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Selected Meeting Minutes
Village Board Meeting
Feb 23, 2012
PDF Version: 22529_2012-Feb-23_Village Board Meeting .pdf

The Village of Dorchester recommends installation of Sewer Drain Check Valves in every basement to prevent sewer backup.

  1. 4 inch part which fits into drains in basement floor; follow instructions on product.
  2. $7.00-$15.00 estimated purchase price.
  3. Fleet Farm, Menards, Meyer Lumber Supply; any business which carries plumbing supplies.
  4. If you have questions or concerns please call the Village Shop 715-654-5106 for assistance.  Please leave a message if you receive the answering machine.


Thursday,February 23, 2012    6:30 PM                                         Village Clerk’s Office, 228 W. Washington Ave, Dorchester WI

President Krause called the meeting to order at 6:37 pm.  Pledge of Allegiance was said. Roll call was taken with the following Trustees present: Ingersoll, Rau, Koncel, Dunlap and Hunsader.  Trustee Aguilera was absent.  Also present were Clerk-Treasurer Heins, Dean Faude, Duane Rudolph and Kevin O’Brien of the TP.


A receipt for a new mailbox was presented to the Village board.  The snow plow had struck the mailbox causing damage and replacement.  A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Dunlap to reimburse for the damaged mailbox up to $20.00.  Motion carried.


President Krause stated there was no new information and there would be billing information at an upcoming meeting regarding the Dam contract and billing with Steen Construction.


Both Hutman Heating and Jakel Plumbing, Heating, and Electrical, Inc. submitted proposals for heating systems to be installed into the Memorial Hall.   Jakel currently has emergency heat sources installed.   A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Hunsader to approve contract with Hutman Heating for proposal #2;  6- Aire Lfo High Efficient Gas Fired Furnaces and 1- Unit Heater for the heating of the entry area not to exceed $25,000.00.  4 votes Yeah, 2 votes Neah; motion passed. 


President Krause asked Duane Rudolph if he had any requests for input into the lease of Memorial Hall.  Mr. Rudolph asked for continuation of possible credits toward heating bills for December thru March if heating bills continue to be high.  He again asked for use of the Memorial Hall on Friday and Saturday of Dorchester Day’s weekend if needed and would have the area clean and ready for the scheduled Chicken Dinner on Sunday.  The Water, Sewer, Streets, Sidewalks, Signs, Lights, Vill. Bldgs. Committee will schedule a Committee Meeting and meet with Mr. Rudolph to discuss lease terms and make recommendations to the Village Board at the March Village Board meeting.


Mr. Rudolph asked the Village Board to consider moving the Kegerator upstairs permanently which would better accommodate functions booked at the Memorial Hall.  Temporary Kegerators were donated by Trustee Justin Ingersoll for the function scheduled Saturday, February 25, 2012.  The Water, Sewer, Streets, Sidewalks, Signs, Lights, Vill. Bldgs. Committee will take measurements and make recommendations to the Village Board at the March Village Board meeting.


Further discussion is needed regarding Employee Village shirts/uniforms.  The employees need to bring ideas to a future meeting of comfortable shirts/uniforms.


Discussion was held on cell phone usage and emails by employees.  Examples of other municipalities on policy of cell phone/text will be gathered and presented at a future meeting.  There was discussion of a possible Employee Committee meeting to review information.   Once policy is established the policy will be included in the Employee manual.


President Krause stated other communities are looking at their policies on employee residency.  Some communities are using their school district as residency boundaries.  More discussion is needed at a future meeting.


Discussion was held on possible need for Deputy Clerk/Treasure position and job description.  This position could possibly assist with filing at for the Village Shop.  There may be an Employee Committee meeting to discuss the possibility of a part-time position in the future.  More discussion is needed at a future meeting.


President Krause presented a pie chart which illustrated the percentage of household/businesses within the Village of Dorchester  that are in usage categories of up to 3,200 gallons;  3, 200 to 9,100 gallons; 9, 100 to 15,000 gallons; 15,000 to 50, 000 gallons and over 50,000 gallons.  This information was previous requested at  the January 25th Village Board Meeting.  The Village Board will review the information and more discussion will be held at the March Village Board meeting.


President Krause asked the Village Clerk the timeline for Liquor Licenses.  Late March-early April applications for Liquor licenses for facilities  and operators will be sent to the facilities for completion.  May is when the licenses applications come before the Village Board and are also published in the newspaper.  


A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Hunsader to approve the following building permits:

Robert Franz,  3688 Cty Hwy A        $6, 800 (Error on Agenda as previously listed at $1, 800.00)

Flooring throughout the home; painting; cabinets, and bath tub.

Justin Duranceau, 111 Marsh Ave,  $2, 250.00

Finishing basement/Living Room 23’ x 20”, laundry room 6”x 12” and storage room 15” x 13’; installing rain gutters.


Village Clerk-Treasurer Heins stated there is one (1) handicapped parking spot located on the west side of the Village Hall.  Temporary signs will be put up on election days to increase handicapped parking spots; Dean Faude also stated a sign for Van parking is put up at election time.


The Dorchester Village Board meeting for March will be held as scheduled Wednesday, March 7, 2012.


A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Dunlap to adjourn the Village Board Meeting.  Motion carried.  Adjourned 7:50 pm.


Val Heins

Village Clerk-Treasurer

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