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Selected Meeting Minutes
Village Board Meeting
Oct 03, 2012
PDF Version: 24193_2012-Oct-03_Village Board Meeting.pdf




  1. Trick or Treating on October 31st, 2012 (Wednesday) - 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM. 
  2. Neighborhood Watch Form is available at the Clerk’s Office and  on our website www.dorchesterwi.com.
  3. When paying bills with CASH, please pay with exact change, no large bills.
  4. CDBG Funds available. Contact Kari Justmann at 1-800- 552-6330.





Chairman Karen Dunlap called the meeting to order at 6:46 PM.  Present were Chairman Dunlap, Trustees Kurt Schwoch and Debra Koncel.  Also present were Trustee Mike Seubert, Val Heins as Secretary, and Deputy Clerk Sue Hanson.  Submitted bills and vouchers were reviewed, discussed, and approved for payment.  Motion was made by Trustee Dunlap, seconded by Trustee Koncel to adjourn the meeting.  Meeting was adjourned at 6:52PM





Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  The meeting was called to order by President Dan Krause at 7:03 PM. 


            President Dan Krause                         Kurt Schwoch                          Debra Koncel

            Karen Dunlap                                      Mike Seubert                          Wayne Rau     

            Daniella Schauer


            Atty. Bonnie Wachsmuth                    Officer Gary Leichtman          Sue Hanson – as Asst. Secretary

            Kevin O’Brien – TP Printing                Rick Golz

            Dean Faude                                         Sarah Serrano

            Jesse Rieck                                          Val Heins - as Secretary



Approval of September 5, 2012 Minutes of Meeting:  Minutes of September 5, 2012 was reviewed by the Board. A motion was made by Trustee Schauer, seconded by Trustee Schwoch to approve the minutes of the Board Meeting held on September 5, 2012.  Motion carried.


Approval of September 2012 Audit Report:  September 2012 Audit Report was reviewed. October 2012 Audit Report was also submitted by Clerk-Treasurer Heins to the Board members for review.  A motion was made by Trustee Dunlap, seconded by Trustee Schauer to approve  September 2012 Audit Report.  Motion carried.


Approval of Operator’s License for Elizabeth Hartl:  A motion was made by Trustee Koncel, seconded by Trustee Rau to approve the Operator’s License for Elizabeth Hartl of Point-O-Eight.  Motion carried.


Approval of TDS Telecom Business Address:  A motion was made by Trustee Koncel, seconded by Trustee Schwoch to approve the current business address of TDS Telecom as 114 S 2nd Street, Dorchester, WI 54421, with telephone number (715)748-4880.  Motion carried.


Village of Dorchester Listings and Village information in the Medford area TDS Phone Directory:  President Krause showed the Board the different telephone listings of different towns including Dorchester Village in phone books.  Dorchester has only 3 listings on TDS book, and showing that the Clerk’s Office is under “Dorchester Village Hall” at address 188 S 2nd Dorchester, instead of a separate listing with correct address.  He also mentioned that there is no community map photo for the Village in the book.  President Krause stated that the deadline of submitting changes is July, and that he had met with the representatives before.  At this point, the subject was decided to be discussed again sometime in the near future.


Approval of Building Permit Application by Keith and Stacy Meyer, 302 N 2nd St., Dorchester, WI 54421 for $13,000:  A motion was made by Trustee Koncel, seconded by Trustee Schauer to approve the Building Permit application of Keith and Stacy Meyer, at address 302 N. 2nd Street, Dorchester, WI 54421 with estimated cost of improvement as $13,000.  Motion carried.


Dean Faude and Jessie Rieck Reports:

A.  Mr. Dean Faude reported that the 1956 Fire Truck brakes went out.  They were in the process of fixing it and so with the carburetor and the jetter. 

