larry Gotham – Morgan Parmley, Ltd.          Clement Safranek – MSA

            Kevin O’Brien – TP Printing                            Officer Gary Leichtman

            Sarah Serrano                                                             Dean Faude

            Jesse Rieck                                                      Val Heins - as Secretary

            Sue Hanson – as Asst. Secretary


            Carol Staab                                                     Judi Bedroski – represented St. Peter’s Church

            Joe Serrano

Minutes of August 9, 2012 was reviewed by the Board. A motion was made by Trustee Dunlap, seconded by Trustee Schauer to approve the minutes of the Board Meeting held on August 9, 2012.  Motion carried.


August, 2012 Audit Report was reviewed. September 2012 was also submitted by Clerk-Treasurer Heins to the Board members for review.  A motion was made by Trustee Rau, seconded by Trustee Dunlap to approve  August 2012 Audit Report.  Motion carried.


A motion was made by Trustee Schauer, seconded by Trustee Koncel to approve the Building Permit from Cornerstone Chapel,  424 E. Center Ave., regarding 20’ x 30’ Addition for $14,000.00.  Motion carried.


St. Peter’s Church’s request to use fireworks during their 2013 picnic was discussed.  Villager Judi Bedroski who represented the church advised the Board that the date she gave us initially (Sept. 5, 2013) was incorrect, and that it should be August 4th, 2013.  She stated that she spoke to the Park Board President, Mr. Ron Robida about the use of the Park.  According to Ms. Bedroski, Mr. Robida approved their request to use the Park provided the fireworks must end by 10:00 PM.  Issuance of permit to use fireworks at the event was discussed.  Per Officer Leichtman, it should be obtained from the Clerk’s Office.  Ms. Bedroski also stated that they will light the fireworks themselves.  A motion was made by Trustee Rau, seconded by Trustee Schwoch to approve the request of St. Peter’s Church to use fireworks during the group picnic to be held at the Dorchester Park on August 4th, 2013 which must end by 10:00 PM per Park Board approval.  Motion carried.


Mr. Dean Faude was asked to give his monthly report.  Mr. Faude stated that the bad seal was fixed for the Storm Sewer at Kennedy Street.  He also stated that it takes 1 week to flush the hydrants. Mr. Jesse Rieck, reported that he changed oil filters and greased the “Elgin” Sweeper for use in the Fall.  He stated that a new shoot is needed for the hopper as it was already wearing out, and stating that it was mostly the gravel and sand that ruin the parts.  He got an estimate for $821.03 from Bruce Municipal Equipment, Menomonee Falls for a new one.  Possible repair of the shoot was deliberated.  Repairing it, per Mr. Rieck, may only cost $200-300.  Mr. Seubert recommended having the shoot repaired for lesser cost. They would have Hoover Metals out in Curtiss to do the repair.  A motion was made by Trustee Schwoch, seconded by Trustee Seubert to have the hopper shoot repaired with cost not to exceed $821.03.  Motion carried.


Trustee Rau reported to the Board about the information he gathered on seasonal employee for the Public Works Department, like the hourly wage.  A question was raised if there was an ok from the worker’s comp for Mr. Rick Golz to work within the next few weeks. It was moved by Trustee Koncel, seconded by Trustee Schwoch to approve the hiring of Frank Pagel as Seasonal Employee to assist Public Works Department for 3-4 weeks at $16.00/hour subject to background check.  Motion carried.


Officer Gary Leichtman reported that the IR Device is not working in one of the security cameras.  Because of the latest reported incidents on September 3rd, 2012, he highly recommended that security cameras must be placed in spots where it is inaccessible to be able to record all in view.  The matter will be reviewed further for improvement of the cameras.


The Police Committee was requested to state their recommendations regarding the Dorchester Police Department.  Ms. Sarah Serrano reported the following:  A) That they are about $3,000-4,000 short to purchase the squad computer (mdc). This is something Officer Leichtman would need for 2013. His squad is already wired for his computer. Clark County has grants available for different towns for the squad computer, but Dorchester Police Department did not get one.  She’ll check with Clark County for Dorchester grant.  Marathon County may have an extra computer, and could ask them for assistance about it;  B) Needs Offsite Back-Up for Officer Leichtman’s computer, so that other officers could receive his calls/messages and respond right away;  C)  Possibility of making arrangements with the Taylor County Jail for Officer Leichtman to be able to do bookings at the Taylor County which is closer, instead of the Wausau and Neillsville, but would not work unless it is a booking and releasing, plus Taylor County will need to charge fees for housing inmates;   D) Officer Leichtman needs a larger Evidence Area.   She mentioned about the top floor space at the Clerk’s Office as a possibility.   Said Evidence Room must be locked in a cage for optimal security;   E) Defibrillator in squad car.  F) Repeater Tower for radio transmitting.   She stated that Taylor County is currently in the process of acquiring a brand new one.  She stated that it is important for Dorchester to get one for Officer Leichtman.  G) Siren Tower for sounding different messages depending on warnings being issued. She mentioned having this technology will help everybody in the force to have immediate access to Officer Leichtman’s calls and messages. Trustee Schwoch asked if we have budget for these.  The Board requested for the Police Committee to start making  a “Budget Wish List” to be submitted to the Board at the next meeting.


