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Selected Meeting Minutes
Oct 20, 2011


  1. Clerk’s office will be CLOSED on Friday, October 28, 2011Drop box always available.



Thursday, October 20, 2011 7:00 PM


Village President Dan Krause called the meeting to order at 7:15pm. Pledge of Allegiance recited.   Roll call was taken with following trustees present; Aguilera, Rau, Koncel, and Dunlap; Trustees Ingersoll and Hunsader were absent.  Also present were Village Clerk-Treasurer Heins, Dean Faude, Jesse Rieck and Kevin O’Brien of the TP.


  • Discuss and possible action on Current 2011 budget adjustments.

President Krause stated will sign refinance papers of current loan on Friday, October 21, 2011 with Advantage Community bank.  Loan is $457,430.29 with monthly payments of $12,657.43 due 15th of month starting November 15, 2011.  This will be the only monthly payment on the loan as will not be making extra payments on loan as need to use those funds for educational costs and new copier expense.

  • Discuss and possible action on 2012 proposed budget endorsement and Tax Levy.

President Krause gave out handouts of rough draft of 2012 budget which is incomplete; he stated that Justin Sornsin of MSA will be at the Thursday, October 27, 2012 meeting to present the completed proposed 2012 budget to the Village Board.   Also, President Krause stated recommendation from Finance Board to give 1% wage increase.   Jesse Rieck and Dean Faude gave information on a used tractor/mower with Broom, Sander, Cab and Deck which the Village may want to consider purchasing.  Trustee Rau will stop and look over the tractor/mower and get more details to present at the Board meeting at the October 27, 2011 Village Board Meeting.  Also discussed was the purchase of reflective safety coats for the Village workers. 

A motion was made by Rau, seconded by Aguilera to purchase reflective safety coats for the Village workers.  Motion carried.

  • Discuss and possible action on financing for WWTF and Front St. projects.

Further discussion and possible action on financing for WWTF and Front St. projects will be discussed at a future Village Board meeting after review of the final proposed Budget for 2012.  President Krause did state that bids are being accepted for the Front St. project and will be reviewed on Friday, October 28, 2011.  The bid will be awarded at the November 2, 2012 Village Board meeting.

  • Discuss and possible action on financing for future village projects.

Further discussion and action on financing for future Village projects will be discussed at a future Village Board meeting after review of the final proposed Budget for 2012 has been received.

  • Discuss and possible action on Memorial Hall needed repairs/updates.

Discussion was held on needed repairs for the Memorial Hall; information was presented on new and used equipment quotes for coolers as well as for the bowling lanes.  Future discussion will be held at an upcoming meeting after review of the final proposed Budget for 2012 has been received.

  • Discuss and possible action on Park Dam dredging contracting procedure.

Discussion was held for seeking local contractors to submit bids to complete the Park Dam dredging; at least 2 contractors must submit bids with discussion of Melvin Company and Steen Excavating. Trustee Rau will discuss with Park Board on Monday October 24, 2011 and will have information for further discussion at the October 27, 2011 Village Board meeting.

  • Discuss and possible action to authorize $25,000.00 Library roof expenditure.

President Krause stated that the current budget for 2011 has in it a payout of $25, 000.00 for the Dorchester Library new roof expense.

A motion was made by Dunlap, seconded by Koncel to approve the payout of

$25, 000.00 for the Dorchester Library new roof expense.  Motion carried.

  • Discuss and possible action on Resolution 237 and authorization to borrow funds.

President Krause stated that the previous Resolution 237 is not in need of an authorization to borrow funds.  He further stated the new Loan agreement will include this documentation.  No action taken.

  • Any other business.

No discussion of other business.

  • Adjournment.

A motion to adjourn was made by Koncel, seconded by Dunlap.  Motion carried.  Adjourned at 8:15pm.




Val Heins

Village Clerk-Treasurer

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