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Selected Meeting Minutes
Aug 03, 2011

Village of Dorchester Board Meeting

August 3, 2011   7:00 pm


President Krause called the Village Meeting to order at 7:04 pm.  Pledge of Allegiance stated.  Roll call was taken with the following trustees present:  Aguilera, Rau, Koncel,  Dunlap, Hunsader;  Trustee Ingersoll  later arrived.  Also present:  Village Clerk-Treasurer Heins,  Kirk Skoog of MSA, Clement Safranek of MSA, Dean Faude, Rick Golz, Gary Leichtman, Rita Motte, Renee Staab and Kevin O’Brien of the TP.


A Motion was made by Rau, seconded by Hunsader to approve the minutes of the July 6, 2011 and July 21, 2011 Board Meeting Minutes;  motion carried.


A Motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Dunlap to approve the July 6th, 2011 Audit Summary Report; motion carried.


Dean Faude gave his monthly report to the Board. He discussed repair of Sewer Cleaner/Sweeper. Also discussed repair to rail road tracks, new culvert installation on corner of Liberty Street and Marsh Street  and manhole repairs.


Rick Golz gave his monthly report to the Board.  He discussed that the painting of the water tower is still ongoing.  Cross Contamination 3 year project 70% complete.


A Motion was made by Dunlap, seconded by Rau to approve the inspection of the Sewer Cleaner.  Dean Faude will present inspection info at the September 7, 2011 Village Board Meeting.


Gary Leichtman gave his monthly report to the Board.  A grant has been applied for to update mobile data computer for the squad car.


President Krause stated receipt of the signed contract with Precision Builders, Inc. for the addition to Dorchester Public Library. 


A Motion was made by Dunlap, seconded by Hunsader to install Blank covers in service panel in Boiler Room, Hang Fire extinguisher, and cover for exit light above main entrance of Double Back LLC as stated on fire Inspection Report.  Also discussion on  getting estimates for push/crash doors for further discussion with other possible safety upgrades for the Memorial Hall  at Sept. 7, 2011 Board meeting.


Kirk Skoog and Clement Safranek of MSA reviewed and discussed revision to Capital Improvement Plan (copy is available in the Village Clerks Office) revisions will be made and revised Capital Improvement Plan will be presented to the Village Board at the September 7, 2011 Village Board Meeting.


President Krause stated new redistricting for Marathon and Clark County boundaries will be drawn up and presented for discussion at September 7, 2011 Village Board meeting.


A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Ingersoll to sign change order for the design on the Water Tower as remove center Stripe and adding of accent of blue around letters; motion carried.


A motion was made by Koncel, seconded by Hunsader to approve and sign Change order #5 for time extension on the Park/Dam project; motion carried.


President Krause discussed the Waste Water Treatment Facility/S. Front Street project update from Larry Gotham stating contract will be finalized in September.


Trustee Koncel gave update on Weed Ordinance violations and Citations where courtesy reminder letters have been sent and will be followed up on next week due to the wet weather conditions and possible action. 


President Krause stated Village Clerk-treasurer Heins will be attending WMCA Annual Conference the week of August 23-26, 2011.


Discussion was held on cost of Health insurance policy.  Further review and discussion at September 7, 2011 Board meeting.


Discussion was held on changes of health insurance available to Clerk-Treasurer working 30 or more hours and include job descriptions for Clerk/Treasurer and Deputy Clerk.  A motion was made by Rau, seconded by Aguilera to approve changes to Personnel manual; motion carried.


President Krause discussed QuickBooks on-line payroll course training for current QuickBooks version and discussion of upgrades; will discuss further with Village accountant.






Village of Dorchester Board Meeting, Cont.

August 3, 2011   7:00 pm



A motion was made by Hunsader, seconded by Koncel to approve the following building permits:


Dave & Toni Smith           $26,390.00

Windows, doors, drywall repair, gutters, hand railing, soffit and Fascia, siding, repair step.  Also electrical and plumbing work, replace bathtub and repair toilet.


Chuck Mengel   $10,000.00

Windows 10-12, Ne floor in 1 apt., Carpet in 1 apt., drywall ceilings, steel siding.


Terry Faude        $60,000.00

Tool & Cutter Grinding, Wood Product Manufacturing, Butcher Supply


David & Jessica Decker  $2,200.00

Pour Concrete patio 12x27 est. behind home in backyard.


Shirley Mehner$3, 500.00

Exterior siding of home


President Krause gave update of  UCCC meeting on 6/27 held in Stanley which had tour of ethanol plant.             Next meeting August 31, 2011 at 6:30 pm in Greenwood. 


President Krause gave update on retirement reception for Judy Robida, former village Clerk-Treasurer serving 40.5 years of service.  Reception will be held Saturday September 10, 2011 from 1-4 pm at the Village Hall.  Open to the public.


Starting Thursday, August 11, 2011 soft serve ice cream will be available from 6pm- 8pm at the Dorchester Days Food Stand.  Every Tuesday and Thursday from August 11, 2011 to last night Tuesday, September 6, 2011.  



President Krause discussed upcoming Clark County Ag & Household Clean Sweep and Tire, Battery, & Appliance Collection and also “Family Fun Fest” at the Clark County Health Care Center.  These flyers are available on the bulletin board inside the Village Clerk Office.


Motion to adjourn made by Koncel, seconded by Hunsader, Motion Carried.  Time 8:30 pm.



Val Heins

Village Clerk-Treasurer

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