b.  Street Sweeper Repairs and Sewer Line Cleaning:  Mr. Dean Faude reported that they dugged up the lawn at 166 N 2nd Street, Dorchester, as the sewer was full of roots that went thru the pipes.  They cut the roots out, and drove new pipe to the main sewer.  The homeowner will be paying for the cleanup.  Mr. Faude also reported that they lowered the manholes at the Industrial Park.  So far, they have completed 5 manholes, and 2 more in the process.  They also flushed the hydrants.  Oium Blacktop Co. will be patching the 8x8 and 6x6 manholes, estimating sometime this month or the next.  Mr. Jesse Rieck reported that the Sweeper parts were put together.  They should start with the street sweeping sometime next week.  He also reported that Al Bach has been using the dried leaves for bedding.  After some more deliberations, a motion was made by Trustee Schwoch, seconded by Trustee Seubert to approve payment on Invoice# 420 dated September 14, 2012 from R&R Waste Systems Cleaning, Inc., in the amount of $9,211.40 regarding 8,374 Cleaning 6,8, or 10” sewer main.  Motion carried.  A motion was also made by Trustee Schwoch, seconded by Trustee Seubert to approve payment on Invoice# 0140654-IN from Zarnoth Brush Works, Inc. dated September 10, 2012 in the amount of $540.00 for the repairs of EL-1011454 Suction Nozzle Hose.  Motion carried.


Rick Golz Monthly Report/ Water Treatment Facility Exhaust Stacks/HVAC System Repairs: Trustee Rau reported to the Board that we need to replace venting on three Reznor heating units. Per Mr. Rick Golz,  the Public Works, Village Buildings & Utilities Committee is recommending Frank Beran of Beran Diversified Elec. & Heating to do the replacing of the intake/exhaust venting system. It was stated that Mr. Frank Beran recommended using stainless steel  that will last about 20 years or more.  During the deliberations, President Krause asked if the services of Mr. Frank Pagel will still be needed.  All the shop gentlemen responded positively to the question.  Mr. Dean Faude stated that Mr. Pagel assists them also at the shop with other responsibilities.  A motion was made by Trustee Schwoch, seconded by Trustee Koncel to approve the services of Beran Diversified Elec. & Heating  to replace and install new vent systems at the Water Treatment Facility, reference Statement/Estimate # 4794 dated September 25, 2012 not to exceed $1,850.00.  Motion carried.


Cross-Connection Control Program:  Mr. Rick Golz advised the Board about the services of HydroDesigns on the Cross-Connection Control Program.  Trustee Rau suggested that it will be more convenient and efficient to have HydroDesigns perform the services as they do all the paperwork at the same time.  It was mentioned that HydroDesigns serve quite a few villages or towns. The contract proposal cost was decreased to $1,740/year, compared to the previous $4,800/year. This contract is for 2013 and 2014 76 initial inspections.  A motion was made by Trustee  Schauer, seconded by Trustee Dunlap to approve the 2-year comprehensive contract with HydroDesigns, Inc. to render services to the Village of Dorchester on the Cross-Connection Control Program not to exceed $3,480.00 total cost ($1,740.00/annum).  Motion carried.


Officer Gary Leichtman Monthly Report:  Officer Gary Leichtman reported to the Board about the fuel expenses for the Police Car.  He stated that only “Premium” grade fuel is being used for the squad car.  He recommended that it was better to have an individual gas card for the squad car/Police Department, and the other departments as well.  Having a gas card for the Police Department may save the Village about $400-500/year, which can possibly be applied to other Police Department budget and expenses.  Officer Leichtman will be checking on this further, and will advise the Board of updates. It was also raised by Trustee Rau that having individual gas cards will definitely be helpful, as it distinguishes who the users are.  Trustee Schwoch recommended to table the topic on gas card issuance to individual employees for the next Board meeting.


Barking Dogs in the Village of Dorchester:  Barking Dogs in the Village was discussed because of some concerns on a dog in the north end of the Village neighborhood, which kept on barking even late at night, and not being reprimanded or controlled by dog owner/s.  President Krause discussed briefly the Section 4, Ordinance 101 about  “Removal of Barking Dogs”.  Officer Gary Leichtman advised the Board of the Police Department’s role of implementing disciplinary actions on barking dog owners.  He also suggested bark collars to be recommended to dog owners, cost of which ranges from $180.00 to 185.00 each.  Atty. Bonnie Wachsmuth advised the Board that the Ordinance must include “citation” language, and she will prepare it for the Board.  Atty. Wachsmuth will present it to the Board, and is hereby tabled for the next Board meeting.


