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Selected Meeting Minutes
Village Board Meeting
Nov 07, 2012
PDF Version: 25122_2012-Nov-07_Village Board Meeting.pdf



Wednesday, November 7, 2012    6:30 PM                                       Clerk’s Office, 228 W. Washington Ave., Dorchester WI


Chairman Dunlap called the meeting to order at 6:35pm.  Present were Chairman Dunlap, Trustee Schwoch and Trustee Koncel.  Also present were Trustee Seubert, Clerk-Treasurer Heins, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Hanson and Justin Sornsin of MSA. 


Submitted bills and account reports for Water, Sewer and Village Accounts for the month of October were reviewed, discussed and payments were approved.   A motion was made by Schwoch, seconded by Koncel to review bill paying procedures with Clerk-Treasurer Heins at the December 5, 2012 Finance Committee meeting.  Motion carried.  A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Schwoch to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Adjourned 6:56 pm.



Wednesday, November 7, 2012  7:00 PM  Clerk’s Office, 228 W Washington Ave., Dorchester WI


The meeting was called to order by President Krause at 7:02 pm.  Pledge of allegiance was said.  Roll call was taken with the following Trustees present:  Seubert, Schauer, Koncel, Dunlap and Schwoch.  Trustee Rau was absent.  Also present were Clerk-Treasurer Heins, Justin Sornsin of MSA, Attorney Bonnie Wachsmuth and Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Hanson, Rick Golz, Dean Faude, Jesse Rieck, Officer Gary Leichtman, Larry Gotham of Morgan and Parmley and Kevin O’Brien of the TP.


A motion was made by Koncel and seconded by Schwoch to invite into closed session Justin Sornsin of MSA and Attorney Bonnie Wachsmuth.  Motion Carried.

Closed Session per Wis. Stats., Section 19.85 (1) (c):  Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.  Specifically to discuss employment of public employee(s).

Roll Call.  Clerk-Treasurer Heins was not present for the Roll Call.

Closed Session.

Motion to reconvene to open meeting. (estimated to be 7:30 PM.)  Clerk-Treasurer Heins was not present for the motion.

Discuss and possible action on employees’ reviews, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data. 

No discussion or action was taken.


Discuss and possible action on addition of part-time employee for Water/Sewer Dept.

Discussion was held on addition of part-time employee for Water/Sewer Department.  Dean Faude, Village Shop Supervisor recommended to continue employment with seasonal employee Frank Pagel until end of November to assist with plow truck maintenance which should take about 2 weeks, and also assistance with the placement of the Villages’ seasonal decorations.  Rick Golz, Village DPW, was unsure of near future projects but stated Mr. Pagel has water license with DNR and is in process of obtaining Pond licensing.   President Krause was receptive to having Mr. Pagel obtain his CDL license and also discuss further transition from seasonal employee to part-time status.  A motion was made by Schwoch, seconded by Schauer to approve employment of Frank Pagel as seasonal employee thru December 2012.  Motion carried.


Discuss and possible action regarding police officer versus Chief of Police position.

Further information on differences between police officer versus Chief of Police position is needed for further discussion.  A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Seubert to table this time to obtain more information on differences between titles.   Motion carried.


Public Input

No one was present for public input= NO public input occurred.


Review and approve minutes of the October 3rd, 2012 Village Board Meeting.

President Krause stated the wording on Page 3 of the October 3, 2012 Village Board meeting should be changed from:”60 feet at the back of the Meyer’s property: to read: “60 feet access going back length of Meyer’s property.”  A motion was made by Dunlap, seconded by Schauer to approve minutes of the October 3, 2012 Village Board meeting subject to change as stated by President Krause.  Motion carried.


Review and approve October 2012 Audit Report and Receive November 2012 Audit Report from Village Clerk-Treasurer.

A motion was made by Dunlap, seconded by Schwoch to approve the October 2012 Audit Report.   Motion carried. Clerk-Treasurer Heins distributed the November 2012 Audit Report form.


Mr. Justin Sornsin of MSA to discuss and present initial 2013 Budget figures.

Justin Sornsin of MSA presented the initial 2013 Budget figures.   A copy of the initial/draft 2013 budget for the Village of Dorchester is available upon request at the Clerk’s Office.


Discuss and possible action on initial 2013 Preliminary Village Budget.

Further discussion is needed by the Village Board on the initial/Draft 2013 budget.  A Village Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 6:30 pm.


Discuss and possible action on 2013 budget hearing date.

The 2013 Village of Dorchester Budget hearing will be held on Wednesday, December 5, 2012.


