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Village Board Meeting
Apr 10, 2013
PDF Version: 28576_2013-Apr-10_Village Board Meeting.pdf



Village of Dorchester Finance Committee Meeting

Date: Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Time: 6:30 pm

Venue: Clerk’s office

228 W. Washington Ave., Dorchester


1. Call meeting to order.

2. Roll Call

3. Discussion and action on the bills and vouchers.

4. Motion to Adjourn.

Sue Hanson

Village Deputy Clerk-Treasurer




Clerk’s Office, 228 W. Washington Ave., Dorchester WI

Wednesday, April 10, 2013 7:00 PM


1. Call meeting to order.

2. Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Roll Call. Have Budget in packet after the Agenda for review.

4. Discuss Election Results.

5. Review and approve minutes of the March 13, 2013 Village Board Meeting. (doc 1)

6. Review and approve March 2013 Audit Report and Receive April 2013 Audit Report from Village Deputy Clerk-Treasurer. (doc 2)

7. Public Input.

8. Matt Zoschke, of the Clark Co Land Conservation office, regarding Dorchester Lake.

9. Discuss and possible action on projects for Village parks and community activities. (doc 3)

10. Discuss and possible action on DNR Grant and inspections for the Dam.

11. Discuss and possible action on Ordinance No. 199, Well Abandonment Ordinance. (doc 4)

12. Discuss and possible action on Rural Street Construction preliminary Project Cost Estimate from MSA dated April 4, 2013 for $64,160.00. (doc 5)

13. Discuss and possible action on Pay Application, reference Morgan & Parmley Invoice (unnumbered) dated March 7, 2013 for $5,000.00 regarding Dorchester Wastewater Treatment Facility and Front Street. (doc 6 with attachments)

14. Dean Faude and Jesse Rieck’s monthly reports.

15. Discuss and possible action on Capital Improvement Plan updates. (doc 7)

16. Discuss and possible action on street banners, street signs, flags, informational signs as budgeted for 2013. (doc 8)

17. Discuss and possible action on direct payment to Jakel Plumbing per Invoice # 12212 dated March 12, 2013 in the amount of $533.75 for materials and labor on inoperable building control valve. (doc 9)

18. Rick Golz’s monthly report.

19. Police Chief Gary Leichtman’s monthly report including update of Emergency Management Plan.

20. Discuss and possible action on job descriptions; and police department handbook; commission vs. committee.

21. Discuss and possible action on village computers, printers, data backup, networking, internet, email, web page. (doc 10 and 11)

22. Discuss and possible action on Bob Christensen Services. (doc 12)

23. Discuss and possible action on Building Permit application from Cole Jannene-address: 401 4th Street, Dorchester. (doc 13)

24. Discuss and possible action on Building Permit applications from Industrial Development-addresses as follows:

A. 559 W Center Ave. (doc 14)

B. 574 W Center Ave. (doc 15)


 25. Discuss and possible action on Building Permit application from Terry Recore – address: 119 S Front Street. (doc 16)

26. Discuss and possible action on the Village of Dorchester in completing its Comprehensive Plan. (doc 17)

27. Discuss and possible action on Board of Review Classes. (doc 18)

28. Discuss and possible action on Village-wide Garage Sale dates.

29. Discuss and possible action on date of next Board meeting.

30. Adjournment.

Sue Hanson

Deputy Clerk-Treasurer

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