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Selected Meeting Minutes
Village Board Meeting
Mar 07, 2012
PDF Version: 22531_2012-Mar-07_Village Board Meeting.pdf

Village announcements:

  • Sewer rate increases will take effect on April 1, 2012- this increase will appear on theAugust 1, 2012 billingcycle. 


  • The Village of Dorchesterrecommends installation of Sewer Drain Check Valves in every basement to prevent sewer backup.
  • 4 inch part which fits into drains in basement floor; follow instructions on product.
  • $7.00-$15.00 estimated purchase price.
  • Fleet Farm, Menards, Meyer Lumber Supply; any business which carries plumbing supplies.
  • If you have questions or concerns please call the Village Shop 715-654-5106 for assistance.  Please leave a message if you receive the answering machine.


  • A current rabies certificate must be presented when purchasing a 2012 dog license; NO EXCEPTIONS will be made. ALL DOGS must be licensed; contact the Clerk’s Office to purchase your 2012 dog license.




Wednesday, March 7, 2012     6:15 PM                                         Village Clerk’s Office, 228 W. Washington Ave, Dorchester WI


The Finance Committee meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm.  The following Trustees were present: Wayne Rau, Deb Koncel and Chairman Karen Dunlap.  Also present was Clerk-Treasurer Heins.


Discussion was held on the monthly bills and vouchers.  A motion was made by Dunlap, seconded by Koncel to accept the monthly bills.  Motion carried.  


A motion to adjourn the Finance Committee was made by Dunlap, seconded by Koncel.  Finance Committee adjourned 6:50 pm.





Wednesday, March 7, 2012    7:30 PM                                           Village Clerk’s Office, 228 W. Washington Ave, Dorchester WI



President Krause called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.  Pledge of Allegiance was said. Roll call was taken with the following Trustees present: Aguilera, Rau, Koncel, Dunlap and Hunsader.  Trustee Ingersoll was absent.  Also present were Clerk-Treasurer Heins, Larry Gotham of Morgan and Parmley, Clem Safranek and Jeremy Haas of MSA, John Hutman of Hutman Heating;  Paul Jakel and Shane Hammel  of Jakel Heating and Plumbing, Bonnie Wachsmuth of Worden-Wachsmuth Law Office, Terry Recore, Duane and Crystal Rudolph, Dean Faude, Rick Golz, Jesse Rieck, Gary Leichtman, Rita Motte, George Smith, Fire Chief Rick Rinehart and Kevin O’Brien of the TP.


The Village Board reviewed the minutes of the January 25th, 2012 Village Board Meeting, February 8th, 2012 Finance Committee Meeting, February 8, 2012 Village Board Meeting, and the February 23, 2012 Village Board Meeting.  A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Hunsader  to approve the minutes of the January 25th, 2012 Village Board Meeting, February 8th, 2012 Finance Committee Meeting, February 8, 2012 Village Board Meeting, and the February 23, 2012 Village Board Meeting.  Motion carried.


The Village Board reviewed the January 2012 Audit Report.  A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Aguilera to approve the January 2012 Audit Report.  Motion carried.  Clerk-Treasurer Heins presented the February 2012 and March 2012 Audit Summery Reports to the Village board.


President Krause stated would have Public Input; each speaker is limited to 5 minutes.  George Smith of Dorchester spoke to the Village Board about the Memorial Hall.  There was no other public input.


Dean Faude, Village Shop Supervisor,  gave his report to the Village Board.  He stated the hydraulic went out on the antique plow truck.  The motor on the Lift station went bad; $500.00 to repair or $2000.00 to replace.


President Krause confirmed with the Village employees that the breakdown of both plow trucks caused the delays in plowing after the recent snow storm.


Rick Golz, Department of Works, stated the lift station pumps are scheduled to start on Thursday and he will know in a few days if working correctly.   He also stated he plans to start meter reading for the quarterly billing in the next few weeks.  This reading will be an actual reading with the hand held reader; he would like to wait until June to use the touch reader when nicer weather and can confirm no further issues with the hand held reader.


Gary Leichtman presented the Village Board with a proposal from DSC Communications for the mobile computer system for the squad car.  He continues to work on the process to get funding and complete forms for future installation.


Paul Jakel and Shane Hammel of Jakel Heating and Plumbing came before the Village Board.  An informational package outlining the Benefits of Leasing was presented to the Village Board.   Several options were discussed such as heating systems as a whole building and if complete or for stages.  It was stated that if changing the system then would have to bring that system to code.  The Village Board was asked to submit requests of needs for Jakel Plumbing and Heating to submit proposal based on those requests.


