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Selected Meeting Minutes
Oct 05, 2011


  1. Halloween hours for Trick-or-Treat is 5pm- 7pm on October 31, 2011; DRIVE SLOW- WATCH FOR CHILDREN!!!!
  2. Clerk’s office will be CLOSED Thursday, October 20th during day office hours and also on Friday, October 28, 2011Drop box always accessible and available.
  3. Dorchester Lioness Spaghetti Supper is Thursday, October 13, 2011 in St. Louis Church Basement 4:00- 7:00 PM.
  4. Dorchester Park/Dorchester Lions 2nd Annual Pork Loin Supper is Thursday, November 3rd, 2011 at Village Hall 4:30- 7:30 pm.



Wednesday, October 5, 2011      6:00 PM


Finance Committee was called to order at 6:05pm.  The following Trustees were present; Rau, Dunlap, and Koncel; also present Village President Dan Krause and Village Clerk-Treasurer Val Heins, Justin Sornsin and Clem Safranek of MSA.


Discussion was held on current budget items and suggestions to aid in budget preparation for 2012 budget.


Motion to adjourn made by Koncel, seconded by Dunlap, Motion Carried. Adjourned at 7:06 pm.



Wednesday, September 7, 2011 7:00 PM

President Krause called the Village Meeting to order at 7:07 pm. Pledge of Allegiance said.  Roll Call was taken with the following trustees present: Aguilera, Ingersoll, Rau, Koncel, Dunlap, and Hunsader.  Also present Village-Clerk Treasurer Heins, Clem Safranek of MSA, Clement Safranek and Justin Sornsin of MSA, Dean Faude, Jesse Rieck, Gary Leichtman, Rita Motte, Jeff and Renee Staab; and Kevin O’Brien of the TP.


A Motion was made by Hunsader, seconded by Dunlap to approve the minutes of the September 7, 2011 and September 21, 2011 Village Board meetings, and September 14, 2011 and September 29th, 2011 Finance Committee meetings.  Motion Carried.


A motion was made by Rau, seconded by Aguilera to approve the September 2011 Audit Summary Report. Motion carried.  Village Clerk-Treasurer Heins handed out the October 2011 Audit Summary Report.


Dean Faude gave a monthly report to the Village Board; bids were submitted for repair of village owned sidewalks from S. Etten Son construction and Kevin Boyer concrete LLC.  Decker Lumber & Supply, Inc. and Ludwig Builders have submitted bids for crash door installation within the Memorial Hall.  Trustee Hunsader requested reminder for door bids which is to replace non-repairable doors with new doors and be in code guidelines.  Also mentioned Memorial hall is in need of new flooring in kitchen area which could be tile and non-slip; some of the bowling returns need to be fixed.  Mr. Rudolph has furnished the Clerk Office with a list of inspection items for possible repair.  The new Light post for the Dorchester days parking lot will be under $500 to install.  The Village will send a statement for $25.00 for tree removal at Hwy A and 3rd Street North; the estimate for tree removal at S. 2nd Street will be $300 to remove to ground and will need to get a grinder to grind stump.


Jesse Rieck stated in process of starting leave collection and asked for reminder to not put leaves in the street.


A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Aguilera to accept Kevin Boyer Concrete LLC bid to remove and replace 665 sp ft of sidewalk and remove and install four Wheel Chair ramps, 6 bag concrete mix all powder no fly ash, Controlled saw joints, TK brand clear sealer with rebar $2, 775.00.  Motion carried.


Further discussion is needed on tree removal at S. 2nd Street and is tabled to upcoming meeting.


Officer Gary Leichtman gave his monthly report.  Stated inspections on theft and assaults with reports filed to District Attorney and evidence being sent to Lab.  Mention was made that with legislation on Concealed weapons the Village may want to look into an Ordinance.