Committees and appointments were discussed.  The following Committees were hereby reviewed and approved by the Board:

                                                Emergency Management Committee

                        Gary Leichtman, Local Police – Chairman     Rick Rinehart, Fire Chief

                        John Staab, EMT Coordinator                           Dean Faude – Village Public Works Department

                        Dan Krause – Village President                      Val Heins – Village Clerk-Treasurer


                                                Economic Development Committee

                        Dan Krause – Chairman                                  Jim Jantsch

                        Jim Maurina                                                    Wayne Rau

It was recommended that the Emergency Management Committee to review and update the plan.  A motion was made by Trustee Koncel, seconded by Trustee Schauer to approve the names of the Committees and appointments of the members as stated on the submitted list. Motion carried.


President Krause advised the Board that the Library’s 2012 Budget was $40,000.00, and that she would recommend for her 2013 Preliminary Budget to be $41,000.00.  The Library’s yard/lawn was discussed.  The lawn repair would cost $12.00/yd. for topsoil and seeding.  It was decided to table the following to the next Board meeting:  1)  Chip Seal & Patching - $15,000.00;  2)  Black Top Patching - $15,000.00.  Further information and discussion are needed for this subject.  Public Works Committee was advised to keep on working on their Budget items.


Mr. Larry Gotham of Morgan Parmley, Ltd. discussed prices for certain change order upgrades from Steen Construction.  He went over the list of items on the Change Order No. 6 Proposal B, totaling to $19,161.15.  He also explained briefly how the works would be done.  He stated that once the quote is approved, the Village would still have $63,941.51 Contingency Funds available after the $19,161.15. Per question raised by President Krause, Mr. Gotham stated that this is 100% Grant.  A motion was made by Trustee Schauer, seconded by Trustee Dunlap to approve the Change Order No. 6 Contract B, Project: Dorchester Utility Improvements WWTF totaling to $19,161.15. Motion carried.  President Krause then signed the Order in front of the Board.


 The Body also discussed with Mr. Larry Gotham the job quotes on repairing old manholes by Steen for brand new ones which would cost between $400-$450.00/foot, with the following depths:  8’-10’, 10’-12’ and 14’-16’.  He mentioned the option with the Subcontractors, Infratech Corp. who would do the “relining” method, redo the bottom, dig down 2’-3’ deep, 4’-5’ in diameter around the top, put a casting on the existing manhole, fill and concrete-seal the top, would cost only approximately $350.00/foot.  This method would save the Village about a $100.00-$150.00/ft.  These savings could then be used for some other necessary expenses. Mr. Gotham advised the Board that if the cheaper method would be used, they would have to go thru the whole bidding procedures again to the end approval by Rural Development.  Mr. Gotham also asked the Board as to how much money they are willing to spend for this project.  The Front Street paving was also mentioned, that it was not paved yet.  The recommended amount for the expense was approximately $43,000 of the $63,000 from the funds available.  After more deliberations, the board decided to assign Mr. Dean Faude, Rick Golz to work with Mr. Gotham on prioritizing the projects and submit information at the next Board meeting. 


CDBG House-to-House Income Survey was discussed.  Mr. Clement Safranek advised the Body that 87 surveys came back, and 61% or 53 of which have qualified as low to moderate income.  He stated per his report that in order to qualify for a CDBG grant, at least 51% of the Village households need to respond as having household income in the low to moderate income range, total of 148 households.  He highly recommended that Board members and personnel must walk house-to-house to gather the survey, and must be completed by September 30th, 2012, so that the grant can be applied for in October, 2012.  It was moved by Schwoch, seconded by Seubert to participate in the house-to-house survey to complete it and to meet the September 30th deadline given.  Motion carried.


Mr. Clement Safranek also discussed the Housing Committee Meeting Report held on August 27, 2012.  The Revolving Loan Fund has a current balance of $37,852.50.  After the $16,800.00 housing rehabilitation loan granted to Homeowner #46, the remaining excess balance is $20,000.00 in the Revolving Loan Fund.  This amount can be loaned to qualified low to moderate income homeowners who may need any home repairs, like roofing.  A possible flyer on this subject with the Income Survey was suggested to be posted on different public bulletin boards.  Applicants may obtain application forms at the Clerk’s Office. 


