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Selected Meeting Minutes
Mar 02, 2011

*Spring Election-Tues. April 5th.  Polls open 7 a.m.-8 p.m.

*REMINDER-Sidewalks are to be shoveled within 48 hours following a snowfall.

*No Parking on Village Streets from 2 a.m.-7 a.m. to enable the Village maint. men to plow the streets more efficiently.

*Library Hours:  Mon.-11 a.m.-7 p.m., Tues-1 p.m.-6 p.m., Wed.-10 a.m.-6 p.m., & Fri.-9 a.m.-5 p.m.

*Neighborhood Watch Meeting at the Village Hall on March 22nd, 2011 at 7 p.m.

*Date of April Board meeting-Wednesday, April 6th, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.  ________________________________________________________________________________________________

                                                            VILLAGEOF DORCHESTER

                                                            Finance Committee Meeting

                                                             March 2nd, 2011    6:30 p.m.


            Members present:  Pres. Hunsader, Ingersoll, Aguilera & Rau.  A motion was made by Ingersoll, seconded by Aguilera to approve the bills.  Motion carried.  Moved by Aguilera, seconded by Rau to adjourn the meeting.  Motion carried.

Village bills-$75,411.36.  Water Dept. bills-$6,781.42.  Disposal Dept. bills-$11,743.04.  Time adjourned 6:59 p.m.                                                                         

                                                                        Judy Robida     

                                                                        Village Clerk-Treasurer



                                                VILLAGE OF DORCHESTER BOARD MEETING

                                                              March 2nd, 2011        7:00 p.m.


            President Hunsader called the Board Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Roll call was taken with the following Trustees present: Aguilera, Ingersoll, Rau, Krause, Hunsader and Dunlap.  Also present: Clerk Robida, Rick Golz, Dean Faude, Gary Leichtman, Renee Staab, Deb Koncel, Carroll Swager, and Kevin O’Brien of the TP.

            A motion was made by Hunsader, seconded by Dunlap to approve the Feb. 9th minutes.  Motion carried. 

            Moved by Dunlap, seconded by Hunsader to approve the Feb. 9th audit summary report.  Motion carried.

            Dean Faude gave his monthly report stating Wausau Lift Co. did an inspection on the lift truck.  The bucket is cracked; it would cost approximately $750.00 to replace it.  Dean stated it would cost $1,200 to get the truck up to date and make it safe.  There is a company in Wausau where the Village could rent a portable bucket by the day.  (Dean to check into it.)


            Rick Golz had nothing to report.


            Gary Leichtman reported recently there have been four burglaries in the Village.  Two have been solved and the other two he is still actively investigating.

            The Board discussed doing something in memory of former Village President Ted Schwoch who recently passed away.  This was tabled until the April meeting.

            Pres. Hunsader read a letter from the Village’s Insurance Company (Claims Dept.) in reference to the property damage claim of Tim and Paula Baker from the sewer back up in September, 2010.  The letter stated the investigation revealed that certain alleged facts regarding duty or causation were in dispute or unproven therefore they recommended the Village of Dorchester deny this claim.  A motion was made by Rau, seconded by Ingersoll to deny the Baker claim on the recommendation of the insurance company.  Motion carried.

            The Clerk informed the Board of the Public Hearing on Wednesday, March 30th at 7:00 p.m. (Amendments of Tax Incremental Finance Districts #1 and #2).  The Joint Review Board will meet at 6:15 p.m.


            Pres. Hunsader gave a report on the recent UCCC meeting held at Abbotsford.


            Pres. Hunsader also reported the Village will receive an 8.8% cut in Shared Revenue this year-$18,000.  Recycling will no longer be mandatory, which will hurt the Village’s and towns because we will no longer receive the Recycling Grants form the State.

            The Board received a letter from former Trustee Carroll Swager in reference to the condition of the laundromat.  On two occasions, they used the laundromat and it was filthy.  They were wondering if the lint boxes in the dryers are even being cleaned.  If not, this is a definite fire hazard.  She stated she had placed a call in to the owner, without a response.  After discussion, it was decided the Village Clerk will contact the Fire Chief to do an inspection.

            A motion was made by Aguilera, seconded by Hunsader to accept the 2011 Dorchester Community Emergency Services Inc. Fire Protection Agreement in the amount of $48,210.  Motion carried.

            Moved by Hunsader, seconded by Dunlap to approve a building permit to:  Decker Lumber Supply (Joe Selner) Replace 13 window sashes and 1 garage door for $7,500.  Motion carried.

Clerk Robida discussed the hanging flower baskets.  It was decided to do this project again this year.  Letters will be sent to the Village businesses.

            Recently the Clerk notified the Board of her upcoming retirement at the end of July.  At the time she will have been Clerk-Treasurer for 40 years and 5 months.  Considerable discussion was held.  It was undecided if this would remain a part-time or become a full-time position.  The Employee Committee of Krause, Dunlap, and Rau will meet in the near future.

            The Audit Summary Report was distributed.

            Moved by Hunsader, seconded by Ingersoll to adjourn the meeting.  Motion carried.  Time adjourned 7:45p.m.


                                                                        Judy Robida

                                                                        Village Clerk-Treasurer

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