Police Committee Budget Wish List for the Police Department:  Ms. Sarah Serrano reported to the Board the 2013 Budget Wish List for the Police Department, originally totaling to $68,319.00, but she missed adding manpower services to about $1,000, so, overall total should read $69,319.00.  The budget for the fuel consumption of the squad car in 2009 was $2,500, and Ms. Serrano stated that at least $4,500 would be more realistic, realizing that the car travels 15,000 miles at least in a year. 

1.  Squad Car and Equipment Upgrades: Ms. Sarah Serrano stated that once Officer Leichtman obtains a new squad car, the Committee recommended that the old squad car be utilized as a “pool car”, which can be used for meetings or trainings by the Police Department, Fire Department, and the Ambulance Service.  She also stated that if the squad car is sold, the Committee recommended that the sale be applied to the replacement fund for the new squad car. Ms. Serrano also stated that she received an information about a grant that may be available for the Village of Dorchester Police Department for the AED and office/squad equipment.  With the radar unit being 20 years old, the Committee decided to apply for a grant for the Police Department for $6,000.00-$7,000.00 for the purchase of new radar unit and AED. 


2.  Neighborhood Watch:  Ms. Sarah Serrano reported also that the Police Committee has decided to make up a “Complaint” Form for the members of the Neighborhood Watch and recommending them to be mailed out to the villagers for use, together with the water bills when sent out. 


            Police Department Job Description:  Ms. Serrano reported that she added a few things in the Police Department job description to be reviewed.  Officer Leichtman was provided a copy for his review before finalization.


2013 Preliminary Budget Recommendations from different Village Committees:  Mr. Dean Faude had submitted a preliminary Budget list for the Board without any prices yet.  His department will get prices and will submit before the next Board meeting.  


Trustee Daniella Schauer also submitted the Budget List for the Community Emergency Services, and discussed it briefly with the Board. A motion was made by Trustee Koncel, seconded by Trustee Rau to approve the Village of Dorchester’s  share of $48,210.00 for the 2013 Dorchester Community Services, Inc. Budget.  Motion carried.


2013 Library Budget and Requests.  A motion was made by Trustee Schauer, seconded by Trustee Seubert to approve the 2013 Library Budget totaling to $59,381.00.  Motion carried.


2013 Revision on WI Valley Library Service Member Library Participation Agreement:  Atty. Bonnie Wachsmuth advised the Board that she looked over the Agreement revision and the 1998 Agreement, and nothing is to be concerned about.  Per Atty. Wachsmuth, it is ok to approve the 2013 revision.  A motion was made by Trustee Koncel, seconded by Trustee Schauer to approve the revised 2013 WI Valley Library Service Member Library Participation Agreement.  Motion carried.


Library Board and Library Site Repairs:  Library lawn repairs, topsoil and seeding were discussed.  The price is $12.00/yard, and would cost up to $1,000.00. A motion was made by Trustee Koncel, seconded by Trustee Seubert to approve the Village of Dorchester Public Library  site repairs not to exceed $1,000.00.  Motion carried.


Atty. Bonnie Wachsmuth advised the Board that after reviewing the Wisconsin statutes, sec. 43.52 & 43.54,  the Village President has the power to appoint 5 members to the library board subject to the Village Board’s approval. Members are appointed  on different number of years staggered terms.  All members must be village residents except two who may be from adjacent town, and one member must be a school district administrator, or his or her representative, to represent the Village public school district where the public library is located.  Pres. Krause, going by the list of the Library Board of Trustees list, thereby made a motion to appoint the following:


Margaret Gorke, President  - 4 years

Sheila Steinmetz, Vice-President – 3 years

Rita Motte, Secretary/Treasurer – 3 years

Yvonne Pawlowicz – 2 years

Julie Bach – 2 years


Said motion was seconded by Trustee Koncel.  Motion carried.



CDB House-to-House Survey:  Pres. Krause asked Deputy-Clerk Sue Hanson to report the figures on the CDBG survey results.  Deputy-Clerk Hanson reported that as of this date, there were 97 reported Low-to-Moderate Income families from the mails that came back.  Pres. Krause stated that we needed at least 123 more houses to go door-to-door to.  We need 148 Low-to-Moderate income families total to be eligible for the grant.   Atty. Wachsmuth also expressed that we should start doing this door-to-door project as soon as possible.  Trustee Rau volunteered to do the east side of the railroad track.  Survey forms will be properly put together with instruction guides for volunteers the following day. 


