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Selected Meeting Minutes
Village Board Meeting
Jun 27, 2012
PDF Version: 22922_2012-Jun-27_Village Board Meeting.pdf

Village of Dorchester Board Meeting

Wednesday, June 27, 2012, 7:00PM Village Clerk’s Office, 228 W Washing Ave., Dorchester, WI


President Krause called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM.  Pledge of Allegiance was said. 



        Pres. Dan Krause                              Mike Seubert                    Wayne Rau                         Karen Dunlap

        Kurt Schwoch                                    Deb Koncel



        Daniella Schauer



        Dean Faude                        Rick Golz              Jeremy Haas, MSA          Kevin O-Brien, TP

        Susan Hanson as Secretary



        Pam Ryszkiewicz – 255 N 4thStreet, Dorchester

        Marge Knippel – 369 W Washington Ave.

        Brandon Ahrens – 310 W Apollo

        Steve Mergen – 298 N 4thStreet


President Krause asked if anyone who were present wanted to speak during Public Input.

                Speaker #1: Pam Ryszkiewicz, who resides at 255 N 4thStreet, voiced her concern about the Fireworks during the Dorchester Days being so close to homes. 

                Speaker #2: Marge Knippel, who resides at 369 W Washington Avenue, also voiced her concerns about the same issue on Dorchester Days Fireworks.   She stated that she had injuries on her neck and other parts of her body which she took care of at her own expense.  She filed a complaint to the Dorchester Police and the Clark County Sheriff’s Department Office. She also stated that her 9-year old son got traumatized by it due to the live rounds and flying ashes all over the place. She also expressed her deep concern about the safety of the public and their properties as well. She strongly suggested that this be included in the agenda of the next Board Meeting.

                Speaker #3: Brandon Ahrens, who resides at 310 W Apollo St, voiced his concern mostly about the possible damages that may occur on his garage due to the flooding on Kennedy Street from the heavy rains.  He suggested that the Village to at least have someone look at it to see if the pipes are clogged up and may need cleaning or any possible repairs.  He also suggested that it be added to the agenda of the next Board Meeting.

                Speaker #4: Steve Mergen who resides at 298 N 4thStreet backed up Mr. Ahrens concern.


President Krause addressed the public present that any concerns that they present cannot just be decided upon immediately, and will need the Board’s discussion and decision if there is a need for any of them to be added to the next agenda of meetings.


A motion was made by Koncel and seconded by Rau to approve Class “B” License for the Sale of Fermented Malt Beverages for Dorchester Park Corp. Motion carried.


A motion was made by Koncel,  seconded by Dunlap, and was carried to table the subject of Insurance claim denial for Duane Rudolph, dba Doubleback Bar for the next Board Meeting on July 12, 2012 (Thursday) as there was no correct letter provided for the Board to review and discuss at the meeting.  


A motion was made by Koncel and seconded by Dunlap to table the Village Committee appointments for the next Board Meeting on July 12, 2012 (Thursday)Motion carried.


Jeremy Haas with MSA handed the completed Application form for Financial Assistance for the Safe Drinking Water Program MSA is assisting the Village with, reference Resolution # 265 Declaring Official Intent to Reimburse Expenditures.  Said form was duly signed by President Krause in front of the board and was handed back to Mr. Haas. 


A short deliberation took place on the repaving of the Washington, 3rdand 4thStreet Projects.  Jeremy Haas with MSA stated that there is no repaving needed for Washington, 3rdand 4thStreets as of this time.


Dean Faude was asked to inform the Board about his latest accomplishments on his projects.  Mr. Faude stated that the manhole on 5thStreet need to lowered, and take out the speed bumps.  A big pipe has been placed for the storm sewer.  5thStreet needs to be patched up with black top.


Possible purchase of the walk-behind concrete saw was discussed.  Dean Faude stated we rent from the Meyer’s Lumber at $100.00 charge every time.  He stated that it would be nice to have our own, and that this will save the Village money in the long run. The saw uses 14”, 16” and 18” blades.     A motion was made by Rau and seconded by Seubert to approve the purchase of the walk-behind concrete saw not to exceed $2,200 including Shipping & Handling.  Motion carried.


It was unanimously agreed upon to have someone look at the sidewalk located on South Front Street, to see what kind of job would be needed, whether black top /asphalt or concrete, and as to how much it will cost the Village.


A motion was made by Koncel and seconded by Schwoch to approve payment of Invoice from Upnorth Construction for $7,630.00.  Motion carried.


President Krause presented to the Board photos of different banner and informational street sign styles from different towns/villages.  It was mentioned that the Village has lost 2 banners from the last storm. It has been recommended that the street sign of the City of Stanley be copied and used for the Village.  Schwoch recommended a custom sign designer out of Athens, while Seubert strongly recommended Stratford Signs out of Stratford.  President Krause stated that there is a $1,200.00 budget for this expense.  He also suggested about having a Village informational community pamphlet with all businesses mentioned therein, and thereby to obtain advertising support fees from all business owners of the Village. He stated that there is also a budget for this pamphlet expense for this year.  Finance Committee was assigned to look into this project and to get some information from Dean Faude. 


Discussion and possible action on trailer purchase has been tabled for the next Board Meeting on July 12, 2012 (Thursday).


Officer Gary Leichtman reported to the Board different incidents that occurred mostly during the Dorchester Days. He mentioned that he got some help from the Clark County Officers who came Friday evening.  He reported that there were mailboxes and lawn ornaments that were damaged, 1 gentleman who got beat-up, an arrest was made on OWI.  There were under-aged people who were drinking under parental guidance.  UTV tracks were also found, and following the tracks, the Officer/s found which house it went to.  He also mentioned about the Wedding event last month (May) using the Dorchester Days grounds. Temporary Operators’ Licenses can only be allowed to bonafide clubs, associations, etc. to serve fermented malt beverages or intoxicating liquor in open containers at a gathering like this, reference Wisconsin Statute ss 125.26.  The usage of electricity at that event was also shouldered by the Village, and not by the people who used the Dorchester Days grounds.  Officer Leichtman stressed to the Board that these must not happen or be tolerated again. 


Rick Golz reported to the Board about the updates on the Lift Station and the Wastewater Treatment Plant.  Both the Lift Station and the Wastewater Treatment Plant did very well throughout the past rainy days.  The pumps used to run at a lower speed at 40hertz, and rags get into the pipes and get stuck.  Since they sped it up to 48hertz, there has been no problem encountered. 


A motion was made by Koncel and seconded by Seubert to approve the Building Permit Application for Rosemary Leichtman at 496 N. 3rdStreet estimated for $3,000.00.  Motion carried.


A motion was made by Koncel and seconded by Dunlap to approve Resolution 254-B “Setting the Ward Boundaries in the Village of Dorchester located in Clark and Marathon Counties, Wisconsin, based on the 2010 census.  Motion carried.


The Workshop at the Greenwood High School on August 14, 2012, for which the Clark County Economic Development Corporation will be hosting, was briefly discussed. President Krause asked that if anyone who would be interested in attending the workshop, to let the Village Clerk-Treasurer or the Deputy Clerk-Treasurer know, so they can submit the names to the event coordinator, Nancy Gaddis.


Thereby being no other matters discussed, a motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Rau , and was carried to adjourn the meeting.   Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 PM. 








                                                                                                SUSAN HANSON

                                                                                                Deputy Clerk-Treasurer

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