Discuss and possible action on CDBG House-to-House Income Survey with MSA.

To date 137 low-moderate income level surveys have been received; 11 surveys short of the 148 needed to get Grants instead of Loans. MSA will submit for Grants on behalf of the village once the survey requirements have been met.


Update on 3rdAve., 4thAve. and Washington Ave., water loop projects by MSA.

MSA Project Update sheet is available upon request at the Clerk’s Office.


Discuss and possible action on 3rdAve, 4thAve, Washington Ave, water loop projects.

No discussion or action was taken.


Larry Gotham of Morgan Parmley to discuss WWTF and Front Street projects, change orders, and public works projects.

Larry Gotham of Morgan & Parmley came before the Village Board.  The second (2nd) lift of asphalt on Front Street will be applied in the Spring of 2013 to allow for settling over winter.  The list of WWTF projects will be completed by Fall.  Two (2) estimates were discussed with Village Board for the repair of the front steps to Fuzzy’s Bar on Front Street.  Chippewa Concrete Inc. can replace steps for $2, 705.00; Kevin Boyer Concrete can replace steps for $2, 040.00.  A motion was made by President Krause and seconded by Schauer to approve Kevin Boyer concrete to replace the front steps of Fuzzy’s Bar for $2,040.00.  Motion Carried.


Change Order No. 7-Proposal B to the Village Board.  A copy of this Change Order is available upon request at the Clerk’s Office.  Description:  Supply and install one lift station pump winch and two bases for the influent station and the cell #3 lift Station; Cost $6,383.55.


Change Order No. 2-Proposal A was presented to the Village Board.  A copy of this Change Order is available upon request at the Clerk’s Office.  Description:  Reline deteriorated manholes, install new castings, construct new Chimney, install exterior chimney seal, repair bench, and repair pavement per attachment.  Manholes with red check mark and highlighted are to be repaired.  Cost:  $64,879.50.


Change Order No. 3- Proposal A was presented to the Village Board.  A copy of this Change Order is available upon request at the Clerk’s Office.  Description: 1. Additional cost to hand form curb and gutter in front of Staab’s 2. Additional cost to install rebar in 6” driveway opening of Staab’s.  3.  Additional cost for installing sewer service into bank.  4. Additional cost to install temporary water service in front.  Cost:  $6,328.10.


A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Schwoch to approve Change order 2-Proposal A $64, 879.50, Change Order 3-Proposal A $6,328.10 and Change Order 7-B $6,383.55.  Motion carried.


Amendment to Owner-Engineer Agreement #3 was presented to the Village Board.   A copy of this document is available upon request at the Clerk’s Office.  Description:  Engineering costs related to Change Order 6 B which includes: painting the WWTF building, replacing doors and windows, installation of reduced pressure zone backflow preventer, and installation of a new standing seem metal roof at the Cell #4-#5 WWTF control building.  This construction change order was authorized by the Board on Sept. 5, 2012.  Engineering services:  $1, 875.00

Engineering costs related to Change Order 2A consisting of manhole relining.  This change order was authorized by Board on October 3, 2012.  Engineering costs include:  $3, 185.00.  Total Amendment $5, 060.00.  A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Dunlap to approve amendment to Owner-Engineer Agreement #3 for $5, 060.00.  Motion Carried.


Dean Faude and Jesse Rick’s monthly reports.

Dean Faude stated working on signs to be located on corner of 2nd, 3rd, 4thand Center Avenue.  Signs will be Blue with White letters.   Example sheet of signs is available upon request at the Clerk’s Office. Mr. Faude also stated in process of tree trimming and putting up Village Holiday Decorations.   Jesse Rieck stated the Sweeper has been winterized and parked.   The next few weeks will be working on brakes and drums on plow trucks, and will be putting the plows on to be ready for snow plowing.


Mr. Rick Golz’s monthly report

Rick Golz reported the pump for Water Plant needs seal and bearings replaced which will cost about $1,500.00.


Officer Gary Leichtman’s monthly report

Officer Leichtman stated he was working on Emergency Management Plan and will have information at future meeting to discuss.  He also stated several investigations in process.


Discuss and possible action regarding a Village land purchase and sale of village land to Meyer’s Equipment Mfg.

Preliminary Survey map has been received.  Attorney Wachsmuth will provide Original Offer to Purchase which was previously approved by the Village Board to Clerk-Treasurer Heins for signatures of Village President and the Clerk-Treasurer.


Discuss and possible action on a Sale of Village-owned land to Seubert, Inc.  Revise motion to be DMP Real Estate/DMP Real Estate, LLC.