Village Land Purchase and Sale of Village Land to Meyer’s Equipment Mfg.:  Pres. Krause described the Dorchester aerial photo showing the area where the Village could possibly have full easement up to 60 feet access going back length of the Meyer’s property.   A motion was made by Trustee Schwoch, seconded by Trustee Koncel to go with the Planning Commission recommendations to approve the land purchase and transfers to Meyer’s Equipment Manufacturing, as printed on the Dorchester map.  Motion carried.


Sale of Village-Owned Land to Seubert, Inc.:  The sale of the Village-owned land to Seubert, Inc., all remaining interest in the Southern half of the parcel for $1.00 with a perpetual easement 30 feet wide to access the remaining acreage, and building $300,000 plus to be built on this parcel, was briefly discussed.  The property was already surveyed. Sale of the land is currently in process.


Memorial Hall Improvements, Equipment, Repairs, and Donations and Community Events:  Trustee Rau advised the Board that the Hall can be used for Halloween and other parties.  Electronic eyes for the bowling lanes were also discussed.  Per Trustee Schwoch, $1,800 or the electronic eyes is worth obtaining.  He stated that someone must be assigned to look after them.  There will be no raffles for the benefits of obtaining new kegerators.  Trustee Kurt Schwoch also suggested that we could buy one kegerator as a back-up.  Regarding donations, Trustee Rau mentioned that high school kids are being asked to do community service to help during the Halloween party. Trustee Deb Koncel mentioned about the donation offers of $1,500.00 to Dorchester Foundation for Memorial Hall.  Installation of furnaces have already started to be installed.  A motion was made by Trustee Seubert, seconded by Trustee Dunlap to approve Hutman Heating Invoice # 8769 dated September 18, 2012 regarding the downpayment for the Memorial Hall Heating and Air Conditioning Update in the amount of $38,732.00.  Motion carried.


Memorial Hall Lease:  Trustee Wayne Rau advised Atty. Wachsmuth that copies of the recommendations for the Memorial Hall lease was sent to her.  Atty. Wachsmuth would review it.  Drinking outside the Memorial Hall was discussed.  Bottles are being left on the ground and everywhere.  Atty. Wachsmuth advised that drinking outside the building is not in violation of the law provided it is done within the property.  Pres. Krause mentioned about enclosing the parking lot around the Clerk’s Office property to keep it solely for Village use.  Pres. Krause asked Atty. Wachsmuth to look at this matter and to advise the Board at the next Board meeting. 


Closed Session:  A motion was made by Trustee Rau, seconded by Trustee Koncel to go into closed session inviting Atty. Bonnie Wachsmuth, Clerk-Treasurer Val Heins, and Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Sue Hanson to be present.  Motion carried.  The meeting was called to order.



             President Dan Krause                                    Kurt Schwoch                          Debra Koncel

            Karen Dunlap                                      Mike Seubert                          Wayne Rau     

            Daniella Schauer


            Atty. Bonnie Wachsmuth        Clerk-Treasurer Val Heins      Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Sue Hanson

A motion was made by Trustee Rau, seconded by Trustee Koncel to reconvene to open meeting.  Motion carried.


Open Session:  The meeting was reconvened back to open meeting.  A motion was made by Trustee Schwoch, seconded by Trustee Schauer to approve the same motions carried at the closed meeting.  Motion carried.


A motion was made by Trustee Rau, seconded by Trustee Schwoch to approve Aaron Staab of Staab Constructions to perform the repairs of the dam, such as concrete spillway cracks and repair railing, and building posts on top of the walls.  Motion carried.


A motion was also made by Trustee Schwoch, seconded by Trustee Seubert to pursue the Performance bond with Badger Environmental for breach of contract by not honoring warranty and continuous leakage at the dam.  Motion carried. 


Thereby having no other matters discussed, a motion was made by Trustee Dunlap, seconded by Trustee Koncel to adjourn the meeting.  The meeting was adjourned at 9:34 PM.   



Sue Hanson

Deputy Clerk-Treasurer

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