Mr. Clement Safranek presented to the Board the 2013 MSA Budget and Tax Levy Assistance Proposal.  He advised the Village Clerk-Treasurer to take note that Mr. Justin Sornsin is in Marshfield every Thursday, and that he can be available for us when he’s needed.  A motion was made by Rau, seconded by Koncel to approve the services to be rendered by MSA for 2013 MSA Budget and Tax Levy Assistance Proposal not to exceed $12,541.00.  Motion carried.


Mr. Rau discussed the different informational signs for the Village.  Businesses like Meyer do their own green lighted signs, 24 x 24, with their board approval.  It was moved by Trustee Seubert, seconded by Trustee Schauer to approve the purchase of informational sign with cost not to exceed $750.00.  Motion carried.


Discussion on the Sale of Village-owned land to Seubert, Inc. was deliberated with the Planning Committee.  Trustee Seubert advised the board that the tentative closing date is on September 14th, 2012, and that survey and zoning must be done to know the classification of the property before closing.  A motion was made by Trustee Koncel, seconded by Trustee Schwoch to execute Developer’s Agreement to sell the Village-owned land to Seubert, Inc., all remaining interest in the Southern half of the parcel for $1.00 with a perpetual easement 30 feet wide to access the remaining acreage, and building $300,000 plus to be built on this parcel pending survey.  Buyer is to pay all expenses incurred to survey and incurred in the sale of the parcel.  Motion carried.  Trustee Seubert abstained.


Trustee Rau discussed the Memorial Hall improvements, equipment and repairs.  He showed to the Board the quotes on gas stoves comparing the quality and prices or 24” and 36” commercial type gas  ranges.  A motion was made by Trustee Seubert, seconded by Trustee Koncel to approve the purchase of 36” Imperial IR-6 Cabinet Base Model not to exceed $1,950.00.  Motion carried.


Trustee Rau also discussed the  Electronic Eye for the Bowling Lanes at the Memorial Hall.  Trustee Rau mentioned that the cost to have the Electronic Eye is approximately $300.00/lane.  Trustee Schwoch stated that is would be a good investment to have the electronic eyes on those bowling lanes. Trustee Rau stated that he submitted the recommended changes on the lease to Atty. Wachsmuth, but did not receive a response yet.  He went over the items on the list with several changes being recommended.  Further discussion and recommendations from Village Attorney will be needed at this point, and will be presented at the next Board meeting.


Dorchester Dam Project was deliberated.  It was stated that the job had a 1 year warranty, but claims or letter to the contractor seeking for the cracks to be fixed was sent after the 1 year had elapsed. President Krause advised the Board of other updates involving Tiry Engineering, Inc.  No action taken.


Trustee Schwoch discussed with the Board the changes in the Employee Handbook and Employee Residency.  President Krause together with the members looked at the different city/town/village clerk offices’ work schedules and residency requirements.  Trustee Dunlap moved, seconded by Trustee Koncel to review further, and to table the Employee Handbook changes to the next Board meeting.  Motion carried.


Clerk’s Office Hours and work schedule for employees was discussed.  A motion was made by Trustee Schauer, seconded by Trustee Koncel that office hours at the Clerk-Treasurer’s Office  will be open to public from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM 5 days/week.  Motion carried.  It was also moved by Trustee Dunlap, seconded by Trustee Koncel to table the change in Employee Residency requirements for further discussion at the next Board Meeting.  Motion carried.


Employee Committee discussed the Employees' medical, dental, vision and short-term disability benefits.  Received quote comparisons were presented to the Board for review.   Suggestions and concerns were raised.  Based on the quote submitted, HRA Plan offer by the Central State SE/SW will save the Village approximately $14,000.00 which can be used for other necessary expenses.  Hedlund Insurance offer was $78,000, whereas Central State offer was $70,000, both with all the benefits mentioned. Monthly premiums would be based on the percentage of the hourly wage of any “interested only” employees.  It is not mandatory for employees to take the whole package. They can pick and choose, what benefits they want to take.  Premiums are normally locked within the first three (3) years, and automatically increase every year. Said premium increase is calculated based on the number of  claims received, but normally 3%/year.  Companies can also have more than one (1) insurance plan to utilize.  It was decided to wait for the result of the next meeting of Mr. Dean Faude with the Union Representative, and will discuss the matter further at the next Board Meeting.


There was no closed session.


The next monthly Board Meeting is October 3, 2012 (Wednesday).


Thereby having no other matters discussed, a motion was made by Trustee Schauer, seconded by  Trustee Koncel to adjourn the meeting.  The meeting was adjourned at 10:36 PM.   




Sue Hanson

Deputy Clerk-Treasurer

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