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Selected Meeting Minutes
Apr 06, 2011

*Library Hours:  Mon.-11 a.m.-7 p.m., Tues-1 p.m.-6 p.m., Wed.-10 a.m.-6 p.m., & Fri.-9 a.m.-5 p.m.

*Neighborhood Watch Meeting at the Village Hall on April 26th, 2011 at 7 p.m.

*The Dorchester Lioness is sponsoring Bingo at the Village Hall on Tuesday, April 13th at 2 p.m.  Everyone welcome.

            (No Charge)

*Special Easter Story Hour at the Dorchester Public Library Saturday April 23rd, 2011.  Session 1 will begin at 9:00 a.m.  Session 2        will begin at 10:30 a.m. (Doors will open 10 mins. before each session.)  Egg Hunt for 12 and under.  The Easter Bunny will

            be there-bring your camera! 

*Date of May Board meeting-Wednesday, May 4th, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. 

*Brat Fry at the Convenience Store on Friday, May 6th, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.-Sponsored by the Dorchester Lioness Club.

*Village Wide Garage Sale on June 2-3-4 from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. ________________________________________________________________________________________________

                                                            VILLAGE OF DORCHESTER

                                                            Finance Committee Meeting

                                                             April 6th , 2011    6:00 p.m.


            Members present:  Pres. Hunsader, Ingersoll, Aguilera & Rau.  A motion was made by Ingersoll, seconded by Rau to approve the bills.  Motion carried.  Moved by Aguilera, seconded by Rau to adjourn the meeting.  Motion carried.

Village bills-$143,798.21.  Water Dept. bills-$18,118.90.  Disposal Dept. bills-$17,284.27.  Time adjourned 6:29 p.m.                                                                   

                                                                        Judy Robida     

                                                                        Village Clerk-Treasurer


                                                            INFORMATIONAL MEETING

                                                               April 6th, 2011   6:30 p.m.


            Larry Gotham engineer with Morgan and Parmley of Ladysmith was present along with Pres. Hunsader, Trustees Aguilera, Ingersoll, Rau, Krause, Dunlap, and Hunsader with Clerk Robida.   Also present were property owners:  Al Pinter, John Pinter, Ken Mohan, Lance Ludwig and Terry Recore.  Also present:  Rick Golz and Dean Faude.


            The Village of Dorchester is applying to USDA Rural Development for funding to make repairs and improvements to our Wastewater Treatment Facility, Wastewater Collection System and reconstruction of South Front Street.

            Larry Gotham stated he wanted to inform the public and bring the Village Board up to date on the project.  Rural Development requires one informational meeting, and this is the Village’s second meeting.  New street, curb and gutter and sidewalk, conduit for future street lights, water, sewer and storm sewer will be installed from Co. Hwy A south to Fuzzys-(curb and gutter and sidewalk to 2nd Avenue).


            The sidewalk width will be kept at 7 feet wide.


            There will be no assessments to the property owners (except if they have to replace steps and for handicapped accessibility.)  Temporary construction easements were prepared by the Village Attorney-except for Heartland Co-operative and Fuzzys with permanent easements.  Property owners will need to sign these easements soon so that Rural Development can proceed.          


            Ken Mohan asked when the project would be started.  Larry replied in July or August. 


            Ken also asked how long would the project take.  Larry commented 2 to 3 months.  The street will be torn up 3 times. 


            John Pinter asked if the water and sewer depth would be the same as it is now.  The sewer will be 12-13 feet, water 8 feet           and storm sewer 4 feet deep.


            Monitoring wells were discussed.  Terry Recore was told he will have to contact the DNR.


            Recore planter was discussed.


            Lance Ludwig asked if they would be without water and sewer at any time.   The answer was no.


            Larry Gotham asked if anyone else on the Board had any questions.


            Discussion was then held on the repairs at the Waste Water Treatment Facility.  “Time is very important.” Larry stated.  September and October is the only time the sludge can be taken off.  This is important to the farmer where the sludge will be going.


            Larry again asked if there were any other questions.  He then read through the easements.  One of the owners present signed his easement, which was then notarized by Trustee Dan Krause.  The other property owners will get their signed and notarized easements back to Clerk Robida as soon as possible.  Larry again commented he really would like to get these projects done this summer, but it depends on the funding.  The cost of the Sewer Utility repairs are $944,205, Water Utility is $152,009 and General is $160,932 coming together for a total cost of $1,257,146.

            The Informational Meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m.


                                                            Judy Robida

                                                            Village Clerk-Treasurer



                                                VILLAGE OF DORCHESTER BOARD MEETING

                                                              April 6th, 2011        7:00 p.m.


            President Hunsader called the Board Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Roll call was taken with the following Trustees present: Aguilera, Ingersoll, Rau, Krause, Hunsader and Dunlap.  Also present: Clerk Robida, Rick Golz, Dean Faude, Jesse Rieck, Gary Leichtman, Deb Koncel, Carroll Swager, Larry Gotham of Morgan & Parmley, Kirk Skoog of MSA and Kevin O’Brien of the TP.


            A motion was made by Aguilera, seconded by Hunsader to approve the March 2nd minutes.  Motion carried.


            Moved by Dunlap, seconded by Rau to approve the March 2nd audit summary report.  Motion carried.


            Clerk Robida gave the April 5th election results.  There were 176 voters.  Village President:  Dan Krause 115, Deb Koncel 51.  Trustees:  Deb Koncel 67, Wayne Rau 126, and Karen Dunlap 115.


            Dean Faude gave his monthly report.  He stated Jesse and him have been busy with blocked sewers (rags, rocks, 2 X4).  The sewer by Boozers is plugged with hard grease.  They were able to get it partially cleaned out.  Dean needs to find out if there is a grease trap outside the building.  “Something will have to be done.”


