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Planning Commission Meeting
Feb 04, 2013
PDF Version: 27019_2013-Feb-04_Planning Commission Meeting.pdf

Village of Dorchester Planning Commission Meeting


Monday, February 4, 2013


Time:  7:00 PM


Venue:  Clerk’s office

228 W. Washington Ave., Dorchester




  1. Call meeting to order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Public Input
  4. Discuss and possible recommendation on the proposals received for Comprehensive Plans and updates.
  5. Discuss and possible recommendations on property address issues and 911 system in the Village.
  6. Discuss and possible recommendations on Highway 13 and Highway 29 sign advertising for the village.
  7. Discuss and possible recommendation on estimate to construct a new road.
  8. Discuss and possible recommendation on the rental of village owned land.
  9. Discuss and possible action Building Permit Applications from DMP Real Estate, address 709 W. Center Avenue, Dorchester, WI 54425. (doc 1)
  10. Closed session per Section 19.85(1)(e) Wis Stats for the purpose of deliberating or negotiating the purchase of public properties, the investing of public funds, or the conduction of the other specified public business, as long as competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session, specifically to discuss business incentives and land sales.


  1.  Motion to convene to closed session
  2.  Motion to invite non-commission members into closed session.


  1.  Reconvene to open session.
  2. Discuss and possible recommendations regarding business incentives and land sales.
  3. Discuss and action on date of next planning commission meeting or meeting schedule.
  4. Adjournment.



Daniel Krause, Village President

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