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Selected Meeting Minutes
Dec 07, 2011


Season’s Greetings and Happy New Year to the residents of the Village of Dorchester, their families and guests who will visit our village this holiday season.


Wednesday, December 7, 2011     6:30 PM                                  Village Clerk’s Office, 228 W. Washington Ave, Dorchester WI


Finance Committee meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM.  The following Committee members were present: Wayne Rau, Deb Koncel, and Karen Dunlap; also present was Village Clerk-Treasurer Val Heins, and Larry Gotham of Morgan & Parmley.


Bills and Vouchers for the Month of November were discussed and approved.


Reviewed minutes of the November 2, 2011 Finance Committee meeting.


A motion to adjourn was made by Rau, seconded by Dunlap; Motion Carried.  Adjourned 6:52 PM


Wednesday, December 7, 2011    7:00 PM                                    Village Clerk’s Office, 228 W. Washington Ave, Dorchester WI


President Krause called the Village Board meeting to order at 7:02 PM.  Pledge of Allegiance was said.  Roll call was taken with the following Trustees present; Aguilera, Ingersoll, Rau, Koncel, Dunlap, and Hunsader.  Also present Village Clerk-Treasure  Val Heins,  Larry Gotham of Morgan & Parmley, Kevin O’Brien of the TP, Dean Faude, Jesse Rieck, Rick Golz, Gary Leichtman, Rita Mote, Jeremy Haas of MSA, Jim Maurina, Dick Hunsader, Doug Meyer, Al Bach, and Gary Decker.


A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Hunsader to approve the minutes of the November 2nd, November 16th, and November 28th, 2011 Village Board Meetings.  Motion carried.


A motion was made by Aguilera, seconded by Koncel to approve the minutes of the November 2, 2011 Finance Committee Meeting.  Motion carried.


A motion was made by Dunlap, seconded by Koncel to approve the November 2011 Audit Summary Report.  Motion Carried.   Village Clerk-Treasurer Heins handed out the December Audit Summary Report.


Dean Faude gave a monthly report the Village Board; he stated the plow truck is in need of new tires.  He gave estimates of $285 with recaps; $262.40 each tire x 4 tires and $100 for mounting at County Line Auto. 


A motion was made by Rau, seconded by Hunsader to approve the purchase of 4 new tires at $262.40 each tire and $100 mounting from County Line Auto.  Motion carried.


Dean Faude stated that the State road reports for annual transportation aids for 2011 are complete with new reports due in 2012.


Dean Faude stated that there are a few vehicles left on the streets overnight causing issues for snowplowing; Officer Leichtman stated to contact him with any Ordinance violations.


Jesse Rieck stated the approved used Cab and Broom has arrived and is working very well.


The Water, Sewer, Streets, Sidewalks, Signs, Lights, Village Buildings Committee will meet with Duane Rudolph to discuss projects for 2012 and updates needed to bring exit doors and Health Inspector issues up to code and have recommendations at a future Village Board Meeting.


The Village will pay a $227.27 bill for repairs to the Memorial Hall Bowling Alley.  There was a discussion on Bowling Leagues payments of an extra 25 cents per game agreement made in the past and how this fee is being collected and tracked.  There was discussion that this is collected each game and paid to the Village at the end of the bowling season.


Gary Leichtman gave his report to the Village Board.  He stated there was a plea bargain reached with a local business.  He will have a full report presented to the Village Board at the next Village Board Meeting with recommendations.  


President Krause asked Officer Leichtman about the condition of tires on the Squad car.  Officer Leichtman stated he needs 3 new tires and they need to be High Test tires.  A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Dunlap to approve the purchase of 3 new High Test tires with purchase not to exceed $1, 200.00 for the squad car. 


President Krause stated he received request from the Lioness to assist with purchase of new Christmas tree for the Village Hall.  Dean Faude noted tree was already purchased and at the Hall.  Trustee Hunsader stated the Dorchester Lions and Lioness have already taken care of the cost.  President Krause questioned this; Trustee Hunsader asked for postponement until later.  Later in session President Krause asked for more information from Dick Hunsader as to the request and cost of the Christmas tree; Dick Hunsader stated that the Lions and Lioness split the cost of the tree and the Village would not need to contribute.


Discuss and possible action on Park Dam Project to date and bidding of remainder of project.

President Krause stated that the Village sent the final payment to Badger Environmental and Earthworks which included withholdings.  He stated Tiry Engineering is working on the DNR grant.  Discussion was held regarding the Village of Dorchester to request bids for the dredging of the North end of the Dam.  A motion was made by Hunsader, seconded by Koncel to continue to work with Tiry engineering to bid out the remaining dredging of the Park Dam Project.  Motion carried.


The Finance Committee will meet with Park Board to gather final costs of the Park Dam project for further discussion of a loan to Dorchester Park Board for Park Dam Project; this information will be presented to the Village Board at an upcoming Village Board meeting. 

The Board had discussed a loan of $120,000.00 to the Park Board at a previous meeting upon then Village President Dick Hunsader’s recommendations.


 There was no Public Input.                                                                                                                                                                                                Page 1

Gary McClarin from Hydro Designs gave an update on the Village of Dorchester Cross Connection Control Program.  (The Village of Dorchester Cross Connection Control Program Report is available at the Clerk’s office.)  He stated have 11 non-compliant which will receive correction request notices; and 54 are complete.  There also are some vacant properties to follow- up with.  There was no action taken by the Village Board with the Cross connection control Project.


Further discussion is needed regarding Resolution(s) to forgive utilities after review of information from Justin Sornsin of MSA and Larry Soyk, CPA at a future Village Board meeting.


