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Village Board Meeting and Public Hearing
Jan 09, 2013
PDF Version: 26346_2013-Jan-09_Village Board Meeting and Public Hearing.pdf



Village of Dorchester Finance Committee Meeting

Date: Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Time: 6:30 pm

Venue: Clerk’s office

228 W. Washington Ave., Dorchester


1. Call to order.

2. Roll Call

3. Discussion and action on the bills and vouchers.

4. Motion to Adjourn.

Sue Hanson

Village Deputy Clerk-Treasurer




Clerk’s Office, 228 W. Washington Ave., Dorchester WI

Wednesday, January 9, 2013 6:45 PM


1. Call meeting to order.

2. Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Roll Call.

PUBLIC HEARING regarding the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. (Sign-In Sheet at the Clerk’s Office Counter)

A. Identification of total potential funds.

B. Eligible CDBG activities:

a. Economic Development.

b. Public Facilities.

c. Public Facilities for Economic Development.

d. Housing Assistance

e. Emergency Assistance

C. Presentation of identified housing and community development needs.

D. Identification of housing and community development needs by the public.

E. Presentation of activities proposed for CDBG-PF applications.

F. Identification of potential residential displacement.

G. Citizen input regarding proposed and other CDBG-PF activities.

4. Discuss and possible action on CDBG Activities:

A. Economic Development.

B. Public Facilities.

C. Public Facilities for Economic Development.

D. Housing Assistance.

E. Emergency Assistance.

5. Discuss and possible action on housing and community development needs by the public.

6. Discuss and approve the Professional Services Agreement with MSA to prepare the CDBG applications. (doc 1)

7. Discuss and possible action on residential displacement.

8. Review and approve minutes of the December 5, 2012 and December 19, 2013 Village Board Meetings. (docs 2 & 3)

9. Review and approve December 2012 Audit Report and Receive January 2013 Audit Report from Village Clerk-Treasurer. (doc 4 )

10. Discuss and approve Operator’s License Application by Mariah Marcella Venzke at Heartland C-Store. (doc 5a&b)

11. Public Input.

12. Dean Faude and Jesse Rieck’s monthly reports.

13. Discuss and possible action on purchase of Toolbox Side Mount from Northern Tool in the amount of $699.99 + $103.08 shipping & handling. (doc 6)

14. Rick Golz’s monthly report.

15. Discuss and possible action on Dorchester Water Utility Deficit.

16. Discuss and possible action on Utility Services Co., Inc. billing and contract. (doc 7a&b)

17. Chief Gary Leichtman’s monthly report.

18. Discuss and possible action on employee clothing allowances. (doc 8)

19. Discuss and possible action on road agreement between Village of Dorchester and DMP Real Estate/DMP, LLC. (doc 9)

20. Discuss and possible action Building Permit Applications from DMP Real Estate, address 709 W. Center Avenue, Dorchester, WI 54425 (doc 10)


21. Discuss and possible action on Memorial Hall Lease. (doc 11 )

22. Discuss and possible action on amendment to Ordinance 165: an Ordinance Regulating Full-Time Employee Residency. (doc 12)

23. Trustee Koncel to discuss schedule of Village Hall events, rental fees and deposit, cleaning schedule and security of the Village Hall and its contents. (doc 13)

24. Discuss and possible action regarding schedule of events, rental fees and deposit, cleaning schedule and security of the Village Hall and its contents. (doc 13)

25. Discuss and possible action of fixtures, appliances, and repairs to public buildings and grounds. (doc 14)

26. Discuss and possible action on Employees’ Health Insurance.

27. Discuss with Chief of Police Leichtman and Trustee Koncel, and possible action regarding Dog Ordinance No. 101-2 and leash law per Section 95.21(3) Wis. Stats. (docs 15a&b)

28. Discuss and possible action on snowmobile routes and noise in town.

29. Discuss and possible action regarding putting the 1956 fire truck up for sale for $1,000.00.

30. Discuss and possible action regarding changes on Board Trustees and Committees compensation. (doc 16)

31. Closed Session per Section 19.85 (1)(g) Wis. Stats: Conferring with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which it is or likely to become involved. Purpose: Discussion regarding Dorchester Dam repairs and pending litigation involving the Dorchester Dam project.

32. Motion to convene into closed session.

33. Motion to invite non-board members whose presence are necessary for the business at hand during the Closed Session.

34. Roll call.


35. Reconvene to Open Session.

36. Discuss and possible action on Dorchester Dam repairs.

A. Staab Construction bill(s).

B. Tirry Engineering Bill(s). (docs 17a,b&c)

C. Badger Environmental and Earthworks

D. Legal Actions and authorizations.

E. Other possible repairs.

37. Discuss and possible action on Dorchester Dam project.

A. Great Lakes Marine.

B. Badger Environmental & Earthworks.

C. Other actions with Dorchester Dam project.

38. Discuss and possible action on date of next Board meeting.


1. Omega Valley Farmers, LLC Ribbon Cutting and Grand Opening will be held on January 10, 2013 (Thursday) at 11:00 AM at 100 Parkside Drive, Dorchester. (see attached flyer)

2. Caucus for the purpose of nominating candidates for the following offices will be held on January 23, 2013 (Wednesday) at 7:00 PM at the Village Clerk’s Office, located at 228 W Washington Ave., Dorchester, WI. (See attached NOTICE)

3. Spring Election will be held on April 2, 2013 (Tuesday). (See attached NOTICE)

39. Adjournment.


Sue Hanson

Deputy Clerk-Treasurer

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