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Selected Meeting Minutes
Village Board Meeting
Feb 08, 2012
PDF Version: 22528_2012-Feb-08_Village Board Meeting .pdf

Village announcements:


  1. A current rabies certificate must be presented when purchasing a 2012 dog license; NO EXCEPTIONS  will be made.





Wednesday, February 8, 2012     6:15 PM                                    Village Clerk’s Office, 228 W. Washington Ave, Dorchester WI





The Finance Committee meeting was called to order at 6:15 pm.  The following Trustees were present: Wayne Rau, Deb Koncel and Chairman Karen Dunlap.  Also present was Clerk-Treasurer Heins, Ernie Sundstrom of Sundstrom’s Pit Pumping LLC Sundstrom’s Septic Service, Larry Gotham of Morgan and Parmley and President Krause.


Discussion was held on the monthly bills and vouchers; monthly bills and vouchers were accepted.


Ernie Sundstrom of Sundstrom’s Pit Pumping LLC Sundstrom’s Septic Service discussed proposed change order for $48 Thousand for sludge removal.  The Finance Committee recommends approval of the change order.


A motion to adjourn the Finance Committee was made by Dunlap, seconded by Koncel.  Finance Committee adjourned 7:00 pm.








Wednesday, February 8, 2012    7:30 PM                                      Village Clerk’s Office, 228 W. Washington Ave, Dorchester WI



President Krause called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.  Pledge of Allegiance was said. Roll call was taken with the following Trustees present: Aguilera, Rau, Koncel, Dunlap and Hunsader.  Trustee Ingersoll was absent.  Also present were Clerk-Treasurer Heins, Larry Gotham of Morgan and Parmley, Ernie Sundstrom of Sundstrom’s Pit Pumping LLC Sundstrom’s Septic, Jeremy Haas of MSA, Rick Golz, Jesse Rieck, Gary Leichtman, Dick Hunsader, Pam Leichtman, John Hutman, and Kevin O’Brien of the TP.


Rick Golz, Department of Works,  did not have any information to report for the month.


Jesse Rieck suggested to the Village Board to send out letters Village wide recommending the purchase of and installation of Check Valves in basements of homes to prevent sewer back-ups.  Also,  Jesse asked for consideration of purchase of laptop for the shop employee’s use for reports, ordering, keeping of records.   He also stated a section of Factory Street will be dug up to check for broken gasket or pipes as have water on the black-top indicating leak.


Gary Leichtman stated starting the process for the squad car mobile computer application with the State Patrol. 


There was not public input.


Larry Gotham of Morgan and Parmley discussed with the Village Board the Sundstom Pit Pumping Sundstom Septic Service change order that was previously discussed at the January 25th Village Board Meeting and earlier in evening with the Finance Committee.  The request for $48, 015.95 would be able to utilize $12000 that was not used under Proposal B-WWTF Renovations for Bid item 3 Sludge Transfer and Storage in Cell #1.  The Village would be approving additional $36,000.00 to be paid.  A motion was made by Rau, seconded by Koncel to pay Sundstom Pit Pumping Sundstrom Septic Service $48,000.00 as a change order.


Larry Gotham also presented the Sewer Services Charge Comparison which was previously presented at the January 25th Village Board Meeting.  He again stated the goal is for the Sewer and Water departments to pay for themselves.   The Village Board is in review of the information and discussion was held.    Confirmation of sewer hook-ups Village wide and household gallon usage info will be collected and presented to the Village Board at a future meeting.  This information will be used to determine the sewer increase. 


Jeremy Haas of MSA presented the Village Board with the MSA Professional Services Agreement.  The Scope of the work authorized is SDBG-PF Pre Application, Budget/Other Financial Assistance, Other TIF Related Tasks.  Approximate start is February 1, 2012  and approximate completion June 30, 2012.   Estimated fee for the work is $7,000.00 .  A motion was made by Dunlap, seconded by Rau to approve the MSA Professional Service Agreement for $7,000.00.  Motion carried.


President Krause stated that Statewide Services, Inc. conducted an investigation on 2 claims submitted due to sewer back-up on Linden Street in December.  The investigation revealed that the Village of Dorchester was not negligent or liable for the incident.  The incident was caused by an unexpected blockage in the Village’s sewer line.  The cause of this blockage was determined to be tree roots.  Upon receiving notice of the blockage, the Village responded and resolved the situation.  According to information gathered from Dean Faude, the Sewer lines are maintained regularly including being jetted on  3 year rotating basis.  The village would not be responsible for this unforeseen blockage as there is not negligence unless the Village knew or should have known about the blockage.                                


Mark Leichtman was not present for the Village Board Meeting.  President Krause asked for public input, Pam Leichtman stated she felt there should be compensation as this was a large clean up.   Trustee Koncel suggested stop-flow letters provided to new home owners/residents when the Village is notified a new resident has moved into a property.  The Village Wide letters will list the contact information for the shop to contact to discuss any questions or concerns on  stop-flow valves.  A motion was made by Aguilera, seconded by Rau to deny claims as noted by Statewide Services, Inc. claim WM000101160002.  Motion carried.


Dick Hunsader presented the Village Board Guidelines for Dorchester Village Temporary or Seasonal Workers for Non-Profit organizations.  This stated:

  • The Village should revise the employee handbook to include a section for temporary or seasonal workers for non-profits in the Village.
  • The employees will work under the supervision of the non-profits.
  • The employees will be hired by the Village.
  • The employees will be paid by the Village and the non-profits will reimburse the Village for their payroll costs.
  • The non-profits will decide what they are willing to pay the employees for their services.
  • There will be no benefits for these employees.


A motion was made by Hunsader, seconded by Sandy to Adopt a new category of Temporary or Seasonal Workers for non- profit organization to the Employee Handbook.  The motion carried.


President Krause stated he had heating proposals from Jake Plumbing, Heating, and Electrical, Inc. and Hutman Heating for Emergency Heating of Memorial Hall. These proposals are available for viewing at the Clerk’s Office.  Also We Energies will be contacted about having 2 separate meters installed in the Memorial Hall; 1 in the bowling/bar area and 1 upstairs in the Hall area for separation of heating charges. Further discussion will be held on the heating options presented and the options for separate meters at a future meeting.


A motion to adjourn was made by Koncel, seconded by Hunsader.  Motion carried.  Meeting adjourned 8:56 pm.


Val Heins

Village Clerk-Treasurer

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