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Selected Meeting Minutes
Nov 16, 2011


  1. Late feeswill not be assessed until December 5, 2011 due to lateness of receipt of this quarter’s water billing.  Thank you to all the villagers for your patience and understanding with the new billing system process and the delays. Please call with any concerns or questions.
  2. Ordinance #106 No parking on Village streets between the hours of 2 am-7am (November 15th-April 15th) to enable the village men to plow the streets more efficiently.
  3. Ordinance #109 Sidewalks are to be shoveled within 48 hours following a snowfall.



Wednesday, November 16, 2011 7:00 PM

President Krause called the Village Meeting to order at 7:03 pm. Pledge of Allegiance said.  Roll Call was taken with the following trustees present: Ingersoll, Rau, Dunlap, and Hunsader; Trustee Koncel arrived later and Trustee Aguilera was absent.  Also present Village-Clerk Treasurer Heins, Darrell Steen and Kevin O’Brien of the TP.


Discuss and possible action on steps required to complete the Dorchester Dam Project.

President Krause gave update on the Dorchester Dam Project.  He stated that on November 5, 2011 a certified letter was sent to Badger Environmental stating the DNR did a final walk through of the project and findings of plugged tile in the left abutment, two hair line cracks weeping water and the previous discussed removal of organics that had flowed back into the lake.  Badger Environmental had seven days from receipt of the letter to respond.   He also stated that 8 letters were sent out to local companies indicating A. Removal of Organic material; B. Unplugging of the line, C. Sealing of Hairline Cracks, and D. Replace 2 damaged trees near the organic material so bids could be submitted if interested in completing the repairs if Badger Environmental did not respond in the allotted time.  A bid from Steen Construction was received; A. $4275.00 to remove organic pile, B. $500.00 to correct plugged tile; D. $600.00 to replace damaged trees.   An attorney for Badger Environmental responded that the hairline cracks and plugged tile are in process of being repaired or will be shortly with a follow-up letter being sent to Village of Dorchester; at the time of meeting the letter had not been received.  President Krause will contact DNR for more information on the cracks and any other work which needs to be done to complete the Dorchester Dam Project and discuss further at upcoming Village Board meetings.


Discuss and possible action on Dorchester Dam Reconstruction repairs and hiring contractors as necessary to complete them.

A motion was made by Rau, seconded by Dunlap to award work to Steen Construction for Project A. Removal of Organic material for $4275.00 and Project D. Replacement of two damaged trees $600.  Motion carried.


Public Input.

Darrel Steen had questions on measurement of organic material and also stated he plans to build burm to prevent future seepage of organic material.


Discuss and possible action for a change order for a new generator for the WWTF project.

Rural Development approved new generator as part of WWTF project.  A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Rau to allow Village President Krause to sign change order for a new generator for the WWTF project once change order has been received.


Review, discuss and possible action on previous motion to purchase the used broom and cab for the Village lawnmower.

Discussion was held on purchase of broom and cab for Village lawnmower; $3000.00 for cab with new window and $2, 750.00 new brush and used Deck.  Brand new would be about $12000.00 for the equipment. 


Trustee Koncel rescinded previous motion to approve the Broom and Cab with payment in January 2012., seconded by Ingersoll, motion carried. (Village Board meeting November 2, 2011)  A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Ingersoll to allow the purchase of used Broom and Cab for $5, 750.00 with payment in January as part of 2012 budget.  Motion carried.


2012 budget is available for review at the Clerk’s Office.


Other business.

No other business


A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Hunsader to adjourn.  Motion carried. Adjourned 7:40pm.



Val Heins

Village Clerk-Treasurer

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