Name has been corrected on documents to read DMP Real Estate, LLC.  Attorney Wachsmuth is in process of sending documents to Equipment Manufacturing Corporation.


Discuss and possible action on road agreement between Village of Dorchester and DMP Real Estate/DMP Real Estate, LLC. 

There is currently NO agriculture zoning.   Petition to rezone must be completed.  Attorney Wachsmuth has reviewed steps listed on Village Zoning Ordinance with Mr. Jim Jantsch, Village Zoning Administrator for completion.


Discuss and possible action Building Permit Applications from Donald Tessmer, address 412 N. 3RDSt., Dorchester WI 54425 and DMP Real Estate, address 709 W. Center Avenue, Dorchester, WI 54425

The Village Board requested the word “siding” be added to the building permit for Donald Tessmer, 412 N 3rdStreet, Dorchester  $5, 500.  The building permit is for siding of home.   A motion was made by Schauer, seconded by Seubert to approve building permit for Donald Tessmer and include word “siding” on form.  Motion carried.


Discussion was held on DMP Real Estate, 709 W. Center Ave, Dorchester WI building permit.  Cold Storage is being built.  State needs to review permits and Jim Flood, Village Building Inspector has to review plans before the Village can issue Building permit.  At this time this issue is being Tabled.


Discuss and possible action on Memorial Hall Lease.

Attorney Wachsmuth will complete a rough draft of the lease for the December 5, 2012 Village Board meeting.


Discuss and possible action regarding update on Memorial Hall improvements, equipment, repairs, and donations.

President Krause stated heating and air system work still in progress as well as wiring repairs.


Discuss and possible action regarding community events. Village Christmas Tree in S. Front St/Center Ave corner park, etc.

More discussion is needed on Community events and will be held at future meetings.


Closed Session per Section 1985 (1) (c) Wis. Stats:  For the purpose of conferring with legal counsel for the government body with respect to litigation in which it is likely to become involved.  Purpose: Discussion regarding Dorchester Dam repairs and pending litigation involving the Dorchester Dam project. 

A motion was made by Schauer, seconded by Schwoch to invite Attorney Wachsmuth, Ketty Clow, Michael Tiry, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Hanson and Clerk-Treasurer Heins into closed Session.  Motion carried. A motion was made by Schauer, seconded by Koncel to go into Closed Session.  Motion Carried.

  1. Roll call.

      President Dan Krause-yes            Kurt Schwoch-yes                            Debra Koncel-yes                                                  Karen Dunlap-yes                            Mike Seubert-yes                            Daniella Schauer-yes

Closed Session


A motion was made by Schauer, seconded by Dunlap to reconvene to open meeting.  Motion carried.


A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Schwoch to Pursue $1, 800 Bid Bondby Great Lakes Marine Contract Inc.   Motion carried.


Trustee Kurt Schwoch to discuss Employee Committee recommendations on:

  1. Lunch hours

More discussion is needed by the Employee Committee regarding lunch hours.


  1. Mileage reimbursement

The Employee Committee recommends mileage reimbursement set by IRS and only 1 driver will be paid Mileage.


  1. Employee job descriptions

More information is needed on Employee job descriptions.

  1. Residency

The Employee Committee is also recommending no change to the current residency requirement.


  1. Handbook changes

No handbook changes were recommended by the employee committee at this time.


 Discuss and possible action on Employee Committee recommendations.

The Village Board did not discuss or take action on the Employee Committee recommendations.


Closed Session per Wis. Stats., Section 19.85 (1) (c):  Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.  Specifically to discuss employment of public employee(s).

The Village board did not discuss or take any action- NO Closed Session.


Discuss and possible action on employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee(s)

The Village Board did not discuss or take any action.


Discuss and possible action regarding adjustment of terms of contract with Village Attorney

President Krause stated that currently the Village of Dorchester pays $100.00 month retainer fee to Worden-Wachsmuth Law Firm to retain Attorney Bonnie Wachsmuth as Village Attorney.  Starting January 1, 2013 Attorney Wachsmuth is requesting $100 per hour fee for all attorney matters handled on behalf of the Village of Dorchester.  A motion was made by Schauer, seconded by Schwoch to accept Attorney Washsmuth’s terms of $100 per hour fee starting January 1, 2013 on all attorney matters.  Motion carried.


 Discuss and possible action on date of next Board meeting.

A motion was made by Dunlap, seconded by Schwoch to hold a Village Board meeting on Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 6:30 PM.  Motion carried.



A motion was made by Dunlap, seconded by Schwoch to adjourn.  Motion carried.   Adjourned 11:20 PM








Val Heins







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