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Selected Meeting Minutes
Village Board Meeting
Jun 06, 2012
PDF Version: 22921_2012-Jun-06_Village Board Meeting .pdf


  1.  2011 Consumer Confidence Report Dorchester Waterworks, PWS ID 61003261 is available for viewing at the Clerk’s Office upon Request.


Village of Dorchester Finance Committee Meeting

Wednesday, June 6, 2012: 6:30 PM  Village Clerk’s Office, 228 W. Washington Ave, Dorchester, WI


Chairman Dunlap called the Finance meeting to order at 6:35 pm.  Present were Chairman Dunlap, Trustee Schwoch, Trustee Koncel.  Also present were Clerk-Treasurer Heins and Trustee Seubert.  Review and Discussion of the monthly bills and vouchers was held.  A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Schwoch to adjourn the Finance Committee meeting.  Motion carried.   Adjourned 6:47 pm.


Village of Dorchester Board Meeting

Wednesday, June 6, 2012: 7:00 PM  Village Clerk’s Office, 228 W. Washington Ave, Dorchester, WI


President Krause called meeting to order at 7:03 PM.  Pledge of Allegiance was said.   Trustees Seubert, Rau, Dunlap, Schwoch, and Koncel were present.  Trustee Schauer was absent.  Also present was Clerk-Treasurer Heins, Rick Golz, Deane Faude, Darrell Steen, Jeremy Haas of MSA, Justin Ingersoll, George Smith, Kevin O’Brien of the TP.  Larry Gotham of Morgan & Parmley arrived later.


A motion was made by Koncel, Seconded by Dunlap to approve minutesof May 2, 2012 Village Board Meeting, May 8, 2012 Finance Committee Meeting, May 8, 2012 Village Board Meeting, May 9, 2012 Village Board Meeting; May 24, 2012 Village Board Meeting; and May 31, 2012 Board of Review Minutes. Motion carried.


A motion was made by Dunlap, seconded by Schwoch to approveMay2012Auditreport.  Motion carried.  The board received theJune2012AuditSummeryReportfromtheVillageClerk- Treasurer.


President Krause asked if anyone present wanted to speak during Public Input; there were no speakers during Public Input.


Dean Faude gave his monthly report to the Village Board.  He stated in process of taking out sidewalks on 2nd Street and should have removal completed on June 7, 2012.  He stated will be finishing work once sidewalks poured.  He stated village employees have been working on Front Street with Steen Construction.  Two Security lights have been installed by the food stands on the Dorchester Days grounds and the water needs to be turned on within the grounds.  It was also stated that will try to get curbs painted before Dorchester Days.


Rick Golz discussed completion of the CCMR annual report for the DNR.  He briefly discussed the changes to the DNR numbers used in current Dorchester Ordinances.


Officer Leichtman was not in attendance; no report was received.


The Village Board discussed having a President Pro Temp in the event that the Village President would be unable to attend the Village Board meetings.  Trustee Dunlap nominated Trustee Schwoch for President Pro Temp.  A motion was made by Dunlap, seconded by Seubert to approve the nomination of Trustee Schwoch for President Pro Temp.  Motion carried.


President Krause presented a listing for Planning Commission Committee members consisting of Dan Krause, Wayne Rau, Kurt Schwoch, Mike Seubert, Jim Jantsch, Dale Meyer and Rick Golz.  Mention was made that any meeting postings will have to state that a Quorum may be present.   A motion was made by Rau, seconded by Dunlap to approve the Planning Commission Committee list.  Motion carried.


Discussion was held on Ordinance #198 Cross Connection Control and Ordinance #199 Well Abandonment and Well Operation Permit.   These are existing Ordinances within the Village however they contain outdated references to the current state administrative codes.  


A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Schwoch to approve changes to  outdated reference to current state administrative codes as specified by the DNR within the existing Village Ordinance for #198 Cross Connection Control.  Motion carried.


A motion was made by Koncel, seconded Seubert to approve change to outdated reference to current state administrative codes as specified by the DNR within the existing Village Ordinance for #199 Well Abandonment and Well Operation Permit.  Motion carried.




The Village Board reviewed the Compliance maintenance Annual Report submitted by Rick Golz (a copy of this report is available to view upon request at the Clerk’s Office).  A motion was made by Schwoch, seconded by Koncel to approve Resolution #263 Compliance maintenance Annual Report.  Motion carried.


Jeremy Haas of MSA presented the Village Board the MSA Project Update report (a copy is available for viewing upon request at the Clerk’s Office).  It has been discovered that the Third Avenue roadway and utilities, between Fourth Street (Hi Line) and Fifth Street are constructed outside the Village right-of-way.  No easement or ROW records can be found at the courthouse.   A Certified Survey map will be ordered; legal descriptions plotted and pursue deed transfer or easement.  A motion was made by Dunlap, seconded by Rau to approve extension of easement on Washington Ave to do watermain placement.  Motion carried.   A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Rau to approve working with MSA and Village Attorney for Certified Survey Map and land deed or easements between S. 4th Street (Hi Line) and Fifth Street to replace utility as needed.  Motion carried.


