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Selected Meeting Minutes
Annual Organizational Meeting & Board Meeting
Apr 17, 2012
PDF Version: 22533_2012-Apr-17_Annual Organizational Meeting & Board Meeting.pdf



Tuesday,April 17, 2012    7:00 PM                                  Village Clerk’s Office, 228 W. Washington Ave, Dorchester WI



President Krause called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.  Roll call was taken with the following Trustees present: Trustee Elect Suebert, Rau, Dunlap, Trustee Elect Schwoch, and Koncel.  Trustee Elect Schauer was absent.  Also present were Clerk-Treasurer Heins,  Village Attorney Bonnie Wachsmuth, Fire Chief Rick Rinehart, John Staab, Dean Faude, Jesse Rieck, Rick Golz, Officer Gary Leichtman, Justin Sornsin and Jeremy Haas of MSA, Rita Motte, Renee Staab, Darrell and Cindy Steen, Dick Hunsader, and Ben Schultz of the TP.


Trustee Elect Suebert and Trustee Elect Schwoch took oaths of office.  Trustee Elect Schauer was absent and will be sworn in by the Village Clerk-Treasurer at a future date.


President Krause stated village board meetings had been set for first Wednesday of each month starting at 7:00 pm.  No action was taken.


Discussion was held to elect a President Pro Tem to preside over meetings in President’s absence.  No action was taken on the matter.


President Krause presented the following Committees and Trustees/Village Representatives to serve on the committees; the first noted would serve as the Chair of the committee:


Public Works, Village Buildings, Utilities:                         Rau, Schwoch, Dunlap

Parks, Recreation, and Community Activities:                Schwoch, Schauer, Rau

Economic Development:                                                    Krause, Jantsch

Finance Committee:                                                            Dunlap, Schwoch, Koncel

Employee Committee:                                                        Schwoch, Koncel, Dunlap

Board of Health:                                                                   Koncel, Suebert, Schauer

Sidewalk Inspector:                                                             Rau

Weed Inspector:                                                                  Koncel

Zoning Administrator:                                                         Jim Jantsch

Building Inspector:                                                              Jim Flood

Maintenance Overseer:                                                     Rau

Assist with dogs:                                                                   Koncel

United Communities of Clark County:                              Krause

CCEDC, MCDEVCO, Abby/Colby Chamber:                      Krause

Board of Review:                                                                 Board plus Clerk

Police Committee:                                                               Undetermined

Board of Appeals:                                                                Undetermined

Planning Commission:                                                         Undetermined


A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Rau to accept completed committees as noted and table the Police Committee, Board of Appeals, and Planning Commission for further review to complete by June Board meeting.  Motion carried.


A motion was made by Dunlap, seconded by Rau to appoint Bonnie Wachsmuth of Worden-Wachsmuth Law as Village Attorney.  Motion carried.


A motion as made by Koncel, seconded by Dunlap to continue to use Advantage Community Bank as official depository of the Village.  Motion carried.


A motion was made by Rau, seconded by Schwoch to continue to use the Tribune-Phonograph as official newspaper of the Village.  Motion carried.


A motion was made by Schwoch, seconded by Dunlap to have C-Store, Clerk’s Office, and Village Hall be designated as 3 public posting stations.  Motion carried.  Advantage Community Bank will be a 4th courtesy posting site.


President Krause discussed the New Municipal Officials Workshops offered by the League of WI Municipalities which is open to new officials to attend.


A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Dunlap to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Adjourned 7:30pm.




Val Heins

Village Clerk-Treasurer









Village of Dorchester Board Meeting


Tuesday,April 17, 2012    7:00 PM                                  Village Clerk’s Office, 228 W. Washington Ave, Dorchester WI



President Krause called the meeting to order at 7:33 pm.  Pledge of Allegiance was said.  Roll call was taken with the following Trustees present:  Suebert, Rau, Dunlap, Schwoch, and Koncel.  Trustee Elect Schauer was absent.  Also present were Clerk-Treasurer Heins,  Village Attorney Bonnie Wachsmuth, Fire Chief Rick Rinehart, John Staab, Dean Faude, Jesse Rieck, Rick Golz, Officer Gary Leichtman, Justin Sornsin and Jeremy Haas of MSA, Rita Motte, Renee Staab, Darrel and Cindy Steen, Dick Hunsader, and Ben Schultz of the TP.


Fire Chief Rick Rinehart and John Staab spoke to the board regarding Memorial Hall. Fire Chief Rinehart discussed the no cost  walk thru of Memorial Hall with Mr. Frisk.  He stated several code issues with wiring, pin sitters; and stated boiler room and exits are areas of concern.  It was noted that the building is said to be a strong, sound structure.


George Smith who resides within the Village also spoke to the board regarding Memorial Hall.


President Krause stated a committee with Trustees Rau, Schwoch and Dunlap will gather information and costs of the different options for the Memorial Hall.  The options mentioned were tear down, repair, upper level use, build new, and sell.  Trustee Rau stated he spoke with a Marshfield Company regarding their recent purchase of a building for tear down; he also will be meeting with a gentleman from Marshfield to look at repairs.  New build plans for a very basic building which includes offices for Police and Village Clerk were presented to the village board.  The structure measured 114 feet x 50 feet with cost of $280,000.00.  Capacity would be 315 and this plan did not include demolition of current building.  Plan is available for viewing at Clerk’s Office.


Discussion was also held on the lease for the Memorial Hall.  A month-to-month lease and the potential for default on current lease were discussed; currently the utilities billing is 2 quarters delinquent.  A motion was made by Koncel and seconded by Schwoch which stated he is to pay his utility bill with village on or before April 27, 2012 by 10:00 am,  if not paid by due date lease will be terminated with notice given by April 30th, 2012; if payment is made the Village will proceed with month-to-month lease.  Motion carried.


Discussion was held on hiring of seasonal employees.  The following employees will be seasonal hires:  Terry Meyer mowing for Park, Cemetery and Village; Mary Winchell will work the Park Stand, Dick Hunsader mowing for the Cemetery and Lois Grajek also employed for Cemetery.  A motion was made by Koncel and seconded by Dunlap to hire the seasonal employees for Park, Cemetery and Village.  Motion carried.


An American Pavement Solutions bid was discussed.   They offer 5 year warranty and 8, 400 feet would be covered under the $5,000.00 cost. A motion was made by Rau, seconded by Dunlap to approve American Pavement Solutions agreement for $5,000.00.  Motion carried.


Discussion was held on the Dorchester Park Dam project.   Previous discussion has been held with Staab and Steen Construction on repairing cracks in the Dam.  A motion was made by Schwoch, seconded by Rau for Steen Construction to check of needed repair of clogged drain tile not to exceed $500 and Staab construction  not to exceed $3000 to look at cracks and repair to meet DNR approval for the grant.  Motion carried.


Front Street project was discussed.  A map of the proposed change order was reviewed; this map is available at the Clerk’s office for viewing.  A  motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Dunlap to approve the extension of the street work past the manhole on Front Street and not do the sidewalk, curb and gutter as indicated on the map.   


President Krause stated he is working with Fire Chief Rick Rinehart on the Emergency Response Plan and will have more information at the May board meeting.


President Krause discussed Board of Review and will work with the Clerk on locations and times for courses offered in the area.


President Krause discussed National Emergency testing at 1pm on April 19, 2012 for severe weather.


A motion was made by Dunlap, seconded by Koncel to adjourn the meeting.  Motion carried.  Adjourned 9:10 pm.



Val Heins

Village Clerk-Treasurer

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