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Selected Meeting Minutes
Feb 09, 2011

*REMINDER-Sidewalks are to be shoveled within 48 hours following a snowfall.

*No Parking on Village Streets from 2 a.m.-7 a.m. to enable the Village maint. men to plow the streets more efficiently.

*Library Hours:  Mon.-11 a.m.-7 p.m., Tues-1 p.m.-6 p.m., Wed.-10 a.m.-6 p.m., & Fri.-9 a.m.-5 p.m.

*Neighborhood Watch Meeting at the Village Hall on February 22nd, 2011 at 7 p.m.

*Date of March Board meeting-Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. 


                                                            VILLAGEOF DORCHESTER

                                                            Finance Committee Meeting

                                                             February 9th, 2011    6:30 p.m.


            Members present:  Pres. Hunsader and Ingersoll.  Absent-Rau and Aguilera.  A motion was made by Ingersoll, seconded by Pres. Hunsader to approve the bills.  Motion carried.  Moved by Ingersoll, seconded by Pres. Hunsader to adjourn the meeting.  Motion carried. Village bills-$65,652.38.  Water Dept. bills-$7,212.68.  Disposal Dept. bills-$3,905.71.  Time adjourned 6:59 p.m.                                                                  

                                                                        Kathy Cook

                                                                        Deputy Clerk



                                                VILLAGE OF DORCHESTER BOARD MEETING

                                                              February 9th, 2011        7:00 p.m.


            President Hunsader called the Board Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Roll call was taken with the following Trustees present: Ingersoll, Krause, Hunsader and Dunlap.  Absent-Aguilera and Rau.  Also present: Deputy Clerk Cook, Rick Golz, Jesse Rieck, Dean Faude, Gary Leichtman, Larry Gotham-engineer with Morgan and Parmley, Ltd., Duane Rudolph from Doubbleback Bar, Jerry Bucki,  Jeff & Renee Staab, Deb Koncel, Carroll Swager, and Kevin O’Brien of the TP.

            A motion was made by Hunsader, seconded by Dunlap to approve the Jan. 5th and Caucus minutes.  Motion carried. 

            Moved by Hunsader, seconded by Dunlap to approve the Jan. 5th audit summary report.  Motion carried.


            Larry Gotham, engineer with Morgan & Parmley Ltd. presented the timeframe for the Front Street and Waste Water Treatment Plant repairs.  The funding plan is that the Village will pay for the Water Utility Cost and General Fund Cost in the amount of $285,330.  Pres. Hunsader said the Village has slightly over $200,000 budgeted and $24,000 in miscellaneous that can be used along with $15,000 from Clark County.  The Village would have to take out a short term loan to cover the rest.  The Sewer project will be paid by Rural Development using a Sewer Revenue Bond for 40 years at 3 ¾ %.  Trustee Krause asked when the repairs on Front Street would start.  Larry said they hoped start on August 1st and end by October 15th, and then go on to the Waste Water Treatment Plant project.

            Dean Faude stated that he and Jesse Rieck have been hard at work removing the snow, clearing mailboxes and widening the streets.

            Rick Golz told the Board that they would need a trash pump for the WWTP in times of heavy rainfall or spring melting.  He said currently if they need a trash pump, they have to borrow it from Stetsonville or Rural Development and it’s usually when other Villages and Towns need it as well.


            Estimates for a new lawnmower were discussed.  $17,819.24 for a John Deere 1435 from Riesterer & Schnell, Inc. of Medford, $18,050.00 or a John Deere 2720 from Central Wisconsin Cooperative of Stratford, and $19,400 for a Ventrac 4231 from Central Lawn & Turf Equipment, Inc. of Edgar.  Jesse informed the Board that Riesterer & Schnell offered an $800.00 trade-in for the current lawn tractor and Central Lawn & Turf is offering a $1,500.00 trade-in.  He told the Board that the Ventrac has 4 wheel drive, which will be of great asset for mowing around the ponds.   The Board was also told to consider the Ventrac because it comes with 20 different attachments and there is a waiting list of people who want to purchase one pre-owned.   Trustee Hunsader said that Wayne Rau had seen the Ventrac in Edgar and had recommended it.   Moved by Ingersoll, seconded by Hunsader, it was decided to go with the Ventrac 4231 from Central Lawn & Turf Equipment, Inc. from Edgar for $19,400.00.


            Gary Leichtman discussed his applying for a grant and receiving it to purchase a TK-522 Kenwood radio.  He stated that Clark County is going to narrowband this year and this will provide an extra radio in an emergency.


            The lease on Memorial Hall was examined.  Pres. Hunsader said that lease doesn’t explain what insurance required of the lessee of Memorial Hall and it says nothing about the downstairs. Duane Rudolph of Doubbleback Bar, lessee of Memorial Hall, informed the Board that he had renter’s insurance and he could get his insurance company to send another copy of his policy to the Village Clerk.  Another problem with the lease is what encompasses minor and major repairs at the Memorial Hall.              It was decided that for larger built-in appliances Duane should get approval of the Village President or from the Board.           

            Pres. Hunsader read a letter from CertainTeed in regard to the shingles on the roof of the Memorial Hall.  The letter stated the shingles do not compromise the waterproofing integrity or impair the performance on the roof. 

            Deputy Clerk Cook informed the Board that there will be a Primary Election on Feb. 15th from 7 a.m.-8 p.m. at the Village Hall.

            The Audit Summary Report was distributed.

            Moved by Hunsader, seconded by Dunlap to adjourn the meeting.  Motion carried.  Time adjourned 7:50p.m.




                                                                        Kathy Cook

                                                                        Deputy Clerk


































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