John Hutman of Hutman heating provided handouts to the Village Board outlining lease program and warranties.  He stated furnaces will pass for part of heating system and Engineers can add to the heating system.  A separate meter system can be installed so that downstairs would have a bill and the upstairs Hall can have separate bill.   The Village Board can further discuss with Hutman heating or talk with Lenox Dealer if they would like.


Trustee Rau gave a report from the Water, Sewer, Streets, Sidewalks, Signs, Lights, Vill. Bldgs. committee which met to discuss the Memorial Hall.  He stated the Kitchen floor is in need of repair.  He stated materials at Meyer Lumber Supply estimated between $300 and $600 for 13’ x 14’ area and would take 1 day for the Village employees to install.  Several quotes have been reviewed regarding can cooler and kegerators.  The kegerator behind the bar is in rough shape; estimated $4,200 to purchase both new.  A current 5 tapper would be sturdy enough to move upstairs and be used for large gatherings in the Memorial Hall.


The Village Board held a discussion regarding AVAC system at Memorial Hall.  President Krause read the motion which passed at the February 23, 2012 Village Board meeting:  A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Hunsader to approve contract with Hutman Heating for proposal #2; 6-Aire LFO High Efficient Gas Fired Furnaces and 1-Unit Heater for the heating of the entry area not to exceed $25,000.00. 4 votes Yeah, 2 votes Neah, motion passed.   He stated a Class 1 notice was published in Phonograph/Tribune.  Discussion was held on previous proposal passing codes due to system changes and also is system buildable upon.  A motion was made by Koncel to rescind her motion to approve contract with Hutman Heating for proposal #2; 6-Aire LFO High Efficient Gas Fired Furnaces and 1-Unit Heater for the heating of the entry area not to exceed $25,000.00.  Trustee Hunsader did not make motion to rescind her second of the motion; the motion died.  A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Hunsader to Table this topic until next Village Board meeting.  Motion passed;  4 Yeah, 2 Neah .


Fire Chief, Rick Rinehart came before the Village Board to discuss fire inspection reports for the Memorial Hall.  He stated he had areas of concern and discussed fire extinguishers not in correct locations, GFI extension cords needed; and exposed electrical boxes.  Permission is not needed by the Village Board but he wanted to ask as courtesy permission to bring in a person to look over and give guidance to the Village Board and the Dorchester Fire Department on what items need to be corrected; this would be at no cost to the Village of Dorchester.  Trustee Rau will work with the Fire Chief Rick Rinehart and the specialist on the Memorial Hall walk-thru.  A motion was made by Rau, seconded by Aguilera to table coolers, flooring and updates to Memorial Hall to future meeting.  Motion carried.


Duane and Crystal Rudolph came before the Village Board to discuss a new lease of Memorial Hall with the Village Board.  The Rudolph’s had several questions regarding items within the lease such as credit on heating bills,  90 day notice of termination of lease and  rent payments once notice provided, subletting lease and terms.  Trustee Rau stated he would like to see No Smoking conditions put into the lease.  Village Attorney Bonnie Wachsmuth advised both the Rudolph’s and the Village Board to write up items they would both like to see written into the lease and she would review and work with both parties requests to develop acceptable lease. 


Terry Recore came before the Village Board to discuss Loopy’s purchase and liquor licensing.  He would like to re-open the tavern.  He plans to put in new windows, doors, and siding and will try to have these items completed before opening.  He stated has been in contact with the County Treasurer’s office to discuss delinquent taxes and utility bills and has made a payment towards the delinquent bills.   There was discussion of $35 hook-up fee to re-install water meter and turn on the water.  A liquor License application will need to be completed.


Larry Gotham of Morgan and Parmley discussed with the Village Board the Sewer Use Ordinance, and the user Charge System including possible rate adjustment.  Discussion was held by the Village Board on Version 2 proposed charge which they felt was a fairer distribution of the costs to the households of the Village.  A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Rau to approve the Sewer Use Ordinance as presented to the Village Board.  Motion carried;  6-0 vote.  A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Aguilera to approve the User Charge System rate adjustment of version 2.  Motion carried; 6-0 vote.  Notice of the Sewer rate increase will be published in the Tribune-Phonograph and also posted at the C-Store, Advantage Community Bank Lobby, Village Hall, and Clerk’s Treasurer office.    The following is the notice which will be published and posted:


NOTICE:  The Village of Dorchester adopted a sewer rate increase at their March 7, 2012 Village Board meeting. 