Jeremy Haas also stated that the Resolution #264 Authorized Representative to File Applications for Financial Assistance from State of Wisconsin Environmental Improvement Fund and #265 Resolution Declaring Official Intent to Reimburse Expenditures are needed for the Safe Drinking Water Program MSA is assisting the Village with.   A motion was made by Schwoch, seconded by Dunlap to approve Resolution #264 Authorized Representative to File Applications for Financial Assistance from State of Wisconsin Environmental Improvement Fund.  Motion carried.   A motion was made by Dunlap, seconded by Seubert to approve #265 Resolution Declaring Official Intent to Reimburse Expenditures.  Motion carried.


A motion was made by Rau, seconded by Schwoch to approve Class B Retail Licenses for sale of Fermented Malt Beverages and Intoxicating Liquors for Pamela Geiger/Boozer’s Bar and Grill; Duane Rudolph/Doubbleback Bar; Thomas Wempner/Point 08; and Kenneth Mohan/Fuzzy’s.  Motion carried.


A motion was made by Schwoch, seconded by Rau to approveCombination Class A Retail License for the sale of Fermented malt Beverages and Intoxicating Liquor only for consumption away from the premises where sold for Heartland C-store. Motion carried.


A motion was made by Rau, seconded by Dunlap to approve OperatorLicenses for: Mary Winchell, Monica DeGroot, Bobbie Blair, Terri Peissig, Stephanie Brecke, Gail Meyer, Billy Jo Schreiner, Crystal Rudolph, Tracie Kutzke, Kathleen Shatwell, Sandra Aguilera, Cathy Seehafer, Donna Smazal, Becky Beilke, Amber Von Loh, Lois Klimpke, Neil Duranceau, Julie Frahmann, Jared Baker, and Makala Thomsen.


Darrell Steen of Steen Construction came before the Village Board to discuss the payment of $5,000.00 which has been held to receive confirmation from DNR that the fill from dredging Dorchester Lake is in a DNR approved site.  He stated DNR will not give written confirmation as has provided verbal which should be sufficient.  Darrell stated he put the fill in a site verbally approved by the DNR.  He also presented to the Village Board a letter from Parrett Windows & Doors where the fill was dumped.   A motion was made by Schwoch, seconded by Koncel to approve payment of final $5000.00 to Steen Construction for North end Dam dredging.  Motion carried 5 -1 President Krause opposed.


Larry Gotham of Morgan & Parmley presented the Village Board with Contractor’s Application for Payment No. 1,  and Change Order No. 5- Proposal B ( Copy of both documents is available for viewing at the Clerk’s Office upon request).  A Dorchester Utility Improvements Budget Summary (copy available for review at the Clerk’s office upon request) was also provided to the Village Board and brief history of the project was given for the benefit of the new Trustees.


A motion was made by Dunlap, seconded by Schwoch to approve Change Order No. 5 – Proposal B for $850.10.  Motion carried.


The Village Board reviewed and discussed an Invoice dated June 1, 2012 for $13,500.00 from Morgan & Parmley.  This invoice if for professional services from April 27-May 31, 2012 Basic Engineering $9,763.50, Inspection $651.50, Amendments 1 &2 $3, 085.00 for Dorchester Wastewater Treatment Facility and Front Street.  A motion was made by Dunlap, seconded by Schwoch to approve the Invoice dated June 1, 2012 for $13, 500 for Morgan & Parmley.  Motion carried.


The Village Board reviewed the Assessing Contract Annual Maintenance agreement submitted by C. J. Becker.  Further discussion is needed, this item has been tabled.



President Krause stated that the next scheduled Village Board meeting would fall on July 4, 2012 which is a holiday.  Discussion was held on Wednesday, July 11, 2012 or Thursday, July 12, 2012.   A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Dunlap to hold the July 2012 Village Board meeting on Thursday, July 12, 2012.  Motion carried.  Motion carried.


Discussion was held on Public Hearing on Memorial Hall and what time of the scheduled July 12, 2012 board meeting will be offered for Public speaking.  A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Dunlap to approve Finance Committee Meeting from 6:00-6:15 pm then hold Village Board Meeting at 6:15 pm with sign up from 6:15 to 6:30 with Public Hearing to start at 6:30and maximum 5 minutes to continue at such time there would be no more speakers.  Motion carried.


Neighborhood Watch meeting is scheduled for 4th Tuesday of month = June 26, 2012 at Village Hall.  Bike Rodeo is Wednesday June 20, 2012   12:30 at the Home Place area behind the Clerk’s Office.  Free finger printing kits in both English and Spanish; free milk and cookies.


President Krause stated land conservation within Clark County was topic of discussion at UCCC meeting.  Water quality for Rock Dam and Mead Lake were also discussed.   Meeting will now be every 2 months and September 26, 2012 is scheduled for Dorchester.


Village Wide Garage Sales are June 7-9, 2012.


Trustee Rau gave brief Dorchester Days update stating painting and adding bleachers and continue to work on setting up.


A motion was made by Dunlap, seconded by Schwoch to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Adjournment 9:30 pm.


 Val Heins

Village Clerk-Treasurer

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