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Selected Meeting Minutes
Village Board Meeting
Jul 17, 2012
PDF Version: 22923_2012-Jul-17_Village Board Meeting.pdf


  1.  August 1, 2012 water billing will contain the new sewer rates that were approved on April 1, 2012.  THANK YOUto all village residents for your patience while water/sewer accounts were reviewed and corrected.  All bills have been sent out.


  1. DOG ISSUES; please speak with Officer Leichtman or Deb Koncel (715-965-3961) before you bring a dog to any location or Deb Koncel’s residence so proper arrangements can be made especially with the current heat/weather conditions.


Village of Dorchester Finance Committee Meeting

Tuesday, July 17, 2012: 6:00 PM                    Village Hall, 188 S. Washington Ave, Dorchester WI

Chairman Dunlap was not able to call the meeting to order as there was not a quorum; Finance Committee did not meet. 

Village of Dorchester Board Meeting

Tuesday, July 17, 2012: 6:15 PM                    Village Hall, 188 S. Washington Ave, Dorchester WI

President Krause called meeting to order at 6:21 PM.  He stated Villagers could sign up to request to speak before the Village Board until 6:30 pm or could submit a statement in writing.  Pledge of Allegiance was said.   Trustees Seubert, Schauer, Rau, Dunlap, Schwoch, and Koncel were present.    Also present was Clerk-Treasurer Heins, Dean Faude, Jesse Rieck, Gary Leichtman, several Village Residents and Ben Schultz of the TP.


A motion was made by Koncel, Seconded by Schauer to approve minutesof June 6, 2012 Finance Committee Meeting and Village Board Meeting Minutes, and June 27, 2012 Village Board meeting minutes.  Motion carried.


A motion was made by Dunlap, seconded by Rau to approveJune2012Auditreport.  Motion carried.  The board received theJuly 2012AuditSummeryReportfromtheVillageClerk- Treasurer.


President Krause asked if anyone present wanted to speak during Public Input; there were no speakers during Public Input.


Dean Faude gave his monthly report to the Village Board.  He stated has been very busy and was able to get some of the new curb poured.  At this time are able to manage the work load between the two full-time Village employees with the Seasonal employee assisting where needed.  President Krause stated the Seasonal employee’s weekly hours could be increased to 30 hours a week if needed.  Jesse Rieck has been entering the water number data into monthly reports for DNR. Mention was made of possible assistance from Stetsonville from Dave Dillman for report work.


Discussion was held on Village Informational signs.  A large sign 36” x 48” would cost $150.00 and smaller street signs 3” x 9´would cost $25.00;   Importance was placed on Public Building and Church signs.  A motion was made by Schwoch, seconded by Koncel to have the Public Works, Village Buildings and Utilities Committee meet and make recommendations at the August Village Board meeting.  Motion carried.


President Krause stated it was time to start the Public Input on Memorial Hall.  Villagers who signed in requesting to speak to the Village Board were each given (5) five minutes to speak.   Trustee Rau discussed a heating estimate received on the whole building for $50,000.00.   2 Fridges have been donated for the kitchen and prices for oven, kegerator and can cooler are still being prepared.  An estimate of $800.00 was stated for new kitchen floor.  Costs of supplies are still being collected and over 250 hours of labor was donated.  Trustee Rau also gave a brief history of income received from rental of Memorial Hall:

1992-1996 Peterson    = $$72,600

1996-1997 Jacobson   = $16,000

 Unknown for Gebert

2002-2012 Geiger       = $48,000

2012-2012 Rudolph     = $12,000

                                       $ 148, 600*

*All income went to General Village Fund to lower taxes by paying for other village expenses.


Speakers who signed in to request to speak before the Village Board:

George Smith               51 N. 4th Street, Dorchester                           Discussed Memorial Hall

Richard Hunsader      104 Apollo Ave, Dorchester                            Discussed Memorial Hall

Ron Robida                203 Center Ave, Dorchester                             Discussed Memorial Hall

Gene Peissig               700 East Center, Dorchester I                       Discussed Memorial Hall

John Pinter                 183 South Second, Dorchester                        Discussed Memorial Hall

Yvonne Pawlowwiz   103 W. Viking Ave, Dorchester                       Discussed Memorial Hall

Jim Maurina               414 N. 3rd Street, Dorchester                          Discussed Memorial Hall



Trustee Koncel stated she feels a Memorial Hall project would bring the community together.  No discussion of changes on the month-to-month lease with Duane Rudolph for Memorial Hall at this time.  A motion was made by Schwoch and seconded by Koncel to have the Public Works, Village Buildings and Utilities Committee research costs and provide the Village Board with more information.  Motion carried.


Discussion was held on black topping on the South Front Street sidewalk as safety issues are a concern.  More information is needed and will be discussed at a future board meeting.


Discussion was held regarding part-time assistance for the Water and Sewer Department.   Currently the Village has a verbal agreement with Dave Dillman of Stetsonville.   Attorney Wachsmuth presented the Village board with a draft Water and Sewer Services Agreement.   A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Schauer to approve Water and Sewer Services Agreement as shown upon acceptance and signature by Dave Dillman.  Motion carried.


Officer Leichtman gave his monthly report.  He stated theft with recovery of Village Property occurred; also there are other open cases still in progress.


Discussion was held on insurance claim denials for Duane Rudolph, dba Doubleback bar.  Claim WM000101160008 was a claim for loss of income due to furnace failure.  Claim WM000101160009 was a claim for loss of income due to flooding.  League of Wisconsin Municipalities Mutual Insurance investigated both claims and recommends denial of claims as Village of Dorchester not found negligent.  A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Dunlap to deny claim #WM000101160008 as noted.  Motion carried.

A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Dunlap to deny claim#WM000101160009 as noted.  Motion carried.


A discussion was held on Village Committee appointments.  The Police Committee representatives are Sarah Serrano, Darin Kussrow and Carol Staab.  Board of Appeals Committee representatives are Deb Koncel, Joan Hunsader, Ken Ellenbecker, Wayne Rau, and Karen Dunlap.  The Fire Department Village Representative is Deb Koncel (Daniella Schauer will attend in Deb Koncel’s absence).  A motion was made by Rau, seconded by Schwoch to approve the Police Committee, Board of Appeals Committee, and Fire Department Village Representative.  Motion carried.


No pay requests or change orders for Front Street and the Waste Water Treatment project were presented or discussed.  This information will be presented at the August Village Board meeting.


Discussion was held on LWMMI “up north” policyholder mini conference. Clerk-Treasurer Heins will attend the day conference.


A motion was made by Dunlap, seconded by Schauer to approve Building Permit Application for Sandra Aguilera at 131 N. Second Street estimated $3, 500.00.  Motion carried.


A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Schwoch to approve Building Permit Application for Mike Seubert, 115 Ludwig Drive estimated for $25,000.00 and subject to Uniform Dwelling Code approval.  Motion carried.  Trustee Seubert abstained.  


Discussion was held on Ordinance No. 151 and Amended Ordinance 151-B on Cross Connection Control.  Previous approved Ordinance did not have specific wording such as Village or Dorchester to state the specific municipality.  Also, proper numbering of Ordinance and amendment needed to be addressed.  A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Schauer to approve # 151 Ordinance for Cross-Connection Control. Motion carried.  A motion was made by Dunlap, seconded by Koncel to approve #151B Ordinance for Cross-Connection Control.  Motion carried.


A motion was made by Koncel, seconded Dunlap to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Adjourned 7:35 pm.


Val Heins

Village Clerk-Treasurer

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