            Dean stated the Bank would like their parking lot swept with the Village’s street sweeper again this year.  The Board okayed this:  The charge is $65 per hour.


            Jesse stated Dean covered everything in his report.


            For Rick Golz report-the Clerk distributed the Annual Waterworks Inspection Report prepared by the DNR.  On March 10th, Rick met with Brian Pietz of the DNR.  


            Gary Leichtman gave his monthly report.  He informed the Board Clark County Emergency Management is promoting Wisconsin Tornado and Severe Weather Awareness Week.  The statewide tornado drill will be held on Thursday, April 14th, 2011.

For Clark County, the mock tornado watch begins at 1 p.m. and the mock tornado warning will be from 1:30 -1:35 p.m.


            On March 16-18th Gary attended the 2011 Prosecuting the Drugged Driver Training in Green Bay.


            Kirk Skoog, from MSA was present regarding TID # 1 and TID #2 Project Plan Amendments. Act 57 allows projects within ½ mile of a TIF District.  $320,000 is the projected revenue per year in each TIF District.  Cash flow available to TID # 1 & TID # 2 thru year 2023 is $1,999,539.  Kirk stated members of the Joint Review Board met for the first time on March 30th.  The second meeting is scheduled for April 19th.  The Village must commence TID # 1 project by 2014.  TID # 1 will close in 2019, but receive revenue thru 2020.  The Village must commence TID #2 projects by 2017.  TID #2 will close by 2022, but receive revenue thru 2023.  A legal opinion has been received from the Village Attorney.


            A motion was made by Rau, seconded by Dunlap to approve Resolution #251-Approving the Project Plan and Amendment To Tax Incremental Finance District No. 1.  Motion carried.


            A motion was made by Hunsader, seconded by Rau to approve Resolution #252-Approving the Project Plan and Amendment to Tax Incremental Finance District No. 2.  Motion carried.


            Pres. Hunsader read a letter from the Village’s Insurance Company (Claims Dept.) in reference to the property damage claim of Tim and Paula Baker from the sewer back up in September, 2010.  The letter stated the investigation revealed that certain alleged facts regarding duty or causation were in dispute or unproven therefore they recommended the Village of Dorchester deny this claim.  A motion was made by Rau, seconded by Ingersoll to deny the Baker claim on the recommendation of the insurance company.  Motion carried.


            The Clerk informed the Board of the Public Hearing on Wednesday, March 30th at 7:00 p.m. (Amendments of Tax Incremental Finance Districts #1 and #2).  The Joint Review Board will meet at 6:15 p.m.


            Kirk also commented the CDBG Committee (Community Development Block Grant) had a meeting at 4:45 p.m. in the Clerks office.  They approved four additional projects over $100,000.  There is still some money left.  If we don’t use this money-it will have to go back to the State.  Interested individuals should contact the Clerks office.


            A motion was made by Hunsader, seconded by Dunlap to approve Operators Licenses to Shelly Riegert and Jerry Bucki for The Doubbleback Bar.  Motion carried.  Aguilera abstained.


            Moved by Aguilera, seconded by Hunsader to approve the Auditing Agreement of Larry Soyk for the USDA Rural Development project.  Motion carried.

            Moved by Dunlap, seconded by Rau to approve the Legal Agreement of Bonnie Wachsmuth for the USDA Rural Development project.  Motion carried.


            The engineering agreement of Morgan & Parmley was sent to Rural Development, and approved on motion by Hunsader and seconded by Rau.  Motion carried.


                        Moved by Ingersoll, seconded by Aguilera to approve Ordinance #197-An Ordinance Creating an Ethics and Employment Code for the Village Dorchester, Wisconsin.  Motion carried.


            Pres. Hunsader stated last months UCCC Meeting at Thorp was canceled because of a snow storm.  Dorchester will host the May 25th UCCC Meeting.  It will start with a tour of the laser parts cutting machine at Meyer Mfg., followed by the meeting in the Clerks office.


            Clerk Robida informed the Board Jack Rudolph of Medford will again be coming in with his ice cream truck on Wed. evenings.  This will start on Wed. April 13th after 5 p.m.


            Trustee Ingersoll asked if Trustee Dunlap could do a recap for the Village Board of the Fire Dept. quarterly meetings that she attends.  She said she will do this.


            Trustee Dunlap distributed a Clerk-Treasurer job summary.  It was decided to advertise one more time in the Central Wisconsin Shopper and the Medford Shopper.


            The Memorial Hall lease was discussed and the Board agreed to renew the lease between the Village and Duane Rudolph.  A motion was made by Hunsader, seconded by Ingersoll in Paragraph C of the lease-a credit will be negotiated towards the monthly rental during the winter months-upon presentation of the heat bill.  Motion carried.


            Moved by Rau, seconded by Hunsader to grant a building permit to:


            Robert & Pam Ryszkiewicz-Replace 4 windows, 3 storm doors, stairs and hand railing on treated deck.-$7,000.  Motion carried.


            An outside mailbox will be put on Washington Ave in front of the Clerks office.


            OPEN BOOK with the Assessor is scheduled for Thursday, May 26th, from 5-7 p.m. in the Clerks office.


            BOARD OF REVIEW will be held Thursday, June 2nd from 6-8 p.m. in the Clerks office.


            President Hunsader thanked the Board for all they have done for the Village.  Clerk Robida thanked Dick for all he has assisted her with over the past four years.   Dick served the Village as President for 2 terms.


            The Audit Summary Report was distributed.


            Moved by Hunsader, seconded by Aguilera to adjourn the meeting.  Motion carried.  Time adjourned 8:15p.m.


                                                                        Judy Robida

                                                                        Village Clerk-Treasurer

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