The new rates will take effect April 1, 2012. The new sewer rate for domestic strength sewer will be $8.81 per

1000 gallons plus a minimum quarterly charge based on meter size as follows:

5/8” meter          $13.98

1” meter              $34.95

1 ¼” meter          $34.95

1 ½” meter          $55.92

2” meter              $83.99

4” meter              $223.68

A complete copy of the ordinance can be viewed at the Dorchester Village Clerk’s office

at 228 West Washington Ave. Dorchester.


Val Heins

Village Clerk-Treasurer

Larry Gotham also presented to the Village Board the Amendment to Owner-Engineer Agreement, Contractor’s Application for Payment No. 3, Change Order No. 2- Proposal B, and Change Order  No. 3- Proposal B. ( All three (3) items are available at the Clerk’s office for viewing.)


A motion was made by Dunlap, seconded by Hunsader to Approve Contractor’s Application for Payment no. 3 for $213,759.50.  Motion carried; 6-0 vote. 


A motion was made by Koncel, Seconded by Rau to withdraw previous change order 2 and approve Change order No. 2- Proposal B dated 3-7-2012.  Motion carried; 6-0 vote. 


A motion was made by Rau, Seconded by Koncel to withdraw previous Amendment to Owner-Engineer Agreement and approve the Amendment to Owner-Engineer agreement of $10, 150.00.  Motion Carried.  


A motion was made by Dunlap, seconded by Hunsader to approve Change Order no. 3- Proposal B.  Motion Carried.


Discussion was held on Front Street Construction Scheduling; April 15 – July 1, 2012 is timeline which depends on the weather.


Clem Safranek of MSA presented to the Village Board the MSA Project Update (report can be viewed at the Clerk’s office).  A CDBG Public Facilities Income Survey will be mailed out to Villagers who reside on Third Avenue.  Clem Safranek asked for Village Employees assistance to help collect the surveys.  More information will be provided within the mailing being sent out to these households.  A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Hunsader to allow Village Employees to assist with the Income Survey Forms.  Motion carried.


 President Krause gave update from the Employee Committee meeting.  The Committee recommends to the Village Board to hire a part-time Deputy-Clerk for possibly 10-20 hours per week.  The Employee Committee also recommends to the Village Board to include in the Employee Handbook  Internet and Email Use Policy; Phone, Cell Phone, and Communication Devices Policy; and Dress Code Policy.  The Employee Committee also stated the employees can complete application and submit to receive insurance quote from Central States Insurance.


 The Village Board held discussion on the Employee Committee recommendations.  President Krause stated he has sent out a request from surrounding Municipalities asking for information on Deputy Clerks positions; he is waiting for more response and guidance.   An add will be developed and published in local Shoppers Guide and Local newspapers in the area for approximately 2 weeks to gather applications.   Wording was changed within the Internet and Email Use Policy as follows: Using the internet to access information for personal use, including personal email is not permissible, except you are permitted to use the internet on Village computers for essential personal business during lunch or “break” periods only.  A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Dunlap to accept Employee Handbook page stating using the internet to access information for personal use, including personal email is not permissible, except you are permitted to use the internet on Village computers for essential personal business during lunch or “break” periods only.  Motion carried.


President Krause stated that he is waiting to gather more information on what surrounding area municipalities have for residency requirements.  He will have updates at a future meeting.   The Village Board also discussed placing ads for the Deputy-Clerk part-time position in several area papers to see what applications are received.  The Village Board stated the employees can complete application for insurance quotes from Central States.


Trustee Rau stated the Village owned land is currently rented by Mike Feddick.  Sometime in September or October of 2012 a new lease with new rent and terms will be developed and a new renter will be determined.


Trustee Rau gave an update on Dorchester Days.  He stated Friday evening is the Truck pulls, Saturday is the NTPA pulls and Sunday is the Tractor pulls and Parade.  Volunteers are needed for the Sunday chicken dinner.  President Krause gave the entertainment lineup as follows; Friday’s band is Aint Got Jack, Saturday is Third Gear and Amber Rose and Sunday is Sound Storm.


Village Clerk-Treasurer Heins stated Tuesday, April 3, 2012 is the Spring Election/Presidential Preference.  Polling place for Dorchester is Dorchester Village Hall located at 188 S. 2nd Street, Dorchester, WI.  Polls are open at 7:00 AM and Polls close at 8:00 PM.


President Krause stated the February UCC meeting was in Owen.  The group toured the new Veterans Clinic and discussed Clark County Health Department upgrades.


President Krause stated Dorchester Neighborhood Watch meetings are the 4th Tuesday of the month held at the Dorchester Village Hall.  Trustee Koncel stated next meeting will have Bike Rodeo planning.


A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Hunsader to adjourn the Village Board meeting.   Motion carried.  Adjournment 9:40 pm.



Val Heins

Village Clerk-Treasurer

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