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Selected Meeting Minutes
Nov 02, 2011


  1. Ordinance #106 No parking on Village streets between the hours of 2 am-7am

(November 15th-April 15th) to enable the village men to plow the streets more efficiently.

  1. Ordinance #109 Sidewalks are to be shoveled within 48 hours following a snowfall.



Wednesday, November 2, 2011      6:30 PM

Finance Committee was called to order at 6:40pm.  The following Trustees were present; Rau, Dunlap, and Koncel; also present Village President Dan Krause and Village Clerk-Treasurer Val Heins, Justin Sornsin of MSA.


Monthly bills and vouchers were discussed.


Motion to adjourn made by Dunlap, seconded by Rau, Motion Carried. Adjourned at 6:58 pm.



Wednesday, November 2, 2011 7:00 PM

President Krause called the Village Meeting to order at 7:03 pm. Pledge of Allegiance said.  Roll Call was taken with the following trustees present: Aguilera, Ingersoll, Rau, Koncel, Dunlap, and Hunsader.  Also present Village Clerk-Treasurer Heins, Justin Sornsin of MSA, Dean Faude, Jesse Rieck, Rick Golz,  Gary Leichtman, Rita Motte, Bert Lietzow; and Kevin O’Brien of the TP.


A Motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Aguilera to approve the minutes of the October 5, 2011 and October 20, 2011 Village Board Meetings; approve the minutes of the October 17, 2011 Finance Committee meeting.  Motion Carried.


A motion was made by Hunsader, seconded by Koncel to approve the October 2011 Audit Summary Report. Motion carried.  Village Clerk-Treasurer Heins handed out the November 2011 Audit Summary Report.


Dean Faude gave a monthly report to the Village Board; will be shaving sides of Linden Street for water flow; Town of Mayville will cost $200/hr to mow ditches, approximately 4-6 times at 1 hour each.  The village will have to mow the ponds.    Trustee Dunlap asked about new tires for the truck as only had 12,000 miles; it was stated treads were bad and needed to be replaced.   Further discussion and review is needed on estimates for repairs at Memorial Hall.  Rent will remain the same until receipt of heat bills and can have discussion with board at future meeting.


Jesse Rieck stated that the Broom and Cab are still available as previously discussed last month; it was also discussed that payment could be made in 2012 with new budget.


Gary Leichtman gave his report to the board.  He stated he is working this time of year on vehicles parked on the streets in regards to Ordinance 106- No parking on Village streets between the hours of 2 am-7am (November 15th –April 15th) to enable the Village men to plow the streets more efficiently.  He also mentioned with impending winter weather the squad car will need at least 3 new tires.  Also, Gary recently attended training on the new conceal carry legislation and suggested to look at other municipalities for Ordinances on this matter.


Trustee Hunsader stated there will be no Neighborhood Watch meetings in November or December.


Larry Gotham presented the Bid Tabulation for the Front Street project; (the Bid Tabulation is available for viewing at the Clerk’s office) Steen Construction submitted the lowest bid.   Also mentioned was recommendation by Larry Gotham to replace all air lines for WWTF as many are over 40 years old.   A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Rau to award both projects to Steen Construction as low bidder.  Motion carried.


A motion was made by Dunlap and seconded by Koncel to allow Village President, Dan Krause to sign change order for replacement of all air lines for the WWTF once received.  Motion carried.  A preconstruction conference will be conducted on 11/7/2011 at the Clerk’s office.


Village President Krause stated that bids were received by area banks with Advantage Community Bank submitting lowest bid of $805,000.00 1year at 2% for WWTF; S. Front Street and future projects $100,000.000at 2.5% for 5 years; 10 year term.

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A motion was made by Dunlap, seconded by Rau to award the bid of $805,000.00 at 2% for 12months to Advantage Community Bank and authorize to borrow the funds.  Motion carried.


A motion was made by Dunlap, seconded by Rau to award $1,000,000.000 line of Credit 5 year 2.5%, 10 year term to Advantage Community Bank and authorize to borrow the funds.  Motion carried.


Village President Krause stated that the DNR has submitted a report upon final inspection before releasing grant money for the Dam Project of 2 cracks in drains and drain tile not working.  The repairs must be completed by December to receive the grant funds.  Suggestion was made to seek bids to fix these issues; further discussion on this matter at an upcoming meeting.


Discussion was held on wages paid for Park employee mowing which the Village of Dorchester paid out of the payroll this year; the question was to either ask Dorchester Park for reimbursement of the wages or forgive the lawn moving  reimbursement.  A motion was made by Dunlap and seconded by Hunsader to forgive the lawn mowing expense for 2011 and not ask the Dorchester Park for reimbursement.  Motion carried.


 Also discussed was not to pay the concession stand employee by the Village as states in the lease the Dorchester Park is responsible for their employees and both the Village CPA and Village Attorney advised paying the employee would also put the Village as responsible for Workman’s Comp for that employee.  From this point going forward the Village will no longer be paying the wages of the Dorchester park employees.  Wisconsin Statute 61.26 lists general responsibilities of the village treasurer; all funds of the village received by the treasurer must be deposited upon receipt in the public depository.  Due to this statute the Village Clerk-treasurer will no longer be in charge of rental of picnic tables.   A meeting will be held at a future date to further discuss the payment of Dorchester Park employees, the current Lease and financing for the Park project.


The Village Clerk-Treasurer presented Resolution 255 which is the same as resolution 237 passed in July regarding authorizations for bank accounts at Advantage Community Bank.  The only change is the Dam Account which was mistakenly omitted in the earlier draft.  There was discussion on some of the Dorchester Days accounts having been changed or combined and further information will be given to the Village Clerk-Treasurer on these accounts.  A motion was made by Rau, seconded by Aguiler to accept Resolution 255 with possible elimination of Number 2, and Number 3 accounts after further review.  Motion carried.


Justin Sornsin of MSA presented the 2012 preliminary budget via an overhead presentation.  The budget was made using the Uniform Chart of Accounts.  Reports will be able to be generated to show budget vs. actual to aid the Village in determining how money is being spent.   The budget summary will be published next week and the Budget Hearing is scheduled for Monday, November 28th, 2011 at 7pm at the Clerk’s office.  This notice will be posted prior to the meeting.  A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Ingersoll to endorse the proposed 2012 Tax Budget and Levy.   Motion carried.


A motion was made by Dunlap and seconded by Hunsader to approve a building permit for Stephen and Sharon Mergen, concrete and partial Drive way, work done by Kevin Boyer $2350.00. 


Village Clerk-treasurer Heins stated the November 2011 water bills will be printed and mailed out the week of November 7, thru November 11, 2011 as the manual entering of the entire village water billing accounts into the new software is almost complete.


Estimates on a new copier, scanner, printer, fax combination machines were presented by Clerk-Treasurer Heins and Village President Krause from both E O Johnson and Bauernfeind Companies.  The Village Board agreed to pursue a Color machine and to purchase new; Village Clerk-Treasurer Heins and Village President Krause can determine which machine and company would best provide for the needs of the Village. A motion was made by Aguilera, seconded by Rau for $4, 500 to purchase a new color copier, scanner, printer, fax combination machine.  Motion carried.


Trustee Rau revisited the earlier discussion of the Broom and Cab; a motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Ingersoll to approve the Broom and Cab with payment in January 2012.  Motion carried.


A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Rau r to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.  Meeting adjourned at 10:23 pm.



Val Heins

Village Clerk-Treasurer

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