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Selected Meeting Minutes
Jun 01, 2011

*Village Wide Garage Sale on June 9-10-11 from 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

*Library Hours:  Mon.-11 a.m.-7 p.m., Tues-1 p.m.-6 p.m., Wed.-10 a.m.-6 p.m., & Fri.-9 a.m.-5 p.m.

*Neighborhood Watch Meeting at the Village Hall on June 21st, 2011 at 7 p.m.

*Date of July Board meeting-Wednesday, July 6th, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. 



Finance Committee Meeting

June 1st, 2011    6:30 p.m.


            Members present:  Pres. Krause, Ingersoll & Rau.  A motion was made by Ingersoll, seconded by Rau to approve the bills.  Motion carried.  Moved by Rau, seconded by Ingersoll to adjourn the meeting.  Motion carried.   Time adjourned 6:59 p.m.                                                               

Judy Robida

Village Clerk-Treasurer



June 1st, 2011     7:00 p.m.


            The Pledge of Allegiance was said.  President Krause called the Board Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Roll call was taken with the following Trustees present: Ingersoll, Rau, Hunsader, Dunlap and Koncel. Absent:  Aguilera.   Also present: Clerk Robida, Rick Golz, Dean Faude, Jesse Rieck, Gary Leichtman, George Smith, Richard Hunsader, Rita Motte, Renee Staab, Val Heins, Jeremy Haas of MSA, Carroll Swager and Kevin O’Brien of the TP.


            A motion was made by Krause, seconded by Hunsader to approve the May 4th minutes.  Motion carried.


            Moved by Rau, seconded by Dunlap to approve the May 4th audit summary report.  Motion carried.


            Dean Faude gave his monthly report discussing the sidewalk situation. 


            Rick stated the inside and outside of the water tower will be painted the end of June.


            On the sidewalk issue, Trustee Rau commented he checked the Village sidewalks.  There are 403 cracked, 147 in need of major repairs.  There are three different corners with no handicap accessibility.  Wayne stated this could be a costly 2-3 year project.  The first area to be done will be North Second Street form the Memorial Hall south to Co. Trk. A.


            Gary gave his monthly report, stating the Village received a $251 match for a portable radio costing $1,800.


            Pres. Krause told Gary he spoke with Sheriff Herrick at the UCCC meeting in reference to a new computer for Gary’s squad.  Gary commented all the new computers went in the County squads.


            Sheriff Herrick also told Pres. Krause there are 4 portable finger printing units to be spread around the County.


            Jeremy Haas, of MSA gave the Board an update on the CDBG program, and the TIF District Amendments.  MSA would like to set up a meeting with the Board in July to prioritize the items to be put in the C.I.P. (Capital Improvements Plan).  As of today’s date there is $31,000 left to use in the CDBG fund by June 30th.


            Discussion was then held on the weather warning sirens not being activated a couple of weeks ago.  The County could set off the sirens automatically.  Jesse also spoke on the siren situation.  We need a workable system for the Village.  Gary will get further information, and this topic will be put on the July 6th agenda.


            Storm shelter sites were discussed.  (Campers at the Park, mobile home owners and people with no basements should go to the St. Louis Church basement).  Gary to contact St. Peters Church and St. Louis Church to get letters of understanding, and report back to the Board at the July 6th meeting.


            The gravel on the north end of Liberty Street was discussed.  Dean stated the Village has been grading it and fixing the pot holes. 


            George Smith from North 4th St. was present.  He had filed a citizen’s complaint with the Police Dept. earlier in the month about the heavy farm equipment using 4th St. etc. He said it was a safety issue hazard for Village residents, kids, etc.  Considerable discussion was held.  Trustee Ingersoll stated we are surrounded by agriculture and we cannot get rid of tractors going through the Village.  Also mentioned was speaking with the farmers.  The street committee will check into this (Rau, Ingersoll, and John Smith).  George Smith wants this matter readdressed at the next meeting.


            Pres. Krause then appointed the new Village Committees (effective June 1, 2011 to April 20, 2012).  Moved by Koncel, seconded by Ingersoll to approve the new Village Committees.










First person noted is committee chair


Police and Fire Commission-Hunsader, Koncel, Dunlap                                                                                               Sidewalk Inspector-Wayne Rau


Planning, Zoning, Permits, Economic Development-Krause, Rau, Jim Jantsch                                                     Weed Inspector-Deb Koncel


Water, Sewer, Streets, Sidewalks, Signs, Lights, Village Buildings-Rau Ingersoll, John Smith                               Park Board Update-Wayne Rau


Board of Health-Koncel, Hunsader, Aguilera                                                                                                                    Dorchester Days Update-Ingersoll

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Aguilera or to be determined.


