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Selected Meeting Agendas
Village Board Meeting
Sep 05, 2012






Wednesday, September 5, 2012     6:30 PM      Clerk’s Office, 228 W. Washington Ave.






  1. Call to order.


  1. Roll Call


  1. Discussion and action on the bills and vouchers.


  1. Motion to Adjourn.






Sue Hanson

Deputy Clerk-Treasurer




Wednesday, September 5, 2012    7:00 PM      Clerk’s Office, 228 W. Washington Ave., Dorchester WI




  1. Pledge of Allegiance.
  2. Call meeting to order.
  3. Roll Call.
  4. Public Input
  5. Review and approve minutes of the August 9th Village Board Meeting.  (Doc.#1 )
  6. Review and approve August 2012 Audit Report and Receive September 2012 Audit Report from Village Clerk-Treasurer. (Doc.#  2  )
  7. Approve Building permit from Cornerstone Chapel, 424 E. Center Ave, $14,000.00.  (Doc.# 3  )
  8. Discuss and possible action on St. Peter’s Church request to use fireworks during the group picnic at the Park to be held on Sept. 5, 2013. (Doc.#  4  )
  9. Dean Faude and Jesse Rieck monthly reports.
  10. Discuss and possible action on hiring employee assistance for Public Works Department.
  11. Gary Leichtman Monthly report. (Doc.#   5  )
  12. Police Committee Report.
  13. Discuss and possible action on Police Committee recommendations regarding Dorchester Police Dept.(Doc.#  6 )
  14. Discuss and possible action on Committees and Appointments.
  15.  Discuss and possible action on Preliminary Budget recommendations from different committees.(Doc.#7 )
  16. Larry Gotham of Morgan & Parmley to discuss prices for certain change order upgrades from Steen Construction. (Doc.#8 )
  17. Kirk Skoog or Clem Safranek to discuss CDBG House-to-House Survey.(Doc.#  9  )
  18. Kirk Skoog or Clem Safranek to discuss August 27, 2012 Housing Committee Meeting Report. (Doc.#10 )
  19. Kirk Skoog or Clem Safranek to discuss 2013 MSA Budget and Tax Levy Assistance Proposal.(Doc.#11  )
  20. Discuss and possible action on CDBG House-to-House Survey. (Doc.#  9  )
  21. Discuss and possible action on Housing Committee Meeting Report.(Doc.#  10  )
  22. Discuss and possible action on 2013 MSA Budget and Tax Levy Assistance Proposal.(Doc.#11  )
  23. Discuss and possible action on Village Banner and Informational signs. (Doc.#12    )
  24. Discuss and possible action on a Sale of Village-owned land to Seubert, Inc.  (Doc.#13  )
  25. Discuss and possible action on Memorial Hall improvements, equipment, and repairs.
  26. Discuss and possible action on Memorial Hall Lease. (Doc.#14  )
  27. Discuss and possible action on Dorchester Dam project.(Doc.#15  )
  28. Kurt Schwoch to discuss Employee Committee recommendations regarding: Employee Handbook changes     and Residency requirements. (Doc.#16  )
  29. Discuss and possible actions on Employee Committee recommendations regarding: Employee Handbook changes and Residency requirements.(Doc.#16  )
  30. Discuss and possible action on Clerk Office hours and work schedule for employees.
  31. Closed Session per Section 1985 (1) (c) Wis. Stats:  Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.  Specifically to discuss employment of public employee(s).
  32. Roll call.
  33. Closed Session.
  34. Motion to reconvene to open meeting.
  35. Discuss and possible action on employment of public employee(s).
  36. Adjournment


Sue Hanson

Deputy Clerk-Treasurer

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