Larry Gotham of Morgan & Parmley presented updates of WWTF projects and pay request for contractor.  He presented a proposal from Steen Construction, Inc. for work to be performed at the WWTF total $66, 785.00. (Proposal available at Clerk’s Office)  Also presented were options regarding a change order for a generator; 1 option was new purchase, 2nd option was conversion of generator (Proposal available at Clerk’s Office)

A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Rau to approve $66, 785 payment to Steen Construction for the WWTF project

A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Hunsader to approve the change order to replace valve box, convert generator and test.   Motion carried.  
President Krause signed the Contractor’s Application for Payment this will be sent to Rural Development for processing. 


Jeremy Haas of MSA presented project update to the Village Board.  (A copy of the MSA project update is available at the Clerk’s Office).

MSA will be submitting the Safe Drinking Grant and Clean Water Fund applications for the Village of Dorchester; no action is needed by the Village Board and there is no cost to the Village of Dorchester for applications.


Dick Hunsader and Jim Marina came before the Village Board to discuss the Village of Dorchester paying Park Board and Dorchester Community Cemetery Employees.  President Krause stated that the Village Attorney and also the Village CPA stated the Village should not be paying for employees they did not hire or approve wage increases for by Village Board approval as required by law, and would then be liable for WC and injuries.  Suggestion was made to have these employees be independent contractors and look into that option, also suggested was made for the Park Board and the Dorchester Community Cemetery to come before the Village Board and request a donation at the end of the year to help offset the costs of Workman’s compensation.   Trustee Hunsader asked Dick Hunsader of the Park Board and also the Dorchester Community Cemetery to gather information on what a WC policy would cost; further discussion will be held at a future Board meeting.


Doug Meyer came before the Village Board asking to discuss rental of Village Land located by Meyer Lumber.  Currently there are no written rental contracts for review; further discussion is needed and will be held at a future meeting.


Al Bach came before the Village Board asking to approve a new snowmobile trail.  He stated the trail will cross on top of the hill on the Marathon County side to allow great visibility for all motorists, cross Hwy 13/Sunset.  He requested trail be part of Sunset and Virks to have access to areas businesses.  The trail will also run along the backside of Meyer Lumber which is Village land owned.

A motion was made by Ingersoll, seconded by Aguilera to approve the snowmobile trail to run along backside of Meyer Lumber and allow Sunset and Virks for new snowmobile trail.  Motion carried.


Discussion was held on Personal Time Off 4 hours month; 6 days per year and rollover of 20 days maximum. The employee handbook will read new employees will receive 10 days of short-term disability after a 6 month probation period.  Employees will earn 4 hours a month; 6 days per year and rollover of 20 days maximum as previous stated.   

There will be no payout of any unused PTO, vacation or compensatory time at the end of the year.


Employees can rollover comp time up to 16 hours at the end of the year.


Employees can bank overtime hours at rate of 1.5 hours to be used for future time off with the maximum of 16 hours rollover at the end of the year; hours not eligible for rollover will be forfeited- no payout for unused time.


Employees must submit time cards and time sheets showing Department hours split.


Employees must submit written vacation approval slips to Village Clerk-Treasurer 1 week prior to taking off requested time.


Employees must have Overtime approved by supervisor unless weather/emergency related.


Village Shop and Public Works employees will receive clothing allowance of $750 per employee/ year.


Further discussion will be held on Health insurance and employee benefits at a future meeting.


Further discussion and possible action on police Officer Employment Agreement and Job Description will be held at an upcoming Village Board Meeting.


Public Input (Second of session)

Jim Maurina came before the Village Board asking if the $30 Garbage fee on village water/sewer bills can be suspended if a villager is away from their residence for a long period of time.  The Village Board stated that the contract with the garbage collection is divided by household share as residence of the Village of Dorchester; cost per month is determined by the number of households using the service for 12 months.   No action was taken.  President Krause will review current contract for possible change in new negotiations.


A motion was made by Aguilera, seconded by Rau to approve the appointment of the Election Officials for the Village of Dorchester polling place (Village Hall).  Motion carried.


President Krause gave UCC meeting update regarding Frac Sand Mines, Recalls, and City Salaries.  He also discussed the articles on Manure Haulers on Roads, Weight limits, Salt on new concrete were topics covered.


President Krause gave update on plan to purchase Office PC, Software, and Copier for the office by month end as previous approved.


A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Aguilera to approve the purchase of office supplies not to exceed $800.00 as part of the 2012 budget.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Page 2


Any other business.

A clarification of 2011 PTO and vacation time was made for Dean Faude, Jesse Rieck and Rick Golz.  Also stated that Val Heins has completed the required probationary time:


Dean Faude will have 2 vacation days carryover into 2012 with 5 months to use (by June 1, 2012) or he will forfeit these two days.  Dean Faude and Rick Golz have maxed banked hours of 20 days for short-term disability, Jesse Rieck has 19 days of short-term disability at end of 2011.   December 16, 2011 Val Heins will receive 10 days of short-term disability as has completed the probationary requirement.   Dean Faude has 5 days of PTO rollover (2011) to use by March 1, 2012 or forfeit.  Rick Golz has 3 days PTO rollover (2011) to use by March 1, 2012 or forfeit.  Concessions made by the Village Board to “clean slate” for 2012 and new Clerk-Treasurer record keeping.


A motion was made Koncel, Seconded by Dunlap to approve changes made to the Employee Personal Manual and extension of time for PTO.   Motion carried.


Village Clerk-Treasure Heins asked to clarify a statement made at the November 28th Village Board meeting;  Incumbents not seeking re-election must file Notification of Noncandidacy by 5:00 pm on Friday, December 23, 2011.



A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Dunlap to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Adjourned 10:04 PM.



Val Heins

Village Clerk-Treasurer

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