Parks, Recreation, Community Activities-Koncel, Rau, Ingersoll                                                                                Library Board-to be determined


Finance Licensing, Recycling-Dunlap, Rau, Koncel


Employee Committee, Information Technology, Operations-Krause, Dunlap, Rau, Jennifer Lopez


Board of Review-Current Board Members


Zoning Board of Appeals-3 community members currently on it, to be determined


Building Inspector-Hunsader


Maintenance Overseer-Krause


UCCC-Krause, Hunsader alternate


Assist with Dogs-Deb Koncel


            Public Input-Former Village President Richard Hunsader stated his name and address.  He wanted to address the conflict on the farm vehicles.  He stated we have to treat everyone equally.               

Suggesting we talk to the farmers.  “The farming community fills a lot of billfolds here in the Village.”


The Clerk reported the Village received a $276 dividend payment from the League of Wisconsin Municipalities. 


            Moved by Hunsader, seconded by Rau to grant a Temporary Class “B” Retailers License for Dorchester Days.  Motion carried.


            Moved by Koncel, seconded by Ingersoll to grant Combination Class “B” Licenses to Kenneth Mohan for Fuzzy’s, Duane Rudolph for Doubbleback Bar, Thomas Wempner for Point 08, and Pamela Geiger for Boozer’s Bar and Grill.  Motion carried.


            Moved by Koncel, seconded by Hunsader to grant a Combination Class “A” License to Heartland Cooperative C Store.  Motion carried.


            Moved by Koncel, seconded by Dunlap to grant renewal Operators Licenses to:

Crystal Rudolph, Nellie Wojeck, Kathy Shatwell, Jerry Bucki, Shelly Riegert, Juvenal Tzinzun, Bill Schreiner, Sandy Aguilera, Lois Klimpke, Autumn Frahm, Becky Beilke, Donna Smazal, Glenda Wiese, Amber Von Loh,  Melody Marier, Christal Danen, Cathy Seehafer, Lee Drolshagen, Jr., Heather Drolshagen, Neil Duranceau, Ashlee R. Goodrich, Makayla Thomsen, Kimberly Thomsen, Terri Peissig, Emily Peissig and Lisa Steevens.  Motion carried.


            Moved by Koncel, seconded by Dunlap to grant Operators Licenses to Christal Danen and Cathy Seehafer for the Heartland C Store.  Motion carried.


            Moved by Koncel, seconded by Hunsader to grant building permits to:


            Scott EllenbeckerLean-to on west side of garage with lumber & metal

                                                 to match the house                                                                    $1,650.


            Jamie Kaatz                        Swimming pool and wood frame deck around pool        $4,000.


Motion carried.


            Moved by Koncel, seconded by Hunsader to accept the recommendation from the Village insurance company to deny the claim of Marcella Poirier (bowling alley incident).  Motion carried.


            Moved by Koncel, seconded by Rau to approve the ad in the Clark County Visitors Guide adding Dorchester website address to the ad (www.dorchesterwi.com).  The Park to pay for half of the ad.  Motion carried.


            Clerk Robida reported she ordered the former Village President’s plaque.


            The Mutual Aid Agreement between the Village of Dorchester, City of Colby and the City of Abbotsford was reviewed by all, and on a motion by Koncel and seconded by Rau it was approved.  Motion carried.


            The Board was reminded of Board of Review Thursday, June 2nd from 6-8 p.m. in the Clerks office.


            The Village Wide Garage Sale will be June 9th, 10th, and 11th, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.


            Pres. Krause reported on the recent UCCC Meeting hosted by Dorchester.


            Trustee Koncel stated there will be a Bike Safety Rodeo on Wed. June 15th (right after summer school) from 12:30-2 p.m.  To be held west of the Clerks office, near the old Dorchester Elementary School).  The event will be presented by Gary Leichtman and sponsored by Neighborhood Watch.

Refreshments will be served.  (Prizes and Helmets.)


            Literature from Marathon Pest Control was read.  No action was taken.


            The audit summary report was distributed.


            Moved by Koncel, seconded by Hunsader to go into Closed Session.  Motion carried.


            Moved by Dunlap, seconded by Ingersoll to go back into Open Session.  Motion carried.


            Moved by Rau, seconded by Koncel to hire Valeeta Heins as the new Clerk-Treasurer, effective August 1, 2011 Motion carried.


            Moved by Ingersoll, seconded by Hunsader to adjourn the meeting.  Motion carried.  Time adjourned 9:35 p.m.




Judy Robida

Village Clerk-Treasurer

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