Village President Krause stated that the Emergency Response plan for Village for Dorchester was last done in 2001 and need to update plan; Trustee Dunlap and Officer Leichtman will review and update information on current plan.  The FEMA project worksheet and wage scale is to be passed within the next 6 months.  Officer Leichtman will have update on Siren for November 2, 2011 Village Board meeting.


A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Dunlap to accept MSA Professional Service Agreement for 2011-2012 TIF related services.  Motion carried.


Justin Sornsin of MSA will assist with 2012 Budget process and project finance planning which is part of the TIF service contract.   The Budget Hearing will be held on Thursday, October 20th , 2011 then submit for publication with final budget conformation at Village Board meeting scheduled for November 10th, 2012.


The Village of Dorchester Clark/Marathon Counties, Wisconsin Five Year Capital Improvement Plan in bound form is available at the Clerk’s office for viewing.


A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Rau to contract with MSA for Village road PASAR assessment and maintenance plan.  Motion carried.


Further discussion is needed regarding action to contract with MSA to establish and implement a sign assessment or management method to meet MUTCD sign reflectivity requirements.  Tabled to future Village Board meeting.


A discussion was held on current 5 yr. village loan which is coming due October 15, 2011; can refinance to 3 year 2.25% on remaining balance and amend the current budget.  Discussion on looking into new bank loan after completion of current budget and have funding information.   A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Dunlap to refinance balance of current village loan and amend the 2011 budget.


President Krause gave an update on delinquent water/sewer disconnects.  He had placed a halt on the scheduled water disconnects; and stated that letters will be going out to Villagers who have not paid their water/sewer billings the balance due will be placed on to their real estate taxes.  The Village Board asked to have stated in the letter a statement which should read there has never been a policy to ignore quarterly utility billings and cannot use the balance placed onto real estate taxes as a payment plan; utilities must be paid each quarter and the Village will offer payment options if unable to pay in full when due.


President Krause informed the Village Board that a computer system within the Clerk’s office had crashed and is not repairable.   A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Rau to purchase the UBPro water/sewer software system and new computer for the Clerk’s office.  Motion carried.


Discussion was held on hiring a contractor to complete the removal of material from Dorchester Lake and move the Organic pile.  Tiry Engineering plan is ready for removal and dredging of Dorchester Lake and move back the organic pile.  A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Hunsader to seek bids from Contractors to complete the removal of material, dredging of Dorchester Lake and move the Organic pile.  Motion carried.


Discussion was held on Dental Insurance and Health Insurance.  Current health insurance is 80 paid by Village, 20% employee; more discussion is needed on Dental Insurance, eye glass reimbursement, HRA reimbursement plan at a future Committee or Village Board meeting.


Trustee Ingersoll will look into quotes for uniform shirts with some type wording for Village of Dorchester and possible name of employee and have information at November 2, 2011 Village Board Meeting.


Discussion was held on cell phone and texting of employees while driving; further discussion will be held on what to have added to employee manual at future meeting.


A motion was made by Dunlap, seconded by Koncel to approve the following building permit:

John Lenz            $1, 500.00

Tin Roof placed over existing shingles


Discussion was held on Village hosted Halloween party with soft serves ice cream, DJ, and Costume contest. President Krause will contact Lioness for assistance. Trick-or-Treat hours will remain 5-7pm on October 31, 2011 as these hours are best for safety of all who participate.




A motion was made by Rau, seconded by Koncel to enter into Closed Session closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statute § 19.85 (1)(c) considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. 


Purpose:  Employment of public employee(s).  Compensation of public employee(s).

  1. Roll Call

Aguilera, yes

Ingersoll, yes

Rau, yes

Koncel, yes

Dunlap, yes

Hunsader, Yes


  1. Invitation of non Board members into closed session


Motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Aguilera to invitation on non Board members into closed session.  Motion was carried.


A motion was made by Dunlap and seconded by Koncel to go back into open session.  Motion carried.


A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Hunsader to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.  Meeting adjourned at 10:03 pm.



Val Heins

Village Clerk-Treasurer

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