Selected Meeting Agendas
Village Board Meeting
Nov 07, 2012
PDF Version:
24815_2012-Nov-07_Village Board Meeting.pdf
Village of Dorchester Finance Committee Meeting
Date: Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Time: 6:30 pm
Venue: Clerk’s office
228 W. Washington Ave., Dorchester
Call to order.
Roll Call
Discussion and action on the bills and vouchers.
Motion to Adjourn.
Sue Hanson
Village Deputy Clerk-Treasurer
Clerk’s Office, 228 W. Washington Ave., Dorchester WI
Wednesday, November 7, 2012 7 PM
Pledge of Allegiance.
Call meeting to order.
Roll Call.
Closed Session per Wis. Stats., Section 19.85 (1) (c): Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. Specifically to discuss employment of public employee(s).
Roll Call.
Closed Session.
Motion to reconvene to open meeting. ( estimated to be 7:30 PM.)
Discuss and possible action on employees’ reviews, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data.
Discuss and possible action on addition of part-time employee for Water/Sewer Dept.
Discuss and possible action regarding police officer versus Chief of Police position
Public Input
Review and approve minutes of the October 3rd, 2012 Village Board Meeting. (doc 1)
Review and approve October 2012 Audit Report and Receive November 2012 Audit Report from Village Clerk-Treasurer. (doc 2)
Mr. Justin Sornsin of MSA to discuss and present initial 2013 Budget figures. (doc 3)
Discuss and possible action on initial 2013 Preliminary Village Budget.
Discuss and possible action on 2013 budget hearing date.
Discuss and possible action on CDBG House-to-House Income Survey with MSA.(doc 4
Update on 3rd Ave., 4th Ave. and Washington Ave., water loop projects by MSA.
Discuss and possible action on 3rd Ave, 4th Ave, Washington Ave, water loop projects.
Larry Gotham of Morgan Parmley to discuss WWTF and Front Street projects, change orders, and public works projects(5A-5C)
Discuss and possible action on WWTF and Front Street projects, change orders, and public works projects.
Dean Faude and Jesse Rieck’s monthly reports.
Mr. Rick Golz’s monthly report.
Officer Gary Leichtman’s monthly report.
Discuss and possible action regarding a Village land purchase and sale of village land to Meyer’s Equipment Mfg. (doc 6)
Discuss and possible action on a Sale of Village-owned land to Seubert, Inc. Revise motion to be DMP Real Estate, LLC. (doc 7A-7E)
Discuss and possible action on road agreement between Village of Dorchester and DMP, LLC. (doc 8 A-8C)
Discuss and possible action on if and date of Planning Commission Hearing on zoning change request from DMP Real Estate on 709 W. Center Avenue, Dorchester, from R1 to I1 or Agricultural (doc 9)
Discuss and possible action Building Permit Applications from Donald Tessmer, address 412 N. 3RD St., Dorchester WI 54425 (doc 10) and DMP Real Estate, address 709 W. Center Avenue, Dorchester, WI 54425 (docs 11A-11F)
30. Discuss and possible action on Memorial Hall Lease. (doc 12)
31. Discuss and possible action regarding update on Memorial Hall improvements, equipment, repairs, and donations
32. Discuss and possible action regarding community events. Village Christmas Tree in S. Front St/Center Ave corner park,etc.
33. Closed Session per Section 1985 (1) (c) Wis. Stats: For the purpose of conferring with legal counsel for the government body with respect to litigation in which it is likely to become involved Purpose: Discussion regarding Dorchester Dam repairs and pending litigation involving the Dorchester Dam project.
34. Roll call.
35. Closed Session.
36. Motion to reconvene to open meeting.
37. Discuss and possible action on Dorchester Dam repairs.
38. Discuss and possible action on Dorchester Dam project
a. Great Lakes Marine Contracting, Inc.
b. Badger Environmental and Earthworks, Inc.
c. Other
39. Trustee Kurt Schwoch to discuss Employee Committee recommendations on : (docs 13, 14, 15)
a. Lunch hours
b. Mileage reimbursement
c. Employee job descriptions
d. Residency
e. Handbook changes
40. Discuss and possible action on Employee Committee recommendations
41. Closed Session per Wis. Stats., Section 19.85 (1) (c): Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. Specifically to discuss employment of public employee(s).
42. Roll Call
43. Closed Session.
44. Motion to reconvene to open meeting
45. Discuss and possible action on employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee(s)
46. Discuss and possible action regarding adjustment of terms of contract with Village Attorney (doc 16)
47. Discuss and possible action on date of next Board meeting.
48. Adjournment
Sue Hanson
Deputy Clerk-Treasurer
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