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Selected Meeting Minutes
Dec 01, 2010

*Sump Pumps are not to drain onto the Village sidewalks & streets after November 1st.

*No Parking on Village Streets from 2 a.m.-7 a.m.

*No Neighborhood Watch Meeting for the months of November and December.

*Santa will be at the Dorchester Village Hall on Dec. 11th, 2010 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m.  The Dorchester Lioness will be serving hot chocolate

*Date of January Board meeting-Wednesday, January 5th 7:00 p.m. 


                                                            VILLAGEOF DORCHESTER

                                                            Finance Committee Meeting

                                                             December 1st, 2010    6:30 p.m.


            Members present:  Pres. Hunsader, Ingersoll and Rau.  Absent Aguilera.  A motion was made by Ingersoll, seconded by Rau to approve the bills.  Motion carried.  Moved by Ingersoll, seconded by Rau to adjourn the meeting.  Motion carried. Village bills-$51,449.37.  Water Dept. bills-$6,979.70.  Disposal Dept. bills-$6,673.02.  Time adjourned 6:55 p.m.                                                               

                                                                        Kathy Cook

                                                                        Deputy Clerk



                                                VILLAGE OF DORCHESTER BOARD MEETING

                                                              December 1st, 2010        7:00 p.m.


            President Hunsader called the Board Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Roll call was taken with the following Trustees present: Ingersoll, Rau, Krause, Hunsader and Dunlap. Absent Aguilera. Also present: Deputy Clerk Cook, Rick Golz, Jesse Rieck, Dean Faude, Gary Leichtman, Larry Gotham of Morgan and Parmley LTD, Kirk Skoog and Jeremy Haas of MSA Professional Services, Rick Rinehart, John Staab, Diane Faude, Al Bach of the Midnight Riders Snowmobile Club, Mark Brosseau, Tim and Paula Baker, Carroll Swager, Deb Koncel, Jose and Sarah Serrano, George Smith, Rita Motte, and Kevin O’Brien of the TP.


            A motion was made by Dunlap, seconded by Hunsader to approve the Nov. 3rd minutes.  Motion carried.


            Moved by Rau, seconded by Hunsader to approve the Nov. 3rd audit summary report.  Motion carried.


            Dean Faude reported he and Jesse had put signs up on N. 3rd St. and CTH A informing people of where the Dorchester Homeplace was located.  Dean also stated that people on North 3rd St. and Apollo have been letting there sump pumps empty onto the sidewalks and streets.  This is not to be done after November 1st because it ices up the sidewalks and streets.


            Jesse Rieck also gave the Board a sheet with quotes from various lawn mowing companies.  This will not be acted on until the February 2011 meeting.  Jesse also informed the Board that 90% of the shingles on the Memorial Hall are cracked and they are pursuing a refund from CertainTeed for the cost of the shingles and labor.


            Gary Leichtman told the Board that he has distributed bilingual parking warning notices and it seems to have helped keep cars off the Village streets during the winter months so far.


            Larry Gotham, engineer with Morgan and Parmley LTD., was present to update the Board on the state of South Front St.  and the Waste Water Treatment Plant projects.  He said that Rural Development has been slow but Dorchester is first in line for the first wave of 2011 construction.  After considerable discussion, a motion was made by Ingersoll, seconded by Rau to continue with Rural Development for funding of the South Front St. and Waste Water Treatment Plant projects.  Motion carried.


            Kirk Skoog of MSA Professional Services came before the Board to discuss amending the TID and implementing a Capital Improvement Plan.  After Mr. Skoog answered the Board’s questions regarding the TID and projects that could be funded, a motion was made by Hunsader, seconded by Dunlap to amend the TID and implement a Capital Improvement Plan.  Motion carried.


            Mark Brosseau spoke to the Board about the siren in the Village that goes off at noon every day.  Mr. Brosseau said that he didn’t feel it was necessary to blow the whistle every day at noon. Rick Rinehart, the Village’s Fire Chief said that the Fire Dept. felt that blowing the noon siren was necessary to test it because it was the back up for the Fire Dept in case the pagers went down.  Jose Serrano stated that it is really hard for shift workers who get woken up after 4 hours of sleep and that blowing the siren at 3 p.m. would be a better option.  Sarah Serrano, who works in Taylor County as a dispatcher, said that Taylor County only tests their sirens once a week and that if a siren is going to fail it will fail regardless.  Pres. Hunsader read a letter from Bonnie Wachsmuth, the Village’s attorney, which read that The Village owns the siren but has not already established its operation in a motion or an ordinance; the Village may do so now.  Moved by Hunsader, seconded by Ingersoll to rescind the motion made at the November 3rd meeting to have the siren blow at 3:00 p.m. on a trial basis.  John Staab, who is a member of the Fire Dept., stated that someone who  put their child down for a nap might have the child wake up if the whistle blows at 3 p.m.  After much discussion on both sides of the issue, a motion was made by Krause to move the siren up to 3:00 p.m. but it died for lack of a second.  Another motion was made by Ingersoll, seconded by Rau to keep the siren at noon and to test it daily.  Motion carried.  Krause abstained.


