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Selected Meeting Minutes
Village Board Meeting
Aug 09, 2012
PDF Version: 22929_2012-Aug-09_Village Board Meeting.pdf


  1.  DOG OWNERS: PLEASE carry bags with you when walking your leashed dogs and properly dispose of your dog’s waste.


Village of Dorchester Finance Committee Meeting

Thursday, August 9, 2012: 6:30 PM  Village Clerk’s Office, 228 W. Washington Ave, Dorchester, WI


Chairman Dunlap called the Finance meeting to order at 6:40 pm.  Present were Chairman Dunlap, Trustee Schwoch, Trustee Koncel.  Also present were Clerk-Treasurer Heins.  Review and Discussion of the monthly bills and vouchers was held.  A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Schwoch to adjourn the Finance Committee meeting.  Motion carried.   Adjourned 6:55 pm.


Village of Dorchester Board Meeting

Thursday, August 9, 2012: 7:00 PM  Village Clerk’s Office, 228 W. Washington Ave, Dorchester, WI


President Krause called meeting to order at 7:10 PM.  Pledge of Allegiance was said.   Trustees Schauer, Rau, Dunlap, Schwoch and Koncel were present.  Trustee Seubert was absent.  Also present included Village Clerk-Treasurer Heins, Larry Gotham of Morgan and Parmley, Dean Faude and Kevin O’Brien of the TP.


A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Dunlap to approve the minutes of the July 17, 2012 Village Board meeting.  Motion carried.


A motion was made by Dunlap, seconded by Schwoch to approve the July 2012 Audit Report.  Motion carried.


Dean Faude gave his monthly report.  He stated Rick Golz,Village Department of Public Works is following up on a lead on a person who is DNR Certified and may be available to be hired to assist in Dorchester.  Dean also discussed street patching once Board approves a bid.   Blacktopping Front Street will be held off until next year to allow settling and the bid received from American Asphalt will remain the same if completed next year. Dean also discussed Kennedy storm drain and that he has been viewing surrounding streets for water flow.


Officer Leichtman was not able to provide a monthly report.


President Krause discussed considering an Emergency Management Planning Committee.  More discussion is needed on Committees and Appointments at an upcoming Village Board meeting.


President Krause stated he has requested the Police Committee to meet with Officer Leichtman regarding budgeting; he asked Dean Faude to gather together budget items or “Want List” after discussions with Rick Golz and Jesse Reick.  All departments should have budget information available for the September Village Board meeting.


Larry Gotham of Morgan & Parmley discussed Waste Water Contingency Funds.  He presented a Budget Summery page showing $83,102.66 of Grant Funds available to spend.  Discussion was held on replacing WWTF doors, WWTF windows, painting, and a Reduce Pressure Zone Backflow that is required by Code and Dorchester Village Ordinance.  Also discussed were changes to WWTF roof as Change Order adding more insulation and rubber to change slope to away from the door at cost of $17, 700.00.  Discussion was also held on leaking manholes which can be repaired with manhole liners.  A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Rau to approve additional changes to WWTF roof adding insulation and rubber to change slope to away from door for $17, 700.  Motion carried.   A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Schwoch to allow Larry Gotham of Morgan & Parmley to secure estimates on WWTF doors, paint, Pressure Zone Backflow and 20-30 manhole liners.  Motion carried.


Larry Gotham also presented the Village Board Change Order No. 1- Proposal A and Contractor’s Application for Payment No. 2.  Discussion was also held on repairs of the steps replacement outside Fuzzy’s Tavern on Front Street which currently pose a problem for safety.  A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Schauer to approve Change Order No. 1-Proposal A as noted subject to repairs to Fuzzy’s Tavern steps as economically and safely as possible.  Motion carried 5-1.  A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Rau to approve Contractor’s Application for Payment No. 2 for $144,625.23.  Motion carried.


President Krause stated the Planning Commission recommended proceeding with purchase of Baker’s Garage.  He stated the Dorchester Park Corporation is paying for tear down and disposal.  A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Rau to continue with Purchase of Baker’s Garage at 216 E. Center Ave, not to exceed $4, 500.00.  Motion carried.




Bids from Oium Asphalt, Paving, Inc. and American Asphalt of Wisconsin were discussed for black topping on the South Front Street sidewalk.  A motion was made by Rau, seconded by Schwoch to accept Oium Asphalt, Paving, Inc. bid for 2” asphalt on top of sidewalk for $3, 361.00 on S. Front Street.   Motion carried.


President Krause presented the Village Board an updated Assessing contract from C. J. (Clarence) Becker, Jr. /Becker Appraising.  A motion was made by Schauer, seconded by Dunlap to approve Assessing Contract Annual maintenance starting January 1, 2013 and ending August 31, 2013 for $4, 400.00.  Motion carried.


Discussion was held on Village Banner and Information Signs.  The Public Works, Village Buildings, Utilities Committee will meet to discuss banners and signs and make recommendations to the Village Board on sizes and prices.


Discussion was held on bids from Ouim Asphalt, Paving, Inc. $2, 199.00 and American Asphalt of Wisconsin $6, 505.28 regarding patches on 4th and 5th Streets.  A motion was made by Rau, seconded by Koncel to accept Oium Asphalt, Paving, Inc. bid for 2 patches of 1 ½” overlay w/tack on 4th and 5th Streets for $2,199.00.  Motion carried.


Discussion was held on Water Plant Heating Project.  A bid from Hutman Heating has been received.  Further discussion is needed after receipt of Budget Summary at either the September or October Board meeting.


A motion was made by Rau, seconded by Schwoch to approve Operator Licenses for:  Amanda Hackbarth, Doubbleback Bar LLC; Nellie Wojcik, Doubbleback Bar LLC; and Samantha Odalen-Fields, Heartland C-Store.  Motion carried.


Discussion was held on Memorial Hall.  Bids were discussed from Jakel Plumbing, Heating and Electric Inc. and Hutman Heating.  A motion was made by Schwoch, seconded by Dunlap to accept Hutman Best Quality quote of $9,683.00 per unit for electric, heating and air conditioning.  Motion carried.


Discussion was held on Memorial Hall Lease.  A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Rau to accept lease to May 1, 2013 with Duane Rudolph with changes to be implemented.  Motion carried.


Discussion was held on seasonal part-time Village employee.  The Employee Committee will review, discuss, and make recommendations at the next Village Board meeting.


Discussion on Community Activities sponsored by the Village will be held at a future meeting.


Next Village Board meeting will stay at the September 5, 2012 7:00 PM at Clerk’s Office as already scheduled.


President Krause will be attending the August 14, 2012 Small Town Downtown Forum at the Greenwood Village Hall for Market Analysis.


Employee Committee Chairman Schwoch presented the following recommendations from the Employee Committee:  A copy of the signed Verbal Warning be turned into the Chairman of Employee Committee within 48 hours be added to the Employee Handbook.  The changing of the word “Can” to “Will” regarding Banked/Compensatory Time to alleviate paying out Over Time change also in the Employee Handbook.   Office hours are being discussed for the Clerk’s Office as well as Clerk and Deputy Clerk work schedule.  The Employee Committee will hold more Committee meetings and make several recommendations to the Village Board at upcoming meetings.  A motion was made by Rau, seconded by Schauer to approve the disciplinary change to the Employee Handbook and have all employees read and sign by Friday, August 17, 2012.  Motion carried.


No Closed Session.


 A motion was made by Schwoch, seconded by Dunlap to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Adjourned 10:22 PM.



Val Heins

Village Clerk-Treasurer

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