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Village Board Meeting
Oct 03, 2012
PDF Version: 24179_2012-Oct-03_Village Board Meeting.pdf



Village of Dorchester Finance Committee Meeting


Date:  Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Time:  6:45 pm


Venue:  Clerk’s office

228 W. Washington Ave., Dorchester




  1. Call to order.


  1. Roll Call


  1. Discussion and action on the bills and vouchers.


  1. Motion to Adjourn.


Sue Hanson

Village Deputy Clerk-Treasurer







Clerk’s Office, 228 W. Washington Ave., Dorchester WI

Wednesday, October 3, 2012    7:00 PM



  1. Pledge of Allegiance.
  2. Call meeting to order.
  3. Roll Call.
  4. Public Input
  5. Review and approve minutes of the September 5thVillage Board Meeting. (doc 1)
  6. Review and approve September 2012 Audit Report and Receive October 2012 Audit Report from Village Clerk-Treasurer. (doc2)
  7. Discussion and possible approval of Operator’s License for Elizabeth Hartl at Point-O-Eight.  (doc 3)
  8. Discuss and possible action on TDS Telecom Address as 115 S 2ndSt., Dorchester, WI 54425, telephone no. (715) 748-4880, with Dave Behnke as representative. (doc 4)
  9. Discuss and possible action on Village of Dorchester listings and Village information in the Medford area TDS directory
  10. Discuss and possible action on Building Permit Applications (doc 5)
  11. Dean Faude and Jesse Rieck monthly reports.
  12. Discuss and possible action on WWTF, Front Street, and public works repairs and projects
  13. Discuss and possible action on street sweeper repairs and sewer line cleaning (doc 6)
  14. Rick Golz monthly report.
  15. Discuss and possible action on Water Treatment Facility exhaust stacks/HVAC system repairs (docs 7[8 pages])
  16. Discuss and possible action on the Cross Connection Control Program (doc 8)
  17. Gary Leichtman Monthly report.
  18. Discuss and possible action on barking dogs in the Village of Dorchester, ref. Ordinance #101.  (doc 9)
  19. Discuss and possible action on Police Committee “Budget Wish List” for the Dorchester Police Dept (doc 10)
  20.  Discuss and possible action on Preliminary Budget recommendations from different village committees. (docs 11)
  21. Discuss and possible action on the Fire Department budget and requests  (doc 12)
  22. Discuss and possible action on the Library Budget and requests  (doc 13)
  23. Discuss and possible action on the WI Valley Library Service Member Library Participation agreement 2013 revision(doc 14)
  24. Discuss and possible action on library board and library site repairs
  25. Discuss and possible action on CDBG House-to-House Income Survey.  
  26. Discuss and possible action regarding a village land purchase and sale of village land to Meyer’s Equipment Mfg (doc 15)
  27. Discuss and possible action on a Sale of Village-owned land to Seubert, Inc.  (doc14)
  28. Discuss and possible action regarding update on Memorial Hall improvements, equipment, repairs, and donations (docs 15)
  29. Discuss and possible action regarding community events.
  30. Discuss and possible action on Memorial Hall Lease. (doc 16)
  31. Closed Session per Section 1985 (1) (c) Wis. Stats:  For the purpose of conferring with legal counsel for the government body with respect to litigation in which it is likely to become involved  Purpose: Discussion regarding Dorchester Dam repairs and pending litigation involving the Dorchester Dam project.
  32. Roll call.
  33. Closed Session.
  34. Motion to reconvene to open meeting.
  35. Discuss and possible action on Dorchester Dam repairs
  36. Discuss and possible action regarding the Dorchester Dam project
  37. Adjournment


Sue Hanson

Deputy Clerk-Treasurer

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