            Tim and Paula Baker came before the Board to tell the Board of the sewer backing up into their basement on Sept. 24th, 2010.  Tim stated that 5 inches of sewage backed up in to the basement of their home and caused $27,190 in damage.  The Bakers insurance covered $21,000 of the damage but they have $6,190.00 remaining.  They felt that since it wasn’t their sewage that backed up into the basement the Village should pay the remaining balance of the damages done.  Pres. Hunsader stated that about 10 years ago Clerk Robida sent out a letter to all residents living on the South end of the Village that they should have stop valve put onto their basement drains to prevent a problem like this.  This letter also stated that the Village would not be liable for such damage.  Dean Faude said that a neighbor on Baker’s street had the same problem some time ago and put a stop valve in and did not collect any monies from the Village.  Pres. Hunsader also said if the sewage line going out from the house was damaged it was the property owners liability.  Paula Baker explained that it was not their sewage but everyone else’s.  Pres. Hunsader and the Board said that they would contact the Village’s insurance company.  The Bakers thanked the Board for their time.


            Al Bach, from the Midnight Riders Snowmobile Club, presented the 2010-2011 snowmobile trail for the Village of Dorchester for approval by the Board.  Al said the trail would not cross CTH A to the north side of the Village and keeps a path from Bob’s Dairy Supply to Boozers Bar and Grill to the C-Store along E. 1st Avenue.  Moved by Rau, seconded by Ingersoll to approve the 2010-2011 snowmobile trail for the Village of Dorchester.  Motion carried.


            Pres. Hunsader reported on the bid opening held at the Clerk’s office at 10:00 a.m. on Dec. 1st, 2010 for the Dorchester Park Dam project.  He stated that the low bid was from Badger Environmental & Earthworks Inc. out of Westby, WI.  After some discussion, a motion was made by Dunlap, seconded by Hunsader to award the Dorchester Park Dam Project to Badger Environmental & Earthworks Inc.  Motion carried.


            On motion by Hunsader, seconded by Rau a building permit application was approved to Dennis & Kate Reynolds to replace 9 windows and 1 patio door for $13,000.  Motion carried.


            The Deputy Clerk reminded those up for re-election who choose not to run must file a Noncandidacy Form with the Clerk in December. 


            Pres. Hunsader stated that Caucus is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. on January 19th, 2011 at the Village Hall.


            Moved by Rau, seconded by Dunlap to approve the 2011 Application for Mobile Home Park License renewal for James Melvin.  Motion carried.


            Wages of the Board Trustees and Village President were discussed.  Pres. Hunsader said Dorchester is in line with other Villages in the area with President and Trustee wages.  Trustee Krause suggested $8.00 an hour plus mileage for out of town meetings or committee meetings, for example the UCCC meetings or a Police or Employee Commission meeting.  Moved by Krause, seconded by Ingersoll for the Trustees and Village President to be paid $8.00 per hour plus, mileage for meetings other than Board Meetings.  Motion carried.


            Deputy Clerk Cook reported that the Village received the Quarterly Franchise Fee  check from Charter Communications in the amount of $806.78. 


            Trustee Krause discussed the progress on the Village website.  He showed the Board a rough copy of what the website will look like and what it will contain.  He said it will contain information on Village government, Agenda and Minutes, Forms and Permits, etc.


            George Smith spoke to the Board about the cost of the of the repairs on the Memorial Hall.  He stated the taxpayers should know the cost.  Pres. Hunsader said the cost was so much because no money was put into the Hall for such a long time.  Smith also said that on Halloween there was manure on County Trunk A and that children had to walk around it to cross the highway.  He was also concerned about the wear and tear on the roads of the Village.  He suggested that maybe the Village should have an ordinance or resolution regarding where tractor-trailer and farm equipment could travel.


            Moved by Dunlap, seconded by Hunsader to adjourn the meeting.  Motion carried.  Time adjourned 9:16 p.m.


            The Board then enjoyed a sausage and cheese tray provided by Morgan and Parmley of Ladysmith.





                                                                        Kathy Cook

                                                                        Deputy Clerk

































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