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Selected Meeting Agendas
Village Board Meeting
May 01, 2013
PDF Version: 29173_2013-May-01_Village Board Meeting.pdf



Village of Dorchester Finance Committee Meeting

Date: Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Time: 6:30 pm

Venue: Clerk’s office

228 W. Washington Ave., Dorchester


1. Call meeting to order.

2. Roll Call

3. Discussion and action on the bills and vouchers.

4. Motion to Adjourn.

Sue Hanson

Village Deputy Clerk-Treasurer

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Clerk’s Office, 228 W. Washington Ave., Dorchester WI

Wednesday, May 1, 2013 7:00 PM


1. Call meeting to order.

2. Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Roll Call.

4. Review and approve minutes of the April 16, 2013 Organizational Meeting, and April 10, April 16 and April 18, 2013 Village Board Meetings. (doc 1A-D)

5. Review and approve April 2013 Audit Report and Receive May 2013 Audit Report from Village Clerk-Treasurer. (doc 2)

6. Public Input.

7. Discuss and possible action on 356 W. Center Ave property. (doc 3)

8. Discuss and possible action on 250 S. 4th Street property. (doc 3)

9. Discuss and possible action on Rural Street Construction preliminary Project Cost Estimate from MSA dated April 4, 2013 for $64,160.00. (doc 4)

10. Discuss and possible action on updates on Road Agreement between the Village of Dorchester and DMP Real Estate, LLC. (doc 5)

11. Discuss and possible action on street lights including the Industrial Park. (doc 6)

12. Discuss and possible action on regulations or ordinance about rabbits. (doc 7A&B)

13. Discuss and possible action on unlicensed and disabled vehicles, trailers and equipment, reference Ordinance # 136-A, passed June 7, 1970. (doc 8)

14. Dean Faude and Jesse Rieck’s monthly reports.

15. Discuss and possible action on Lawn Mower purchase. (doc 9)

16. Rick Golz’s monthly report.

17. Police Chief Gary Leichtman’s monthly report.

18. Discuss and possible action on Police Committee member.

19. Discuss and possible action on Police Committee recommendations including Dorchester Days additional security assistance from other departments.

20. Discuss and possible action on village computers, printers, data backup, networking, internet, email, web page. (doc 10)

21. Discuss and possible action on Ordinance No. 199, Well Abandonment Ordinance. (doc 11A & B)

22. Discuss and possible action on Building Permit application from Randy Younker – address: 403 N 4th Street, approved by Zoning Administrator, Jim Jantsch. (doc 12)

23. Discuss and approve Resolution No. 256-B A Resolution by the Village President and the Village Board for the Village of Dorchester, Authorizing those persons named therein to exercise fiduciary responsibility at Advantage Community Bank. (doc 13)

24. Discuss and approve Operator License application for License to Serve Fermented Malt Beverages and Intoxicating Liquors for Ronald Robida. (doc 14)

25. Discuss and approve hiring of seasonal Village employees.

26. Discuss and possible action on Capital Improvement Plan updates. (doc 15)

27. Discuss and possible action on Memorial Hall Lease. (doc 16)

28. Discuss and possible action on Water Rate increase. (doc 17A-C)

29. Discuss and possible action on TIF allocations.

30. Discuss and possible action on Weed Notice/Ordinance No. 158. (doc 18)

31. Discuss and approve Emergency Response Plan for the Village of Dorchester. (doc 19)

32. Discuss and possible action on date of next Board meeting.

33. Adjournment.

Sue Hanson

Deputy Clerk-Treasurer

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