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Selected Meeting Minutes
Village Board Meeting
Nov 13, 2012
PDF Version: 25208_2012-Nov-13_Village Board Meeting.pdf


Tuesday, November 13, 2012    6:30 PM                         Clerk’s Office, 228 W. Washington Ave., Dorchester WI


The meeting was called to order by President Krause at 6:33 pm.  Pledge of allegiance was said.  Roll call was taken with the following Trustees present:  Seubert, Schauer, and Schwoch.  Trustees Rau and Koncel arrived a few minutes later; Trustee Dunlap was absent.  Also present were Clerk-Treasurer Heins, Justin Sornsin of MSA, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Hanson, Rick Golz, Dean Faude, Jesse Rieck, and Kevin O’Brien of the TP.


MR. Justin Sornsin of MSA to discuss and present initial 2013 Budget Figures.

Mr. Sornsin recapped the Initial 2013 budget figures which he presented to the Village Board at the November 7, 2012 Board meeting.  He again stated $239,575.00 is the anticipated deficit.  He Reviewed the potential reductions in Capital Outlay which was presented to the Village Board at the November 7, 2012 Board meeting.  (A copy of the Initial 2013 Budget is available upon request at the Clerk’s Office.


The Village Board and employees discussed and worked together to make necessary cuts within the initial 2013 Budget.  Mr. Sornsin was able to make real-time changes as requested by the Village Board.   A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Schauer to approve the 2013 Budget as presented by Justin Sornsin.  Motion carried.

Below is a copy of the Notice of Public Budget Hearing for the Village of Dorchester which will be published in the Tribune Phonograph on Wednesday, November 21, 2012 and Wednesday, November 28, 2012.  Notices will also be posted at the C-Store, Village Hall and Clerk’s Office.  You may also view postings on the website www.dorchesterwi.com.


Notice of Public Budget Hearing

For the Village of Dorchester


Notice is hereby given that on Wednesday, December 5, 2012 @ 7:00 pm at the Clerk - Treasurer’s Office a PUBLIC HEARING on the PROPOSED BUDGET of the Village of Dorchester will be held. The Proposed budget in detail is available for inspection at the Village Clerk – Treasurer’s Office. The following is a summary of the proposed budget:


Expenses                                                             2012                     2013                       % Change

General Government                                          104,897                 122,503

Public Safety                                                      168,229                 177,432                

Public Works                                                      245,959                 247,722

Culture, Park and Recreation                               61,991                   62,901

Conservation and Development                             2,600                     6,600

Capital Outlay                                                     100,100                  111,500

Other Financing Sources                                    113,124                 113,325

                                                                             796,901                841,984                          6%



Taxes                                                                    491,804                 507,109

Intergovernmental                                                 293,903                 290,903

Licenses and Permits                                              4,103                      4,335

Public Charges for Services                                  37,250                    39,400

Miscellaneous                                                        10,100                    16,100

                                                                             837,187                  857,847                         2%


Excess (Deficiency)                                              40,286                   15,863


Less: Transfer to Utilities                                     (26,594)                   (1,940)


Less: Transfer to Contingency                            (13,692)                 (13,923)

                                Total                                               0                             0


Summary of Property Taxes

                General Fund                                        10,691                                  

                Debt Service                                      113,124                 113,325

                Capital Project                                   100,100                 110,850

Amount to be Raised                                         223,915                 224,175                              .12%



Val Heins

Village of Dorchester

Clerk – Treasurer



Discuss and possible action on road agreement between Village of Dorchester and DMP Real Estate/DMP, LLC.

Trustee Seubert called for Executive session.  It was determined by the Village President with the Village Board that a 24 hour posting would be needed to hold Closed Session.  Further information and discussion is needed at an upcoming meeting.




Discuss and possible action on date of Planning Commission Hearing on zoning change request from DMP Real Estate/DMP, LLC.

Further information and discussion is needed at a future meeting.


Discuss and possible actions on Building Permit Application from DMP Real Estate/DMP, LLC, address: 709 W Center Ave, Dorchester WI  54425 with cost of improvement of $40,000.00.


Further information and discussion is needed at a future meeting.


Discuss and possible action on Memorial Hall Lease.

The Village board discussed a draft of the Memorial Hall lease.  Suggestion of St. Louis Catholic Church Fall Festival select a specific date this will be held would be beneficial so would not interfere with weddings which may be booked years in advance.  It was noted that Dorchester Days is known to always be held on Father’s Day weekend.


Discussion was held about cans and bottles outside of the Memorial Hall.  Discussion was held on NO Glass containers outside as concern for safety.  Discussions were held on deposits and escrow accounts for deposits as well as dual contract with Memorial Hall and Village of Dorchester for events as the Village owns the building.  More discussion is needed and further review of drafts at upcoming Village Board meetings.


Discuss and possible action regarding community events, Village Christmas Tree on Front Street Park, etc.


President Krause stated on December 16, 2012 Liberty 4-H will be decorating the Front Street Park.  From 6-7:00 pm; villagers are invited to stop by starting 7:15 for the 4-H’s presentation and caroling- about 10 minutes.   Liberty 4-H will accept any donations toward the supplies.


Trustee Rau mentioned December 8, 2012 is the planned date for Santa to be at the Village Hall.  More information will be provided when available on the village website.


Trustee Kurt Schwoch to discuss Employee Committee recommendations:

  1. Employee’s lunch hours:  Recommends ½ lunch time.
  2. Mileage Reimbursement: Per IRS code
  3. Employees’ job Descriptions:  Previously approved job descriptions need review and revisions- still in process.
  4. Employees Handbook Changes: More discussion and will be discussed at further meetings.

 A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Daniella to approve mileage reimbursement to meet current IRS code and 1 mileage reimbursement per event unless prior approval of arrangements.   Motion carried.


Discuss and possible action on snowplowing/snow removal guidelines for Village of Dorchester.

President Krause stated wage for plowing on Holidays was changed to Double time.  Discussion was held on number of inches on the roadways to determine when to plow as well as size and locations of drifting.  A motion was made by Schwoch, seconded by Koncel to approve 3” of snow OR drifts half-way across roads the Village Employees must go out and plow.  Motion carried.


A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Schauer to adjourn.  Motion carried. Adjourned 10:50 pm.


 Val Heins


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